ATTEMPTING LLM DISSERTATION: WHERE TO START Embarking LLM Dissertation is a steep learning curve. Foremost, one has to deal with ‘research methodology’, a subject warrant an independent study by itself. Second, your supervisor (‘Sv’) who sometimes acted like a ‘zen master’, very little word and it is priceless when he instruct you and you have to come out with the rest of the ‘instruction’. Third, your school preferences, as different level of dissertation required different things and don’t pretend you are writing a PhD research when you are actually dealing with only the LLM. Fourth, your materials, something that I will write about as I move on. THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL (‘RP’) This is the first step that the school require you to submit. Each school has its format, so stick with that. In the RGU, this RP constitute the Chapter-01 of your dissertation. Generally, it requires you to submit the following items for the school’s consideration:
LITERATURE REVIEW (‘LR’) Nobody would jump straight to proposed a title. More importantly is to:
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES (‘A&O’) The ‘area of concerns’ are actually my ‘objectives’. These 4-objectives are my ‘pillars’ to support my ‘research aim’. What is my ‘research-aim’ then? Taking the same act of investigating, I rephrased my aim to also include my objectives as: [T]his research aims to investigate the legal framework and the object of formation of the arbitral appointing body, dispute clause, arbitration rules, the arbitrator’s ethics and professional conduct and the administration of arbitration in the context of construction dispute arbitration in Malaysia taking PAM as a study. RESEARCH TITLE Needless to say, my research title will be called: [I]nvestigation into the legal framework and the object of formation of the arbitral appointing body, dispute clause, arbitration rules, the arbitrator’s ethics and professional conduct and the administration of arbitration in the context of construction dispute arbitration in Malaysia taking PAM as a study. METHODOLOGY The RGU imposed a methodology for Legal Research limited to only ‘doctrinal approach’, meaning qualitative-research based on secondary sources are to be conducted and such ‘doctrinal approach’ forms the basis of limitation in this research.[1] Therefore, the supposing Chapter-03 on Research Methodology is now being irrelevant. ---------------------------------- [1] RGU law School, ‘BSM587 PG Dissertation Handbook 2021-22’ (RGU 2021) p.4: not permitted to undertake any fieldworks or data collection of your own. PROPOSED CHAPTERS Chapters in dissertation are commonly comprise of Introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and outcomes (recommendations).[1] However, in view of the limitation set from the onset by the RGU, the chapters are comprised of Introduction, literature review, discussion and conclusions.[2] Since there is a word-limit set at 15,000 words threshold, all Chapters from Chapter-02 onwards shall contain at least one objective. These chapters are the bed-rocks for the objectives and in return, these objectives are the columns upholding the pediment of the research aims or the title of your research.
------------------------------- [1] All Answers Ltd, 'Writing a Law Dissertation - what is expected?' (, November 2021) <> accessed 1 November 2021. [2] RGU law School, ‘BSM587 PG (Law) Dissertation Guidance Notes’ (RGU 2021) p.7-10.
Objective of this Page:I am contributing to the public information regarding my experience reading law in UK University, in general. These information is for educational purpose only and shall not be taken as an advice be it legal or otherwise. You should seek proper advice to your case with the relevant professionals. The author cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information so provided here. Archives
April 2022