This course is the equilibrium point where theories and applications really meet. The course title "fundamental" is extremely deceptive. It doesn't do justice to the knowledge acquired from the course, especially the divination part which I have never learned before.
Surprisingly, even though the theories behind is really complicated, the application is very straightforward and simple. Thank you so much for conducting such a remarkable class. Can't wait for the "intermediate" course in the field of SanYuan … Rendy (Jakarta) 2020 |
Started 10 years ago when I first read master David's blog, extremely grateful that affinity is timely and I'm able to study under him. The course is comprehensive, covering topics from internal to external audits, to divination. Master David's knowledge in KanYu is incredible, paired together with his dedication and patience in teaching, even for a slow learner like myself is able to understand the sometimes complicated concepts as he will review the course info, add more slides and do recaps to help us understand better. Thanks Master! Looking forward to continue learning from you. :) Best Regards, Jimmy (Singapore) 2020 |
There is a lot of knowledge in this course that is unavailable in the market. It fills the gap between theory and how to apply fengshui in real life situations. Indeed the theory is rather complicated but the application is straightforward. I think anyone who is inspired to learn fengshui should enroll in this course ! Ferdian Cahyadi (Jakarta) 2020 |
To grasp Feng Shui, you need the guidance of a master....
I've been an ardent reader of David's blog and it's a treasure trove. It shapes the Feng Shui backbone and framework that i used for my self reasearch. The provocative nature of his writing, the questions raised is the focal point. Topic that is seemingly fundamental in nature, surprisingly I do not get a definite answer no matter how high and low I've seeked. These are foundation knowledge that if you got it wrong and applied to your rocket science formula will yield you nothing. Rubbish in rubbish out. I finally come to reliasation that the crème de la crème will only be departed to you after you pay up your school fees and contacted David seeking his tutoring. What I've learnt is the key to unlock the answers of the questions raised on articles he wrote in his blog and the quizzes he threw in FB. The seemingly fundamentals yet extremely elusive that not many teacher are willing to part or some may not even has a full grasp on. The theoretical part is mind boggling and the questions he threw comes from real audit case scenarios. The practical is where you'll know how deep is your comprehension of the past day lesson. You will be brought not only to visit the highly seeked "Dragon Spot" but also asked to practice what you learned by doing site selection on real property development using real landform. Strictly no virtual walk the dragon through the lenses on the projector. To conclude, now I know why it is always LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION but to be more specific is should be LANDFORM, LANDFORM, LANDFORM with the "secret sauce" of Qi Flow. It's a wonderful experience with David's knowledge and humor as well as Patrick's hospitality. When I first asked about the price, it was pricey but now that I've learnt, it is priceless. Alex Goh (Kuala Lumpur) 2019 |
We are very grateful for the knowledge we acquired during the 4 days of our Feng Shui course.
It is not only about the totally new theoretical and practical information we learned, about Qi mapping, 8 Mansions real formula, Naked eye method, etc, that will help us to apply FengShui from another perspective with better results but we also learned the spiritual side and way to conduct ourselves as practitioners, how to protect ourselves, what we can do and what we can not do in an audit. But the most useful part was the practice we did on-site, a lot of cases studied on the field, showing us a lot of tips and tricks of FengShui application, application that is very easy in comparison with the theory. Thanks again for the amazing theoretical and practical knowledge you shared with us, and we will definitely come back for another course. Marius Ungureanu & Adrian Sebe (Romania) 2019 |
I am an old westerner who did not mind flying over half of our planet to learn things that he did not understand and even doubted to really exist! In other words, I am a student with Master David.
