ABSTRACTThis paper is to present the findings employing the modus-operandi of Dialogue-Do-Document (3Ds), as an Architectural Design Pedagogy, with emphasis on using physical model as a basis of architectural production, hereinafter called the Model Based Paradigm (MBP). 3Ds stem from the assumption that a Dialogue: discourse, must first take place to enable the Idea/Intention to be crystalized, a process called Ideation. Translating such into action is an act of Do(ing): fabricating/manufacturing/prototyping. When the act is done, we obtained a product, be it a Play: model/drawings/essays, is collectively called a Production Model. When such is Document(ed), it becomes the seed for future dialogue to take place and this modus-operandi will continue ad-infinitum. An experimental testbed of Design Discourse in Sem-3; began with an architectural installation based on a narration; follow by a site intervention, called the Papan-Transcripts; and concluded by the design of Galleries. Each of these discourses, emphasis is given to Model Based Paradigm as a basis of architectural production; while others draw, we build; confronting function follow form; exploring context versus pretext; employing urban design and transitional spatial organizations. Key findings revealed that employing Model Based Paradigm, the Actors understood; Architectural Semiotics beyond mere representation; Urban Design where every building has its place; architecture solution versus interior/landscape solutions; design strategy of forms dictate spaces; transitional space planning; self and its personas; as in teamwork and the fundamental of design that stems from having fun.
By: Prof Robert Powell & Prof Elias SallehTHE BEGINNING
ARCHITECTURE & EDUCATION FOR TOMORROWUniversally, architectural education has undergone significant changes over the last thirty years in tandem with globalisation, internationalisation and digitalisation. It was the intention of the pioneering PAM conference in August 2018 to uncover initiatives in the local schools of architecture that have responded to these on-going influences. Thus eight contributions are deemed to have addressed possible innovative approaches that have been attempted in the local architectural schools. These include pedagogical and instructional tools, learning tools, design thinking and a theory of studiogogy. Almost sixty years after architectural education was initiated in Malaysia, it would seem most appropriate now to reflect on the state of the art and the way forward for local architectural education, taking into consideration the global and local issues of Sustainable Development Goals that seem to affect every facet of human life. Questions can be asked whether there is sufficient room and willingness to avoid ‘one size fits all’ situation for our local Schools of Architecture? ARCHITECTURE & THE INTERNET OF THINGSModelling, both physical and digital, are important techniques in architectural representation. Five case studies were presented during the 2018 conference that relate to the general theme of how architecture and architectural education respond to the internet of things. Going by the current industrial shift taking place, especially in relation to IR4.0, the architectural profession needs to be sufficiently equipped to keep abreast with these developments. Hence there are expectations that future architects would be able to cope with and participate in the new working environment enriched by the internet of things. PRACTICE AND APPRENTICE
THE FUTURE Schools of Architecture have always fitted somewhat uncomfortably into Universities, torn between training for practice in the manner of the early Technical College and the increasing demand to produce high quality indexed research papers that will elevate their host University in the global rankings. One might speculate on the effect of this on the Design Studio that is at the heart of architectural education?
Numerous articles on architectural education in Malaysia have been published in learned journals but, surprisingly, this appears to be the very first book to be published by Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia or indeed by an academic institution, on this important subject. It is anticipated that more will emerge from a reinvigorated PAM Education Committee. Glimpses into the book The Future of Architectural Education + Practice in Malaysia ... retailed at RM50/copy... published by PAM
Our principal David Yek Tak Wai had delivered a paper on design pedagogy in architectural education in this International Conference late last year organized by PAM. It is now published as a monograph, by Prof Robert Powell, to be launched 2nd Oct 2019 at One Utama... we were glad to be associated with this publication as a gesture to immortalized David's students work from the batch of dekon:4 UCSI in an academic writing for posterity as he has promised to his students... now, fulfilling it! Come and celebrate with us, tomorrow! Attended the maiden book launch today at 1U marking the first publication by PAM on Architectural Education edited by Prof Robert Powell coincides with the exhibition of Students' work across the Schools of Architecture in Malaysia. Photos in B&W to reduce the color pollution...
21 Aug 2019
Dear colleagues Here is an update on the progress of the book The Future of Architectural Education + Practice in Malaysia. The book layout is now with the designer to make final corrections and format adjustments. That will be completed by Friday this week. Several authors responded to our request to read and correct any errors in their text. Some formatting corrections have been made such as the consistent indentation of paragraphs, omission of 'widows' and ' hanging lines' etc. In the Imprint note we have added the usual disclaimer that the content of the chapters is entirely the responsibility of the author(s). We have received quotations from three printers. Unfortunately the cost of printing pages in colour exceeds the PAM budget for the publication. Printing in black and white with the cover in colour is within budget. The book will likely be in black and white unless PAM Education Committee is able to prise more funds from PAM Council. We are hopeful that an ISBN No. will be obtained and PAM Education Committee will be able to instruct the lowest tenderer to proceed before the end of August. Best regards Prof Robert Powell |