The secret of SanHe 三合 and SanYuan 三元 LuoPan are within the writing of TianYu Jing 天玉經 - a single classic that can be interpreted according to both schools. TianYu Jing itself has a number of versions. But for the purpose of discussion we shall inspect the YangGong Old Method's version and DiLi BianZhen's version. Listed herewith is the YangGong Old Method's version proudly brought to you by the late Grand Master Li SanSu, uncle to the late Grand Master Li DingXin. This version of the classic can be sub divided into the following grouping, for the ease of understanding: -
TianYu Jing 天玉經 - Dragon Water Convergence 龙水交会 is relevant to our topic of discussion - YinYang 陰陽 of the 24 mountains 二十四山 of the SanYuan LuoPan. There are 24 mountains. In fact, there are only 12 pairs of YinYang Dragons 十二陰陽龍. 12 YinYang all the way has within the incoming Gua 十二阴阳一路排,总是卦中来. These 12 pairs must be aligned to form Dragon, Mountain, Facing and Water 龍山向水 (DMFW). The classics state, Topsy turvy Parents to array Dragon position, Mountain facing and corresponding Water, 倒排父母荫龙位,山向同流水. This is the structure of SanYuan (or SanHe?) in Qi connections 三元氣圖.
Structure aside, there are only two ways to spin your YinYang. The classics state, Divide establish YinYang 2 different ways, 分定阴阳两路行. The left turning is Yang, the right turning is Yin. The classics state, left turning and right turning to arrange them, 顺逆推排定. However, left or right would only make sense from a fixed point of observation, the datum (天心). This datum is then referred to as the west or the east side of the river bank, resulting in the East River and West River sides. The classics state, divide into East and West two Gua, those who understood will announce to the world, 分却东西两个卦,会者传天下. These are the 2 different Gua – Grouping? In summary, the 12 pairs of YinYang Dragon is to identify left (Yang) or right (Yin) turning. Observe how your Qi flow is the foundation of YinYang. Others are just - crap. TianYu Jing also identify that the Yang Stems are all left turning - Yang (these are called Dragon God 龍神. The classics state, Jia, Geng, Bing, Ren, are Yang, left turning to find the 5 element structure, 甲庚丙壬俱属阳,顺推五行详. Dragon God 龍神 can be construed as an entire independent topic by itself... however, TianYu Jing - Establishing Facing 定向 has this to say, Front twice yielding Dragon God front twice yielding Facing, pearl string do not face to release. Back twice yielding Dragon God back twice yielding Facing, Arraying established YinYang counts, 前兼龙神前兼向,联珠莫相放。后兼龙神后兼向,排定阴阳算. In other word, Leaning Star polarity depends on the Dragon God 龍神. The Yin Stems are all right turning - Yin (these are called Water Dragon). The classics state, Yi, Xing, Ding, Gui are Yin, right turning to find the 5 element structure, 乙辛丁癸俱属阴,逆推论五行. The classic did not, however, identify explicitly the rest of the 16 dragons - the 4 ordinal Gua, 4 growth branches, 4 stable branches and 4 graves branches. The four Ordinal Gua (surprisingly that YangGong referred to the Later Heaven BaGua) were paired respectively as the followings – GenYin 艮寅, XunSi 巽巳, KunShen 坤申, QianHai due to the double mountain and because Yin Si Shen and Hai 寅巳申亥 are the four growths of the Dragon God 龍神, they take Yang 陽. In the method of Pushing Sha and Receiving Water, Jia Geng Bing Ren four Dragon God, entirely belongs to Yang stem element. Qian Xun Gen Kun water facing the same, nobility with access prosperity, 甲庚丙壬四龙神,俱属阳干行。乾巽艮坤水向同,富贵足兴隆. Yin Shen Si Hai water incoming without broken, 5 element facing within storage, 寅申已亥水来长,五行向中藏. The four Graves were paired in the similar double mountain fashioned such as GuiChou 癸丑, YiChen 乙辰, DingWei 丁未, XinXu 辛戌 with the respective 4 Yin Stems and therefore they are Yin 陰. The four Stables were implied as Yin 陰. The classics state, Chen Xu Chou Wei one way move, sudden prosperity shake the family, 辰戌丑未一路行,骤富振家声. Chen Xu Chou Wei knock against Golden Dragon, Wealth and prosperity never cease to expire, 辰戌丑来叩金龙,富贵永不穷. Therefore the YinYang grouping of the 24 Mountains, taking reference from the 4 Cardinal Gua and the 4 Ordinal Gua, the different grouping of the 24 Mountains is as follows: -