When I first met him, we were both believing we were studying San He at the highest level under the tutelage of a very smart and efficient master. Back home, while I was painstakingly trying to digest that very specific brand of Chinese cooking, David worked hard, took off and started bursting all the nicely blown up FengShui bubbles that were flourishing around. And through hard working, researching and challenging what he was taught, he quickly gained mastery of the art. I nevertheless kept in contact because I liked the way he was boldly piercing any fake FengShui bubble he could poke. ( Core lesson of the art of making friends by Dale Carnegie) Usually, in FengShui manuals, there is a lot of hype about "formulas"; they are reputed to belong to mathematics but actually, almost everybody hope they act like magic spells. Well one could always boast that shovels are sophisticated agricultural engineering devices. Formulas I had stumbled upon some of them in my youth, in the like of equations describing the way to send a rocket on orbit. This is absolutely useless in FengShui! The core of most formulas is that if you are yang, turn three times right and run straight to the spot, if you are female turn two times left and gently land on the spot. As far as i know, still say nothing about transgenders! I also played a little with quantic equations. I will not go further , just would like to tell you that invisible elusive electrons may be alike Qi elementary particles and as difficult to trap. So taking for granted that one can follow them and even come close to "facial recognition" of their properties by the mean of a LuoPan is quite mind boggling for a westerner. And it is, roughly, what Master David expects from you, while not forgetting turning three times right if you are a male, two times left if female... a.s.o. Yes I call him Master David, for after I knocked at his door for a few years, he thought he was ready to take me as a guinea pig and could endure the abysmal ignorance one can expect from long noses. So I went back to K.L. to learn integrated FengShui, with the guarantee that, as an old westerner and customer, I would be spared the traditional Chinese treatment, meaning being called rotten turnip or brainless carrot if not able to count swiftly and unnoticed the 60 positions traditionally taken by TianGan and DiZhi in their sexual relationships. Or turning the wrong way, right or left if I am Yin or if my spot happens to turn Yang. I must say that Master David's course, though given in English, often seemed untranslated from Chinese to me. Having seen several times the Clint Eastwood movie " the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, i was not at loss when i felt sometimes like in the cemetery scene, in the bad's clothes, asking where the treasure was and just being handed a shovel loaded with questions by Master Clint, and being ordered DIG! If you haven't see this movie, you may think of the first encounter between Jackie Chan and Siu TienYuen in the first Drunken Master ( 1978) movie! The experimental part of course was quite something. I thought I could go back to hotel after six, and peacefully do my day load of home work while sipping cocktails, but instead I had to hang here and there with my LuoPan, often as far as Penang and as late as 01:00 in the morning and still expected to arrive at 10:00 and speedily go through the intricacies of the various dances of late Great Grand Master Yang YunSong's Merry Dragon's Choir on the door mats of our future customers. At the end of the 5 days I was, at my great surprise, able to properly track a star borne Trigram, with his pet Qi, from main gate to the house's master's bed, (which was the sole place I wanted to go at the end of the day). And that water does not always originate from taps but usually obeys to gravity. This is nevertheless a lot more than what long noses can usually expect from 99% of FengShui courses on the market. Ten years later, I still have to review my text book quite often, and I am too old now to hope that one day I will master the nimble finger count of all the positions the sixty sexy duets can take. Mind you, I still consider Master David's teachings and papers as the perfect diet for brains who want to get slim for the summer holidays - Do neurons can sweat ? YES! Strangely enough, it seems some of his teachings must have gone in unnoticed, for the people who dare to ask me to audit their houses or offices find themselves quite glad and well with what I suggest. But as I am a bad student, the pride should go to Master David Steve Powell (2009) France |
Studying Zi Ping Ba Zi with Master Ng
