3D modus operandi:-
Dialogue - Intention
Do - Action
Document – Production
The whole process will therefore repeat itself ad-infinitum in the generation of ideas, events and hopefully, product of architectural significant. The essences of dialogue are the crystallization of ideas and architectural discourse at a theoretical level in amplifying the objectives of a given design vehicle of which studio participants are required to engage in debate, forum, talk-shop, soap-box and other experimental verbal discourse such as songs, poems and others at a subliminal level called INTENTION. Subsequently such intentions are translated into doing such an experiment like crafting, building, drawing, sketching, painting, sculpturing, photo-managing, computing and others as transformation of subliminal forms into something tangible with or without the impact on the school, studio or the society at large almost known as ACTION. The result of these collective works are the document as a substance for further discourses and again at a subliminal level to provide food of creativity for the future works ad-infinitum named PRODUCTION of portfolios.
All participants are requested to perform at both individual and in groups of which they will be graded at both counts as collectively and individually. All group must have the following characteristic of Group Name & Logo, Project Manager and Crews, Philosophies, Identities
These groups are assigned with a certain task to be completed within the group members and are subject to inter-group competitions, business arrangement and joint-studios. The assignments are classified under the following categories of Major Project (Mj), Minor Project (Mi), News Letter (N) to be carried out both individually (I) or collectively (g) and be graded evenly. Therefore, failure to execute on one category may effect the grade of other category.
Major projects are projects to be carried out for the whole semester of which to be graded at the end of the semester and these projects must contained therewith the following conditions of Urban analysis or Site planning (group works), Full scale 1:500 site model (g), 6 A1 fully mounted site investigation drawings (g), 6 A1 fully mounted urban design approach drawings (g), Full scale 1:500 massing model (g), A3 Planning & Urban Design Reports (g)
Construction of the Brief (individual works), The Themes (I), The Allocated Functions (I), The Objectives (I), The Strategies (I)
Dialogue - Intention
Do - Action
Document – Production
The whole process will therefore repeat itself ad-infinitum in the generation of ideas, events and hopefully, product of architectural significant. The essences of dialogue are the crystallization of ideas and architectural discourse at a theoretical level in amplifying the objectives of a given design vehicle of which studio participants are required to engage in debate, forum, talk-shop, soap-box and other experimental verbal discourse such as songs, poems and others at a subliminal level called INTENTION. Subsequently such intentions are translated into doing such an experiment like crafting, building, drawing, sketching, painting, sculpturing, photo-managing, computing and others as transformation of subliminal forms into something tangible with or without the impact on the school, studio or the society at large almost known as ACTION. The result of these collective works are the document as a substance for further discourses and again at a subliminal level to provide food of creativity for the future works ad-infinitum named PRODUCTION of portfolios.
All participants are requested to perform at both individual and in groups of which they will be graded at both counts as collectively and individually. All group must have the following characteristic of Group Name & Logo, Project Manager and Crews, Philosophies, Identities
These groups are assigned with a certain task to be completed within the group members and are subject to inter-group competitions, business arrangement and joint-studios. The assignments are classified under the following categories of Major Project (Mj), Minor Project (Mi), News Letter (N) to be carried out both individually (I) or collectively (g) and be graded evenly. Therefore, failure to execute on one category may effect the grade of other category.
Major projects are projects to be carried out for the whole semester of which to be graded at the end of the semester and these projects must contained therewith the following conditions of Urban analysis or Site planning (group works), Full scale 1:500 site model (g), 6 A1 fully mounted site investigation drawings (g), 6 A1 fully mounted urban design approach drawings (g), Full scale 1:500 massing model (g), A3 Planning & Urban Design Reports (g)
Construction of the Brief (individual works), The Themes (I), The Allocated Functions (I), The Objectives (I), The Strategies (I)
Architectural Design (individual works)
The Study Model @ 1:100 scale (I), Site Context Model @ 1:100 scale (I), Design Development Sketches in A3 (I), 6 A1 fully mounted Architectural Standard Drawings (I), 3D Drawings (I)
Technical Studies (individual works)
1 A1 Sectional Perspective @ 1:200 scale (I), 2 A1 Sectional Details @ 1:75 scale (I), 4 Construction Detail Model @ 1:1 scale (I)
Final Crit (individual works)
6 A1 fully mounted Architectural Composite Drawings (I), Full scale 1:100 and 1:500 final models (I), Collective works from item 1 to 4 (I)