OLD FOX'S TALE...We posted in our FB page, detail HERE and we found that not many people knows about SanYuan... Therefore, This is the FIRST TIME the secret of the HEAVEN YUAN PLATE has been disclosed to the public within the English Speaking community. Never has this secret been revealed! In time to come, if any of the teacher teaching this piece of information and they are not coming from our establishment, you know well that the knowledge that they acquired are secondary and less authentic. Truly, there are too many rubbish floating around in disguise as genuine FengShui courses. Buyers beware! One OldFox has this to say, “To answer your question posted at the beginning of this thread, the original SanYuan YinYang is the one on the right, the B version, because the YinYang allocation is based on the YinYang of the SanYuan of the Tian Yuan, Di Yuan and Ren Yuan. The version on the left, the A version, was promoted by Master Shen JuReng used in his Flying Star and it is based on the YinYang of the Stems and Branches plus the four diagonal Trigams of the LH arrangement being all Yang according to the Hetu arrangement. They are two different ways to express the same philosophical idea of ‘Early Heaven being the Ti or the Principle and Later Heaven being the Yong or the Application 先天为体, 后天为用. IMHO, to really appreciate the different Yin YangYang and Yang YinYin configurations, one has to realize that the different FengShui methods, and there are many, are the result of different ways to express a philosophical preference 'mechanically', to say that 'ShenJuReng's postulation is not quite there yet', shows you and David have yet to reach this point of understanding, but this is just my personal opinion, no offence is intended. May be you do know but want to keep it as a secret until we can attend your classes to find out, or maybe you and David just want to tease us! Either way it is a good thing, it keeps us thinking. Thank you for your contribution… Where are the 3 rings of the SanHe and SanYuan LuoPan? There you go again, 'the pot calling the kettle black' ´by JT the Just Teasing, who is really David Yak the architect with a fake name. Only the SanHe LuoPan has the 3 Twenty-four-Mountain rings, SanYuan LuoPan only has one and the 3 SanYuan are built into the one ring, you will only waste your time looking for the other two rings in a San Yuan LuoPan. Get YOUR fundamentals right before you tell others to get theirs right! Indeed, there are plenty of craps being taught out there...” EH AS PRINCIPLE LH AS APPLICATION 先天为体后天为用Let’s investigate these craps a little… The original version of SanYuan’s YinYang Dragon is not the B version. It is definitely not based on Tian Yuan, Di Yuan and Ren Yuan. These came very much later. They have another meanings to them. The A version is the original SanYuan’s YinYang Dragon. This is the Tian Yuan Dragon and its YinYang is derived from the LoShu, Early Heaven as the body or the Principle, 先天为体. Shen JuReng derived such as his basis for Shen’s Flying Star and it is based on the YinYang of the Stems and Branches plus the four diagonal Trigams of the LH arrangement being all Yang according to the Hetu arrangement (detail read HERE). This is a typical text-book answer. ONE GUA CONNECTS QI NAJIA ONE QI 一挂同氣納甲一氣.Similar to its SanHe forerunner, SanYuan has its peculiar way to subscribe to Early Heaven as the body or the Principle and Later Heaven as the Application, 先天为体, 后天为用. Both SanHe and SanYuan subscribed to the same method of decoding Heaven’s secret called NaJia. SanHe is well known to adopt what is known as One Gua same/combine Qi, NaJia singular Qi, 一挂同氣納甲一氣. One Gua here referred to Early Heaven Qi