I have been gifted with the privilege of studying Zi Ping Ba Zi with Master Ng Chek Chiam , an associate of Master David Yek . His teaching was as close to the tradition as a westerner could be admitted to, for I had the honor of staying in Master Ng 's house during the course. Being so immersed was a heaven's gift in a way and a challenge in another way. The challenge was first to behave as a proper guest: during my first trip in Malaysia , I stayed in an international hotel in Kuala Lumpur, very comfortable but watered down to international way of life. Having worked with westerners, Master Ng was aware of their oddities but it must have been a challenge to have one at home for a week. So I did my best to behave properly. The other challenge was to be a good student. Truly I was not acquainted at all with all the arts mingling destiny analysis and probable outcomes lying in one's future! Even western astrology was completely unknown to me. So I felt sometimes like a freshly caught seal, given to a circus to learn to juggle with balls , one at time on the tip of my nose ( which fortunately is long enough to catch astray balls), one at a time, while the master has a dozen easily swirling around ! So had first to get rid of the conception of Greek destiny stating that all is written and that it is useless to try to change: your life unravels as surely as planets orbits around the earth. Meanwhile, in the east, a Ba Zi chart is more like a weather map you have to understand to get the best out of your life path. That kind of very basic conceptual difference between the east and the west is what creates difficulties for westerners to understand the basic principles of Chinese metaphysics: it takes time and an open mind for different civilizations to understand that what is an obvious evidence for you might not be so for others. I was a bit acquainted with the basic grammar and vocabulary : TianGan and DiZhi, and WuXing, so if I was quite clumsy and illiterates in Ba Zi, though I had surfed English speaking websites, and BaZi English books, I nevertheless had bits enough not to put me completely ashamed and despair my master. And fortunately, as I was older than him, he felt he could not beat me or have me wash the floor like what usually happens to poor students in kungfu movies! On the contrary , master Ng was very patient and I have been very well treated. Though he showed his uncanny talent to disclose the patterns woven by stars in one's BaZi chart, sometimes leaving me speechless with admiration, master Ng always took the necessary time to explain me how elements were interacting and transforming to reveal the hidden potentials of a chart, or its hidden obstacles. I guess he sometimes thought he was reeducating a cripple... With master Ng, I have understood BaZi workings that not a thousand books would have given me. Since then, I have my course notes at hand and always use them. I discovered, back in France, that people are happy with the mac pillars, and their year animal and apart from a few, not interested or willing to understand the subtleties of BaZi, so I use master Ng's teaching with my FengShui practice and it is of primary importance. I sometimes come by people pretending to know Ba Zi, but when I listen to them , in most cases, I find they do not understand the basics or the dynamics. And each time I feel grateful that I do, for I have been gifted with master Ng's teachings. For 15 years , I have been reading a lot of things about fengshui, heard some westerners boast about having being taught the only true methods , but not behaving as one would expect then, and finally thinking I have fared better - considering what my customers return - with Master David & Master Ng's teachings. Steve Powell (2009) France |
Hi all, here's my concise review of my learning session with the teacher master David. Hope it is of acceptable usefulness 😅
I am not generally a person who like to travel distances, nor do I usually trust a random stranger to teach me stuff that cannot even be scientifically verified e.g. u got it, FengShui. In fact I didn't even start off liking my teacher. I've been a student of various very different disciplines, and currently as a teacher myself, I've seen my fair share of bad teachers myself. One common thing though, is politics. My teachers often have agendas, which is really fine and normal, but the students are used as weapons against other teachers, sometimes to the detriment of the student's learning. So in this world of FengShui masters where many are simply fly-by-night students who think they've learn everything cos that's all they are taught, I'm just naturally skeptical. But something made me eventually take the plunge to learn from teacher, and even pay a fair sum for it. And the rest they say, is history. I arrived at the designated JB hotel, and the next day was rather exciting. Pretty satisfied with the new knowledge. Best thing is it actually made some sense to me, possibly simply cos teacher knows what type of analogy buys over my mind. Doesn't matter. I bought it, and it remains the deepest impression (nice way to say only impression), Qi flow. Cause and effect. Simple when u are enlightened to it. That night I worked