Master Ng has been a successful businessman in his own rights. He has successfully brought up his familyand now dwell in Metaphysics to share his elixir of well beings with those who has affinity with him. Although heshuns publicity and lime lights, his audiences had reached far and wide, from Penang to Singapore and Indonesia. He kept his usual business ongoing while hedoubled up his time as a metaphysics consultant in both his home town in Rembau to major City of KL. It is indeed a very rare occasions of seeing Master Ng conducting workshops especially in his favorite pet subject of BaZi, destiny analysis., as he has spent a fortune inresource and time to gain expertise in this area, sometimes with great sacrifices to be made. It is through a series of persuasion and his commitment to groom future practitioners and helping up in the establishment of a local Daoist temple, sees him conducting such a workshop for the benefits of all.
Ar. David Yek, is a practicing Architect and a Chinese Metaphysics Master Consultant. He is a Corporate Member of the Malaysian Institute of Architects and theMalaysian Institute of Interior Designer. He is currently aConsultant Architect for his own private practice under the style ofDavid Yek Architect, Director for Project Affinity Consultancy, providing Project Management under one roof andfounding partner of FengShui QuanYuan, a Boutique Chinese Metaphysics Consultancy. David has a lasting encounter with Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner in his early years of practice, namely collaborating with the establishedGrandmaster Yap ChengHai and opted to pick up the skill by initially studying formally from theAcademy of Chinese Metaphysics, to a level of Diploma. His thirst for the esoteric knowledge has brought him beyond such formal accolades that he seeks tutelage from other masters beyond Singapore, HongKong and Taiwan. His interest has finally brought him to another level that enable him to practice professionally as one of the founding partners of FengShui QuanYuan, which emphasized on results consistency and no nonsense policy. He classifies his approach as ZhongHe or the combinations of the two mainstream schools of thoughts of SanHe and SanYuan.