connection to formulate their YinYang dragon, detail read HERE. Therefore, it has mislead many that SanHe NaJia is based on Early Heaven as Principle. HEAVEN YUAN NAJIA PLATE 天元纳甲盘SanYuan subscribed to NaJia to allocate the 8 Gua into the 24 mountains. Instead of using One Gua same/combine Qi, NaJia singular Qi, 一挂同氣納甲一氣 principle liked its predecessor, SanYuan uses LoShu matching the Later Heaven BaGua as Application, 后天为用. Therefore, these sets of the 9 stars (comprising the LaterHeaven BaGua) form what is probably known as 天元纳甲盘. Each star is repeated 4 or 2 times forming 6 mountain groups within the 24 mountains such as the followings: - 1 - 子辰申癸, 6 - 甲乾, water 2 - 乙坤, 7 - 酉丑丁巳, fire 3 - 卯未亥庚, 8 - 艮丙 wood 4 - 辛巽, 9 - 午戌寅亥 metal With each of the 4 elements balanced, these form the original SanYuan 9 stars ring within the 24 mountains. Again, you will notice that it is the LoShu matching the Later Heaven BaGua to derive NaJia as Application, 后天为用 and not the LoShu matching Early Heaven BaGua as the body or the Principle, 先天为体. Saying thus in application, the HeTu GuaQi is still accounted for. EARTH YUAN PLATE 地元盘We recap, from this version A we derived the NaJia 9 stars ring 天元纳甲盘. There is also a subsequent Earth Yuan Plate 地元盘, that we shall not disclose. From here, the next layer, we shall discuss about the different Yin YangYang and Yang YinYin configurations that form the so called modern SanYuan earth plate 24 YinYang Dragon 三元盘阴阳龙 as shown in version B (we shall discuss about it in detail some other time). SANYUAN 3 NEEDLES 三元三盘One SanYuan school advocated that there are 3 needles in the SanYuan LuoPan just liked its counterpart SanHe. These needles are the Heaven Human and Earth needles. They are meant to measure different things. As mentioned above, the original SanYuan YinYang Dragon is called the Heaven Needle as in version A while the contemporary SanYuan YinYang Dragon is called the Human Needle as in version B. What is absent is known as the Earth Needle. Without knowing this Earth needle, one will not able to measure earth Qi, thus not able to do FengShui… This SanYuan School in particular reckoned that the current known SanYuan earth plate 24 YinYang Dragon 三元盘阴阳龙 is not really the earth plate but the HUMAN plate instead… OLD FOX SEE OLD FOX DO...So, when OldFox says, “May be you do know but want to keep it as a secret until we can attend your classes to find out, or maybe you and David just want to tease us!”, reflects truly that the OldFox knows nuts about this subject, especially true when he says, “Only the SanHe LuoPan has the 3 Twenty-four-Mountain rings, SanYuan LuoPan only has one and the 3 SanYuan are built into the one ring…”. As it is OldFox needs to - “Get YOUR fundamentals right before you tell others to get theirs right! Indeed, there are plenty of craps being taught out there...” As for the other friend from Indonesia, you will be glad to hear that SanYuan people also advocated LoShu matching the Later Heaven BaGua to derive NaJia as Application, 后天为用 but it is used in other unique ways. SANYUAN YUANKONG GEOMANCY 三元元空風水SanYuan is a school heavily annexed to the system of calendric sciences one being known as SanYuan QiMen DunJia 三元奇门遁甲. As time passes, the authentic art of SYQMDJ has been watered down. With the emergence of master liked Jiang DaHung notably bastardizing the work of grandmaster Yang YunSong as in DiLi BianZhen, XuanKong DaGua 玄空大卦 emerged to replace SanYuan DaGua 三元大卦. At one level, SanYuan is able to merge with SanHe. SanHe has remained to be the fore runner of YangGong method. All FengShui methods come from Qing WuZi before GuoPu and subsequently Yang YunSong. There is only one method – YangGong method or probably known also as GanZhou method. Subsequently, splinter group forms and SanYuan school was born and probably known also as FuJian method. SanYuan school is developed upon SanHe theories and at certain level, it merges.