Over Time to absorb the info, came out with hypothetical scenarios to try to sieve out minor details (like how u learn science). Turns out, next day was a mixed bag. My questions are at times too fine, and teacher was probably finding it frustrating to answer very specific cases. I kind of see why. Know the general structure first, before the details can make sense. Otherwise, details at best distract, at worse, mislead. Same thing in studying my subject Physics actually. So I kind of backed off a little. It's not like I'm being withheld information anyway. In fact I'm being filled with more info than I can digest, especially when it comes to formula. I didn't memorize much formula before I embarked on the trip, and the inability to recite the basic stuff did hinder me. I was the lazy type who refers to tables. So bad day for me on second day, I struggled. Then perhaps with some realization from teacher of my struggle, third day I was told that formula wise, the stuff from day 2 were not precise anyway. There's more fundamental structure that led to the formula I was taught in day 2. The lazy bum in me rejoiced, kinda, mainly cos of the lazy part. My gut feel from day 3 is that the formula part, using the generally half baked online Flying Stars method as analogy, are just specific methods that can be applied under preset boundary conditions. So whilst it is useful for sure, it might not be the real real real thing. I must qualify here with a Physics example. It's like you are taught kinematics that ignored air resistance and using g = 9.81. First, real life comes with air resistance, and although it generally works, get too trusting using it and one day, maybe when you are at the wrong place (g not equal 9.81), wrong time (windy), your ideal kinematics formula doesn't work anymore. Could even be by a large margin. Because the real thing could be a more universal, unified law, say the vector resultant arising from laws of gravitation? Well this is what went on in my lazy mind anyway. Precision (basic unit of angle used) and accuracy (specific vs universal principles) are not there, that's why learning that is not crucial. Not saying it's true by the way, just saying that's the lame excuse my lazy brain came out with to ignore the formula method. Anyway day 3 was mostly practical, went out to use what was taught in real life. reinforced my lazy thought. When choosing a location to purchase, how specialized must you be to be able to quickly use the correct formula to calculate? I am definitely not that level. Qi mapping looks ideal for these endeavors. Fast to track, and it's the basic anyway. No proper Qi to flow and formula cannot work anyway. And that's what my lazy student's brain gathered from a knowledgeable teacher anyway. Under performed. True. But I really believe in the crap in my brain about the formula part. Need formula urgently? Easier to go invite/consult/hire teacher to do a clearer job for you. Yourself, just make sure survey the area Qi properly first as first cut. By now, it's quite clear I'm not a very good student. Plus I procrastinated doing my 100 cases despite going around to "poke my nose". So no homework to show teacher either. Worse of all, with the most part of formula forgotten (need revise the huge book), whatever homework I can offer will not be including formula based on the LuoPan anyway. Quite embarrassing, after learning can forgot. Don't dare to be embarrassed and hand up half past six homework. So this ends my write up of my lesson time with teacher. Every bad story has a purpose. Use mine as example to be more prepared and steady when meeting teacher for lesson. Student skillful or not need a large part to come from the student also, not just teacher. I'll end my story telling now. Apologies for the mild disappointment. When I can, I'll pick up the book and reread the formula part with my notes. 😬 Ivan Sum (Singapore) 2017 |
Deep gratitude and a big thank you to Quan Yuan, it was really an eye opener for me. I had some knowledge on San He before this but I never really put it into practice. Now that I understand more on this, it changed my perspective totally and I can’t wait to put every piece of information together and start practicing. Overall, I find this class is very informative; I gain more knowledge. Appreciate your patient, kind effort and time to make this happen.
Regards Jayson Ho (KL) 2019 深深的感謝,非常感謝泉緣,這對我來說真的是一個大開眼界。 在此之前我對三合有一些了解,但我從未真正將其付諸實踐。 現在我對此有了更多的了解,它完全改變了我的觀點,我迫不及待地將每一條信息放在一起並開始練習。總的來說,我發現這門課程內容非常豐富; 我獲得了更多的知識。 感謝您的耐心,善意的努力和時間來實現這一目標。 問候 何祺汉 (2019) |
杨公易数顾问 ”戒律有三“
During the first 3 days of Chinese New Year, there are a lot of Walk-In guests. So much so that the hotel has to turn away some of them. Great, keep up the momentum. Le Hotel Chinatown is a newly refurbished hotel from a previous run downed hotel. Within 2 months operation, it has achieved an occupancy close to 70% in December 2010 which is quite phenomenal.
