CIArb AWARD WRITING TECHNIQUES: CONFRONTING REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE During the award writing examination, there are a series of ‘challenges’ that the examiner will put forward to test the candidate on the application of ‘practice and procedure’ and I would like to share a few, with an example of technique to answer.
Additional Evidence
--------------------------------------------- [1] Civil Evidence Act1995 is not mandatory to be applied in arbitration, i.e. full disclosure. [2] S.34(2)(f)1996Act [3] S.34(2)(c)1996Act [4] S.33(1)(b)1996Act [5] The RBS Rights-Issue Litigation[2017]EWHC1217(CH):lex fori i.e. English Law, in English court, ‘closest connection’ test. [6] Art.9(2)IBA-Evidence
AWARD WRITING BLOG FOR ARBITRATIONObjective of this Page:I am sharing these information with a caveat that these information is for educational purpose only and shall not be taken as an advice be it legal or otherwise. You should seek proper advice to your case with the relevant professionals. The author cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information so provided here.