Continue from HERE One person said, “The funny thing, Yang YunSong, SanHe forerunner came from Tang dynasty. There is no evident of the arrangement of LoShu at Tang. A wise speculation, he did not knew LoShu arrangement. As a direct descendant of LoShu, Later Heaven and Earth plate, it does not inherit a feature called four season. Earth plate is "a living fossil". It is derived from LoShu and Later Heaven. TianGan DiZhi respond LoShu arrangement (four season). Four elements divide into Yin part and Yang part, and each part has Heavenly Numeral and Earthly Numeral. This is the basis of Earth Plate. Take an example Summer (Li & Kun Gua). 9 is Li (Yang) and 2 is Kun (Yin). Li is divided into 3 division (Bing Wu Ding) all represent Summer or Fire Element. What is the connection between Najia and 3 Harmony, to LoShu and Later Heaven? Why they divide Earth Plate base on a different thing? LoShu, Later Heaven and Earth Plate, talk at the same frequency, namely four season as macro-cosmos and four element as micro-cosmos. NaJia base on moon phase of Early Heaven, there is no connection between both. My interpretation, based on the above old classic.” Another person said, “This diagram below posted up by Jay Tee shows how the 24 Mountains (the outer most ring) are made of 8 of the 10 Heavenly Stems (the third ring), 12 earthly Branches (the fourth ring) and 4 of the 8 Trigrams (the fifth ring before the 24 Mountains ring) with the HeTu numbers in the inner two rings. There is nothing special about this diagram, it shows the derivation and the construction of the 24 Mountains. It is not called an Earth Plate by any school, it can be called the 24 Mountain Plate for the want of a name.” Very confusing indeed… THE MAKING OF THE 24 MOUNTAINS QingNanJing 青囊经 or the Green Satchel Classic as some would call, is believed to have been authored by the legendary Yellow Stone Master or Red Pine Master, even some may also considered him as Great Immortal Huang or Huang DaXian, the patron saint of Divination and the art of the occult largely revered in HongKong. It states the fundamental of FengShui, that is considered a source code for Yang YunSong to write his masterpiece - QingNan AoYou, the Mysterious Saying of the Green Satchel. This classic comprises of three scroll. Upper Scroll prescribed the fundamental of HeTu and LoShu with the prescription of the Early Heaven BaGua arrangement. This is where SanYuan school's fundamentals are enshrined. It also prescribed how the TaiJi turns. Middle Scroll prescribed which part of the Heaven it measures. and how the Heaven YinYang is construed. It is the basis as to how SanYuan define its YinYang. Read HERE for detail. The Lower Scroll prescribed the application where all these come together. It may be a subject for another discussion... 《青囊经》- QINGNANJING
COMMENTARYIt is the will of Heaven to bestow the gifts to Earth revealing the treasures within the humbled Earth. QIAN and KUN, with QIAN the source, KUN the recipient. Yang refers to the male component. Yin refers to the female components. Together it assigns the 10 Heavenly Stem against the HETU configurations. This becomes the basis Grand Master Yang designing the Earth Plate of both SanHe and SanYuan Luopan. 1 odd takes the sign of REN water begins or birth. 6 even takes the sign of GUI water finishes or completes.1&6 same clan of water. 7 odd takes the sign of BING fire finishes or completes. 2 even takes the sign of DING fire begins or birth. 2&7 same way of fire. 3 odd takes the sign of JIA wood begins or birth. 8 even takes the sign of YI wood finishes or completes. 3&8 are friends of wood. 9 odd takes the sign of GENG metal finishes or completes. 4 even takes the sign of XIN metal begins or birth. 4&9 are companions of metal. 5 odd takes the sign of WU earth begins or birth. 10 even takes the sign of JI earth finishes or completes. 5&10 same route of earth. Shut and open refers to origin and completion. With the 5 elements (signs) this completes the birth and completion of every HETU. - This is the First and Second Ring (HeTu) Spreading denotes to radiate. Finish is to complete and begin is to undertake. 