Micheal Chang (2010)
Dear Master David,
Thank you so much for conducting the feng shui class over the past week! It was definitely an eye opening lesson for me to learn from your good self. The knowledge that I learn from Master David was very insightful and different from others on the subject of Feng Shui. Master David was very focus and delivered the most important and essential substances of the subject without beating around the bushes. During our course, Master David covered both theories and practical part of Feng Shui. The practical part is very important and necessary because the core study of Feng Shui lies in the practical and application part. No amount of theories can cover what is learn from the practical lessons conducted by Master David. Master David has definitely covered this well and thorough. The theoretical lesson from Master David was also astounding, you would just have to see it to believe! I strongly recommend Master David if you have the interest to learn the true essence of Feng Shui. Alfred (2019) |
Firstly, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Master Yek for conducting this class. It has been a very informative and eye-opening class that is full of surprises. Master Yek, has been very understanding and patient in explaining various topics in details as well as clearing up doubts in me. Who would have thought that, there are extra "dimensions" to the commonly known "FengShui", more than the known aspects of "Landform" and "Formula"? I sincerely appreciate the style of teaching and communication in the sense of "straight-to-the-point" and not beating around the bush. Master Yek, has also disclosed new interesting perspectives on how to approach several topics in FengShui too; Most of these good stuff, are not easily found out there... The class provides a good background history concerning FengShui, especially on the 2 schools of SanYuan, SanHe and more... Then, moving on to build the fundamentals in FengShui and explaining in details, on what is workable as well as the rationale and logic behind the theories. I enjoyed attending this class and have no regrets. I sincerely hope I have the opportunity to pursue this much further as well as willingly helping those that has affinity along the way. Once again, thank you very much for your time, effort and patience, Master Yek!
Ma JiaYang (2017 Singapore) |
首先,我要感谢易大师进行这个课程。这是一个开眼和非常丰富的课程,充满了惊喜。易大师,在详细解释各种话题,以及清除我的疑惑方面,都非常理解和耐心。谁会想到,众所周知的“风水”还有更多的“空间”,比“地形”和“理气”的已知方面还要多?我衷心感谢“直接”的教学和交流方式,而不是逗逗转转。易大师也透露了一些关于如何在风水中讨论几个话题的新观点。大多数这些好东西,不容易找到...班级提供丰水的背景资料,特别是三元,三合等二所学校的背景资料... 然后,在风水学的基础上进行详细的讲解,介绍什么是可行的,什么是风水学背后的逻辑理论。我喜欢参加这个课,并没有遗憾。我真诚地希望我有机会进一步追求这一点,乐意帮助这些有缘人。易大师,再一次感谢您的时间,精力和耐心!
骏家杨 |
Recently took a FengShui course by David Yek of Yifengshui. To my surprise the course is full of 'meat' and very practical. No nonsense or story telling, only FengShui. Although it is a entry level but still full of information for someone who being searching and learning for 10 over years. Amazing. Thanks for your effort. Can't wait for the next course!
XuanKong FengShui (2017 Malaysia)
近日,易風水採取風水課程。 令我吃驚的是,這個課程充滿了“肉”,非常實用。 沒有無味或故事講,只有風水。 雖然這是一個入門級,但仍然充滿了對於多年來一直在尋找和學習10年的人的信息。 驚人。 謝謝你的努力。 不能等待下一個課程!
