QUANYUAN Group 泉緣堂The QUANYUAN Group 泉緣堂 was named from these words, the spring water collates at its affinity 泉水之緣, derived from a divination of #1-4, many would have considered, 1☵ over 4☴, but we reckoned it to be ☷1 over ☱4 (Hexagram 19 臨 nearing) instead, following the huge SanYuan 大三元 principle. To truly understand the meaning of 臨 ‘nearing’, the story would have to be told from its inception of the three original founders 長老 that came together under the decree of the guardian deity of Chinese Metaphysics 玄門 namely the Mysterious Maiden of the Nine Heaven 九天玄女.
SANYUAN Founders 三元長老The formalisation of the initial three founders 長老, hereinafter called SanYuan 三元 were initiated in the Heavenly Dragon Palace 龍天宮 the only temple of the Mysterious Maiden of the Nine Heaven 九天玄女 in Kuala Lumpur. This SanYuan 三元 defined the roles and the obligations of these founders namely, the Heaven Gua 乾卦 in-charged of geomancy 地理, the Human Gua 人卦 in-charged of life sciences 命卦 and the Earth Gua 坤卦 in-charged as the oracle 童乩 and healing 治療師.
The STANZA 廣結善緣
On the joyous occasion of Human Gua 人卦 completing his entire JiaZi 甲子, the second decree came in the form of a stanza, the ‘Vastness Comes Together in Dispersing Noble Affinity’, 廣結善緣 by the deity of the Supreme Old Master 太上老君 to the Heaven Gua 乾卦. From these stanza, the lineage of each master 師 is established, namely GuangYuan Shi(Qian) 廣緣室(乾), JieYuan Shi(Ren) 結緣室(人) and SanYuan Shi(Di) 善緣室(地). Subsequent students that are learning from these masters are to follow these streams.
The FORWARD March☷1 above ☱4, coming together as the ‘mother’ will approach the crying ‘child’. The Mysterious Maiden of the Nine Heaven 九天玄女 has bestowed upon the SanYuan 三元 the pathway to return to its original source 道. Hexagram 19 臨, ‘nearing’ comes after Hexagram 18 蠱 ‘decay’, reflecting the current situation of Chinese Metaphysics 玄門. The vastness of the way 道 is eliminating the decay 蠱 within and this can be seen in its nucleus Gua, ☷1 above ☳8 (Hexagram 24 復, ‘returning’), the Yang Yao 陽爻 is pushing upwards from the foundation. In so doing, the changing Yao, derived (Hexagram 33 遯, ‘retard’), meaning it is going to be difficult to change the ‘mind-set’ of the current conundrum, just like a small sapling that is pushing its way up the soil to see the sun.
Difficult it may be for the realisation of the mission statement, we had since grew steadily encompassing the old way 古法 where since time immemorial, it has always been the disciple looking for the teacher and never has it, the teacher looking for disciple, 千古以來,只有尋師學藝,沒尋徒教藝, while upholding the fundamental principles of the three abstinences三不做, namely, no affinity, no do, 無緣者,不做, against one’s conscience, no do, 違良心,不做, destroy other’s FengShui, no do, 損風水,不做.
OLD Styles 古法 |