8 bodies refers to 8 directions. Radiating vastly from the center. Liken to the mother attending to her child, producing nurturing and upbringing completing the cycle of life. Heaven (QIAN) and Earth (KUN) establish its rightful position, one on top of the other as Heaven above, Earth below acknowledging its rightful place in the spectrum of 8 directions in Early Heaven sequence. Mountain (GEN) and Marsh (DUI) connect QI, these GUA has mutually penetrating QI in the spectrum of 8 directions in Early Heaven sequence. Thunder (ZHEN) and Wind (XUN) mutually covering each other in the spectrum of 8 directions in Early Heaven sequence. Water (KAN) and Fire (LI) will not conflict each other in the spectrum of 8 directions in Early Heaven sequence. These verses established and assigning the 8 GUA to the 8 directions in the sequence of Early Heaven as principle. They are also the actual "Family" grouping in SanYuan DaGua. The so called original "Family". Jiang DaHung borrowed the same notion when he applied such to XuanKong DaGua, which is not accurate. The Later Heaven sequence of the Nine Stars borrowed from the component of JingFang's 8 Palaces BaGua were way too remote as it hasn't been found in the first place. The original SanYuan predates all these... 5 as the center, commanding 5 establishing the 4 cardinals. Commanding and controlling the 4 cardinal directions. With back 1 facing 9 establishing begins and completes as prescribed in the earlier verse. 3,7 occupy sides with the rest establishing a criss and cross arrangement forming net. The net is the operative word. Here it denotes application of the HeTu numerology into a LuoShu arrangement, 1 and 9 has its position facing and backing one another, whereas the rest takes flight to arrange into a net sequence. This net sequence establish polarities of YIN and YANG, as complementary, containment, producing. Therefore in the LuoShu sequence it also contain the HeTu pairs with YIN YANG mutually producing, complementing and containing. It is the Yang Qi flourish through the vastness of the land, but the Yin Qi that benefits with benevolent, producing. Reading in context of ZhangShu, Yang Qi being external, Yin Qi being internal, matching mutually producing. Therefore with the LuoShu sequence mapping into the Early Heaven BaGua arrangement, Yang YunSong was able to obtain the LuoShu arrangement, as the forwarding component to the 10 stems. This is not only the fundamental of SanYuan Leaning Star, it is also the Third Ring (Stem) Heavenly stems depend on elements. Earthly branches relies on seasonal Qi. Water begins from HAI, prosper in ZI and completes in CHOU. Winter QI water reign. Wood begins from YIN, prosper in MAO and completes in CHEN. Spring QI wood reign. Fire begins from SI, prosper in WU and completes in WEI. Summer QI fire reign. Metal begins from SHEN, prosper in YOU and completes in XU. Autumn QI metal reign. These complete the seasonal nodes of the earthly branch giving directions to the LoShu configurations. Adding another layer to the Earth Plate. In ZhangShu, it is noted that Heavenly QI, being external cannot be established. Therefore the QI in every stems cannot be established. Earth QI, being internal established as seasonal nodes can be established. This is the Fourth Ring (Branches). These speaks of changes in the beginning, where the 8 Heavenly QI from stems matching 12 Earthly QI from the branches, matching with the 4 ordinals GUA make up the 24 subsectors of the BaGua of a Later Heaven arrangement for application. This is the Fifth Ring (Later Heaven BaGua). CONCLUSION...There are plenty of craps being taught out there... Some teachers especially in the west teaching this subject, yet they know nuts about basic fundamentals liked how your YinYang turns? How the 24 mountains are constructed? Where does the YinYang Heaven Man Earth Dragons come about? Where are the 3 rings of the SanHe and SanYuan LuoPan? It is very easy to say, the founder of FengShui Qing WuZi or Yang YunSong know nuts about Later Heaven but in truth it is our own handicapped...
ALSO READ HERETHE CHINESE (華夏) THEORY OF EVOLUTION (太一生水)The Supreme Ancient HeTu Lineage 太古河圖代姓 is very close to the description of The Ultimate One gives birth to water, water in return assisting the Ultimate One 太一生水,水反辅太一. A recent rendition of the “Origin of Life” by Dato Dr. Victor Wee was inspiring. The opening premise such as: - "Inconceivable is the beginning, O disciples, of this faring on. The earliest point is not revealed of the running on, the faring on, of beings, cloaked in ignorance, tied by craving” - Samyutta Nikaya (Buddhist Cannon)." What it suggests, do not bother to ask what is the origin of life as it will not be understood by those who is bound by ignorance and craving. Therefore, the Chinese simply called it the Ultimate One (太一), without the necessary to define what constitute the One. Implying that the One, may have arisen from the “First Cause”, it is the so called God created everything. The idea of the almighty God, is strangely, spur provocative philosophical discourse by non other then the maverick, Sir Bertrand Russell in his controversial book, “Why I am NOT a Christian”. He questioned, if God is responsible for the creation of everything, then by the same implication, God must have its own creator. In a nutshell, there is a first of the First Cause ad-infinitum. The