Hello David, I hope this finds you well. I am Kelvin from Singapore. I am sure you remember my wife and I, you did a FengShui audit of our HDB flat. Hope you and Master Ng are well. I am glad to tell you that my wife and I are very well too and our family has an additional boy (again) 7 months old. Like you mentioned last time, my big boy will be a source of stress. His development was slow but things are looking better after the initial stress. We are hoping to meet you and Master Ng for midterm audit. For your information, I was just promoted to Captain and my wife is also doing well in banking. Old folks are generally healthy… minor ailments but is OK… We will fly up and gladly meet you over lunch or dinner… Will catch up over dinner after 5 years is definitely a MUST! See you…
David,大家好,我希望這個問候給你帶來好消息。我是新加坡的Kelvin 我相信你記得我的妻子和我,你風水我們的HDB公寓。 希望你和黃師傅好。 我很高興告訴你,我和我的妻子也很好,我們家有一個新生兒7個月大。 就像你上次提到的,我的大男孩會成為壓力的來源。 他的發展很慢,但是在最初的壓力之後,事情看起來更好。我們希望能見到你,黃師傅,為我們未來的房子做風水。讓你知道,我剛剛晉升為商業航空公司的飛行員隊長,而我的妻子也在銀行業做得很好。老人一般都是健康的...輕微的疾病,但沒關係...我們會很樂意在午餐或晚餐上見到你... 5年以後趕上晚餐肯定是必須的! 再見…
Capt. Kelvin (Singapore) since 2012
David,大家好,我希望這個問候給你帶來好消息。我是新加坡的Kelvin 我相信你記得我的妻子和我,你風水我們的HDB公寓。 希望你和黃師傅好。 我很高興告訴你,我和我的妻子也很好,我們家有一個新生兒7個月大。 就像你上次提到的,我的大男孩會成為壓力的來源。 他的發展很慢,但是在最初的壓力之後,事情看起來更好。我們希望能見到你,黃師傅,為我們未來的房子做風水。讓你知道,我剛剛晉升為商業航空公司的飛行員隊長,而我的妻子也在銀行業做得很好。老人一般都是健康的...輕微的疾病,但沒關係...我們會很樂意在午餐或晚餐上見到你... 5年以後趕上晚餐肯定是必須的! 再見…
Capt. Kelvin (Singapore) since 2012
It is my great pleasure and honor to write this testimonial for Mr David Yek. I have had the pleasure to study Yang Gong San He and San Yuan course and I can state with confidence that he is a knowledgeable, talented and responsible person with a high degree of integrity. As such, I would recommend to all learners that he will be a very positive addition in making a difference in your life. As a Feng Shui enthusiast, I am constantly searching for genuine masters via online or thru friends. I got to know Mr David Yek thru his website and have been reading his articles since 2016. I realize his in-depth knowledge in Feng Shui is truly incredible, and thus requested him to coach me in Feng Shui. We started lessons in Jan and I notice he had considerable amount of patience and will handle all my questions effortlessly. Due to his dedication and passion to teach, I am now able to understand Feng Shui differently. Through his teachings, he had transformed my mindset, improved my direction and purpose in life. I am now able distinguish why some people prosper and how they did it. By using Mr David Yek’s teachings and methods it allows me to pinpoint a specific, but optimum time to proceed and/or find solutions to my problems. Mr David Yek also made a good impression on me due to his pleasant personality. Certainly, he will be able to influence and make an impact in everyone life. He is unquestionably one of the most capable mentors in the Kan Yu line of business and based on my observation of his abilities, he has displayed precision quality in analyzing any situation, proficiency to decipher complex problems and produce straightforward solutions. I therefore strongly recommend others to learn from him and hope everyone uses true Feng Shui to manifest their vision and create exceptional results in your life.
Ryan 2016 (Singapore) draco lin - chinese metaphysics consultancy |
Master Ng is just fantastic! He has multiple ways of looking at a chart. He can easily apply the Zi Ping bazi method together with the pictorial method. He's also very good in digging out the hidden stems. Just see how much he could reveal in Osama bin Laden's chart. His analysis includes inter-palace, shifting palace, hidden combo, sub-qi combo, and stem-branch combo, on top of the usual favorable/unfavorable stars, ten gods and luck pillars. Also a deeper interpretation of self punishment, destruction, bullying punishment, clashes and harms. I'm sure all those who attended this course would agree with me. Keep up the good work and a very big thank you to Master Ng.
Warmest regards, Lwee (Malacca) aka BingBazi |
Although I have not attended any BaZi course from other academy, but I know I have met a true metaphysic Master from Quan Yuan. I am very amazed by his knowledge and enthusiasm towards BaZi. He is a very dedicated and patience Master, he will answer to my questions without any hesitation. His teaching methods cannot be found in books or journals. I am glad to be his student.
Thank you Master Ng.
Best Wishes,
Eric Yap (Cheras)
Thank you Master Ng.