Minor projects are projects to be carried out for the realization of personal and group potentials toward the contribution in the aspect of the major projects and these projects must contained therewith the following conditions of Group leadership and team players (group works), Roles in group, Logo & Identities, Philosophy, Name, Studio Space Arrangement, Ventures (group works), Weekly Essays (to be reproduce in the Newsletter), Commerz & Sponsorship (marketing of architectural product), Design & City (group works), Active Intervention in KL (hit the city like a Tsunami), The Coffin and its Path (1:1 actual product to fit 1 person), Children Theatre (costume, scripts, stage)
Design Competition (group works), 3 A1 Architectural Composite Drawings (Compete in an architecture idea competition), Design Exhibition & Forums (group works), Presentation of papers (architecture workshop), Public Exhibition (architecture workshop), Others (to be determine later)
The Study Model @ 1:100 scale (I), Site Context Model @ 1:100 scale (I), Design Development Sketches in A3 (I), 6 A1 fully mounted Architectural Standard Drawings (I), 3D Drawings (I)
Technical Studies (individual works)
1 A1 Sectional Perspective @ 1:200 scale (I), 2 A1 Sectional Details @ 1:75 scale (I), 4 Construction Detail Model @ 1:1 scale (I)
Final Crit (individual works)
6 A1 fully mounted Architectural Composite Drawings (I), Full scale 1:100 and 1:500 final models (I), Collective works from item 1 to 4 (I)
Minor projects are projects to be carried out for the realization of personal and group potentials toward the contribution in the aspect of the major projects and these projects must contained therewith the following conditions of Group leadership and team players (group works), Roles in group, Logo & Identities, Philosophy, Name, Studio Space Arrangement, Ventures (group works), Weekly Essays (to be reproduce in the Newsletter), Commerz & Sponsorship (marketing of architectural product), Design & City (group works), Active Intervention in KL (hit the city like a Tsunami), The Coffin and its Path (1:1 actual product to fit 1 person), Children Theatre (costume, scripts, stage)
Design Competition (group works), 3 A1 Architectural Composite Drawings (Compete in an architecture idea competition), Design Exhibition & Forums (group works), Presentation of papers (architecture workshop), Public Exhibition (architecture workshop), Others (to be determine later)
Moderation shall be conducted at the end of the semester by means of Portfolio Evaluation.
Newsletter are projects to be carried out for the documentation of studio performance toward the contribution in the aspect of the major projects and these newsletters must contained therewith the following conditions of Studio Events, Group Events, Essays & Dialogues, Graphics discourses
Graphic Design & Communication
Newsletter shall be circulated within the campus at an appropriate price to generate income for the group. Format A4 B&W minimum 4 pages per issue and 1 issue weekly to be published by each group respectively at a rotational basis. Based on the information given, student to submit the followings of Site Model as an entire studio, Site Investigation (9A1 Board) of the locality to be decided by the group.
Newsletter are projects to be carried out for the documentation of studio performance toward the contribution in the aspect of the major projects and these newsletters must contained therewith the following conditions of Studio Events, Group Events, Essays & Dialogues, Graphics discourses
Graphic Design & Communication
Newsletter shall be circulated within the campus at an appropriate price to generate income for the group. Format A4 B&W minimum 4 pages per issue and 1 issue weekly to be published by each group respectively at a rotational basis. Based on the information given, student to submit the followings of Site Model as an entire studio, Site Investigation (9A1 Board) of the locality to be decided by the group.
Student shall be divided into the respective groups and to submit the followings, A3 Board About Myself, A3 Board About the Group. Based on site analysis, student to submit the followings, Site Massing Model as an entire studio, Revision 1,2,3,4…. Student to submit the followings, Micro-Planning – Determine the Brief Individually & as a group, Idea generation, based on previous student work to produce and submit, The Column, The Mask, The Costume, The Script, The Play/Recital. Based on the above said exercises, student to submit the followings, Detail Model Individually (1:100), Arch. Drawings Individually (9A1 Boards Min)
Based on the above said design, student to submit the followings, Part Detail Model Individually (1:10), Arch. Drawings Consisting of At least 1 Sectional 3D Drawings Individually (9A1 Boards Min). Student to exhibit and presents the followings, All as the above in a presentable manner complete with A3 Brochure Folded with both sides printed to be handed over to the critic as and mat be required. Student to submit the followings, Newsletter to be published by the respective group at a weekly basis – every Thursday & Wednesday (Studio Sem-2), To sell the newsletter to other people. Provide 1 set each to studio master – in full color prior to the date of sale.
Based on the above said design, student to submit the followings, Part Detail Model Individually (1:10), Arch. Drawings Consisting of At least 1 Sectional 3D Drawings Individually (9A1 Boards Min). Student to exhibit and presents the followings, All as the above in a presentable manner complete with A3 Brochure Folded with both sides printed to be handed over to the critic as and mat be required. Student to submit the followings, Newsletter to be published by the respective group at a weekly basis – every Thursday & Wednesday (Studio Sem-2), To sell the newsletter to other people. Provide 1 set each to studio master – in full color prior to the date of sale.