Chinese implied that the One as nothing more than a line (At least that is the pictogram of the Chinese character One), it also implies that the One is a line connecting all the “First Causes”. The idea of connection implies movement, as a stroke of a brush. So, the ultimate stroke is the First Cause. Scientist believes that such stroke represents another controversial idea, the “Big Bang”. The aftermath of such created water. The Chinese theory of Evolution begins with this phrase, The Ultimate One gives birth to water, water in return assisting the Ultimate One (太一生水,水反辅太一) . The Ultimate One gives birth to water Scripts is believed to be written about 300 BC during the Warring States period on 14 bamboo strips in the Chu script. It was discovered in 1993 in Hubei, Jingmen. It is part of the Guodian Chu Slips (郭店楚簡). Thus, it became the fundamental doctrines for the Daoist art of cause and effects. If there is a cause, there must be an effect. Water is the effect. The Greek Mythology stated that the world is created by Oceanus (son of Uranus and Gaia) and the Greeks must have a reason to believe in that. From water, the Chinese believes that The Ultimate One gives birth to water, water in return assisting the Ultimate One, therefore establishing Heaven, in return establishing Earth (太一生水,水反辅太一,是以成天. 天反辅太一,是以成地.). At this point, 2 new ideas emerged, Heaven and Earth. It was also said, the Chinese folklore has the Giant PanGu (盤古) separating Heaven and Earth, within his anatomy, landforms were shaped and rivers were excavated. Very strange that the Chinese paints his personification as a Giant similar to the Greek mythology, Titan race of Giant Atlas. More strange is in his given name PanGu (盤古) denoting “ancient plate”. This “plate” is referring to the Milkyway Galaxy, as modern sciences revealed it to be a resemblance of a Disc! From one point it resemble a circle, the Chinese called, the Ultimate (太), while from another angle, a slim shape Disc in the form of One (一). The noble act of the Giant PanGu (盤古) separating Heaven and Earth, marks the beginning of evolution sometimes called, Heaven and Earth fixed position (天地定位). As he decomposed, his flesh and blood turn to mountains and streams which are also known as Mountain and Stream same Qi (山泽通气), so on so forth. The script TaiYi Sheng Shui states, Heaven and Earth, assisting thus, therefore establishing Gods (spiritual enlightenment), in return establishing YinYang (Duality) (天地复相辅也,是以成神明. 神明复相辅也,是以成阴阳.). Again, the term ShenMing (神明) is rather sketchy. This term has 2 compound words. Shen (神) can mean spirit, gods or unknown forces. Ming (明) comprising sun and moon denoting enlightenment, wisdom or knowing. When both words are conjoined, it has multiple meanings but in this context it simply denotes the seeds of human evolution. The Chinese folklore continues to say, Nuwa (女媧) created humans from the mud of the Yellow River, therefore the Chinese has a yellowish skin texture. Strange similarity from the Book of Genesis, Adam is made from earth of Eden and Eve is part of Adam, personification of the mother Earth as a goddess, in this case, half human half serpent forms liked the Greek Mythology, Medusa. Another idea of ShenMing (神明) borrowed from the notion that states, if there is a beginning, there must be an end. If Big Bang is construed as a beginning, Big Crunch is the end. Upon the ending of the world system, lives on Earth parishes and on the other hand reborn as spiritual entities ShenMing (神明). The world system evolved to regenerate itself and when the conditions are met, such as Fire and Water does not shoot each other (水火不相射), these entities which have no gender, live within the water. When the surface of the water is exposed to the heat of the sun and coldness of the night, a crust is formed and became the sustenance of these spiritual entities. With the constant consumption, these entities take forms of single cell organism, manifesting as crude beings on a new world. This is the beginning of life. The scripts continue to say, YinYang (Duality), assisting thus, therefore establishing the four seasons, in return establishing cold and warmth. Cold and warmth, assisting thus, therefore establishing wet and dry, in return establishing birth and dead (阴阳复相辅也,是以成四时. 四时复相辅也,是以成凔热. 凔热复相辅也,是以成湿燥. 湿燥复相辅也,成岁而止.), so on and so forth. The ending words, in return establishing birth and dead (成岁而止) has multiple implications. First, the word Sui (岁) means age and Zhi (止) means stop. Compounding bring forth the idea of life and death. The order of things is nothing more than a complete cycle of growth phases rather than the misconstrued productive or weakening cycles. Saying thus, it laid the foundation of HeTu. COMPLETE TEXT
January 2022