Best Wishes,
Eric Yap (Cheras)
Thank you again for organizing the bazi workshop. All these while of my practices, I'm was only able to read some surface interpretation and simple incidents. This time, Master Ng has showed us the way how to naked a bazi chart, layer by layer from many and different dimensions to confirm an answer. The inter-changing of 10 gods made my 10 gods went haywire, like you said '10 gods become oh my god'. Its so excited to find out more and more what is hidden inside, not only an incident but the surrounding too. Not to forget, there were so many laughter from beginning till end of the day which makes the class so much fun to learn. I have grabbed a lot of goodies from Master Ng from this. Last but not least, once again, thank you so much to the team and Master Ng.
Thanks and best regards,
Austin (Johor Baru)
Thanks and best regards,
Austin (Johor Baru)
Hi Lenny and the team, Two words from me to your team - Well Done! As a beginner, I learn a lot about Bazi from Master Ng during the 3 days workshop. The workshop contents, the humorous side of hardworking Master Ng, the dedication of your team and most importantly the way your team mingled with the students had make me feel good and comfortable throughout the 3 days. I am sure the rest will agree with what I have said. :) Armed with the fundamentals given, I will definitely continue to look for more answers in the art of Bazi. With this, I hope to continuously engage with you and the team as well as the rest of my new friends in whatever ways we can. Oh yeah...I really never felt so 'naked' in public before. A very good experience for me... hahhaaa.... :) Anyway, I am still basking in the afterglow of a marvelous Bazi workshop. Once again, many thanks to you.
Your friend,
Samyeap (Penang)
Your friend,
Samyeap (Penang)
Hello to everyone in the team & other students, As a beginner, I have a long way to go. My wish to learn what I can. Thank you for the lessons even though my mind is blank & not fast enough to understand. I laughed a lot so keep it coming for next yr FS class with some course guideline/contents in future.
KeeYan (Manjalara)
KeeYan (Manjalara)
The Workshop is a kick-start and eye-opening towards what is actually BaZi is all about that many still think it is a Taboo or Religious stuffs. It gives a great depth and wide illustration on hidden pillars that created awareness and to grip hold of our own Destiny...
Samantha (Pahang)
Samantha (Pahang)
I thoroughly enjoyed Master Ng's Bazi class. His easy style of teaching made learning fun and naturally, encouraged students participation. All questions were answered. Unlike other masters where some answers would only be made available at higher modules. Most importantly, he offered a different perspective to Bazi reading and his interpretations and disclosures were striking. Those three days of learning had been very enlightening. Thank you Master Ng and your organizing team, David and Lenny
KM Chan (Singapore)
KM Chan (Singapore)
Thank you for your patience for teaching us FengShui that I have been waiting a long long time. From the theories, it looks simple but not as I thought as it is when it come to the real situation. There are so many information was left unnoticed during our practical. Just a simple Yin Yang can easily confuse me so I need witness and practice more. Lastly, thanks Master Ng for guiding us too and Lenny to volunteer a house for us to practice.
Thank you all.
Choong (Benut)
Thank you all.
Choong (Benut)
Thank you and I really have no regret for attending the workshop. It was really an eye opener for me as a beginner SanHe practitioner. Before this, I thought BaZhai is a FengShui method for amateur, in fact, it is as good as SanHe. I started to appreciate BaZhai as I have a wrong impression from reading it from book. I thought it was really simple and kindergarten technique. But after the workshop, it change my thinking totally, I can't wait to apply BaZhai at my house. Overall, I find this is a very good workshop; I gain more knowledge on the theory. Appreciate your kind effort and time to make this happen.
Yap (KL)
Yap (KL)
Thanks for departing some knowledge of FengShui to me. I appreciate the way you start the class with history related to Fengshui before moving on to explain San Yuan and San He with detail information. As usual, I enjoy QuanYuan friendship that makes the workshop a fun learning one. At the end of the day, the workshop has opens up my eyes on how FengShui can help the poor, the unfortunate ones and to those who needs it. I do hope to be able to master this wonderful knowledge to help my family and others. Once again, many thanks for the knowledge, guidance and help that had improve the way I think and the way I live.
Keep in touch.
Sam (Penang)
Keep in touch.
Sam (Penang)