UNLOCKING THE GOLDEN LOCK JADE PORTALWhen JayTee posted this in his FB page, apparently he was surprised that there were masters in Bolehland that were desperately teaching it at such a cheap fee as compared to someone in Kiasuland teaching the same stuff for SGD3,888 almost more than 10 times his price. Little did we realized that the contents of both subjects were more or less the same? However, the 'key' to apply such an art was nowhere to be found. It was a joke that the Bolehland master cannot differentiate between the notion of mountain and water. Therefore some student after ‘investing’ in such course couldn’t reconcile, let alone apply. As a gesture of our compassion and sorry if you have to pay through your nose just to get this piece of information before, let us unlock the working mechanism of this method. Before that, get your introduction of this method HERE. DEFINITION AND PARTS This method is divided into 2 parts: -
In this paper we shall only discuss about the working mechanism of the 2nd part which is Landform YinYang 巒頭陰陽 YI PRINCIPLE OF LANDFORM YINYANG 巒頭陰陽
LANDFORM YINYANG FORMATION 巒頭陰陽An extension to Naked Eye Method 長眼法 but taking into consideration the BaGua 八卦 instead of just the Four Imagery 四象. IN CONCLUSIONWhen we do not know... it is worth a lot of money. When you were told... it doesn't worth a cent. If you look at these techniques of Golden Lock Jade Portal 金鎖玉關, you are able to recognize that it is an extension of Naked Eye Method 長眼法, which is again, an extension of YangGong’s 楊公 Heavenly Heart Methodology 十道天心法. Someway along the line FengShui master needs to make a living by dissecting all these into smaller chunks to feed the greedy masses that ultimately chase after formulas... We conclude this by saying... "FengShui F%$King WORKS!"
NAKED EYE 長眼法 AT A GLANCE You may have heard about a technique called – Naked Eye Method 長眼法. This Form School 形家 YinYang Methodology 陰陽法 enable a practitioner to determine the auspiciousness 吉 or calamity 凶 of a site without the use of LuoPan 羅盤 by employing Dragon 龍, Tiger 虎, Phoenix雀 and Turtle 武 to evaluate landform and uses form 形 to remedy any shortcoming. According to one school founded in Taiwan by the Mud Eel Master 泥鳅師, it has nothing to do with Qi flow 氣流法 and it is a standalone technique. However, one LiuFa 六法 school claimed otherwise that it is originated from a fixed Gua 定卦 perspective and Mud Eel Master 泥鳅師 school only have divination technique 斷絕 and did not have the Yi principle 易理, therefore not a complete transmission. In fact, both the Mud Eel Master 泥鳅師 and LiuFa 六法 school incorporated this technique once called YangGong’s 楊公 Heavenly Heart Methodology 十道天心法 that uses the Cross Line 十道 reference of a human body 人體 as a mean to measure landform 形家 with the aid of a walking stick 長. That is where the name Naked Eye Method 長眼法 comes about. Unlike the Golden Lock Jade Portal 金鎖玉關, it does not really based on the entire eight trigram 八卦 and LoShu 洛書. Instead it is based on the Four Imagery 四象, YinYang 陰陽 and HeTu 河圖 numerology. Therefore it is sometimes called Four Imagery YinYang Techniques 四象陰陽法. Coupled with Passerby YinYang 過路陰陽 that has a close proximities to XuanKong Gua 玄空卦, Naked Eye Method 長眼法 can be incorporated with the permutation of the eight trigram 八卦 to determine Who, When and How an event would occur based on landform. EEL MASTER 泥鳅師 A short introduction of this school originated from the Monk Master 和尚師, rather an absolute generic name for a founder of a great school of FengShui. Zheng QingFeng 鄭清風, as a young turd has been spending his youth in the mountain attending to goats and cows and having the affinity to meet this Monk Master 和尚師, that was famed to have been following the retinue of Chiang KaiShek 蔣介石 at that time, defeated by the Communist to retreat to Taiwan. In a sunny morning Monk Master 和尚師 has taught Zheng QingFeng 鄭清風 the art of Naked Eye Method 長眼法 through the various burial grounds around that area. With confident, the young Zheng QingFeng 鄭清風 approached other masters that have been dotting graves around the area, while providing accurate and sharp predictions to the many grave sites, he managed to carve his name in the industry at his time. He was later known as Snail Master 泥鮴師 owing to his casual habits of catching eels in the countryside. This school was survived by the current contemporary lineage holder in Taiwan and due to the quick nature of summing up the FengShui of a grave or a premise, it was widespread through Singapore, Malaysia but not HongKong, surprisingly. REFERENCE POINT OF NAKED EYEThe followings are the reference point as the common terminology in reference to the directions: -
THE YI PRINCIPLE OF NAKED EYE 長眼法易理The numerology of HeTu is divided into the followings:
DRAGON CROSSING 龍過堂External formation matching Desk Setting:
CONCLUSIONThere are more to these techniques. Shown here are the basic principles based on Yi principle 易理, YinYang 陰陽 and Four Imagery 四象. The other aspects not discussed here are as the followings: -
Many SanYuan school FeiXing Pai could not reconcile the teaching of this branch of FengShui school that was considered to be the most superior FengShui art by the Grandmaster Shao WeiHua 邵偉華大師 and rendered it to be nothing more then gibberish rubbish! The problem is with the incompatible understanding with the meaning of mountain and water that may have nothing whatsoever related to the dragon, rivers or roads. The key understanding to unlock the meaning of this art vested in 動靜 'Movement and Stillness', a sought after methodology that can be applied to all schools of FengShui be it SanHe or SanYuan, Bazi, BaZhai and other Chinese Metaphysics. Modern literature only revealed the art of 過路陰陽, Passerby YinYang methodology that vested on divination art. It comprises only a very small portion of this methodology. Was told that only 30% of the methods are available and the remaining are taught only through Oral Transmissions. The grandeur of Golden Lock Jade Portal 金锁玉关 vested on its ability to use the static BaGua to determine the auspicious of any given land form FengShui. It is rated as the most superior Land Form method. However, this must be taken with a huge pinch of salt... GOLDEN LOCK JADE PORTAL 金锁玉关
Grandmaster Shao WeiHua 邵偉華大師 called himself as the philosopher of the Song Dynasty. He also claimed to be the 29th descendant of Shao KangJie or better known as the YiJing expert ShaoYung. Worked in many fields before. Upon old age studied YiJing and Chinese Metaphysics including FengShui, BaZi and real estate. Well known to be decoding the cryptic YiJing code. He has since popularized the art of Golden Lock Jade Portal and remained as the respected YiJing FengShui master who has brought himself from rag to riches. He is among the surviving Time Master 時師 of this generation. 金鎖玉關混飩初開立五方,乾坤日月布三綱;周天方象排星斗,天清地濁理陰陽. 風雨雷電皆虛氣,山崗水闊有良方;乾天坤地分高下,置成順理送納常. 排成甲子周天地,配合男女兩成雙;四時八節分晝夜,九宮八卦接天罡. 五行顛倒推千轉,金木水火土中央;一百二十諸神煞,九十四位吉凶將. 幾位年並月方利,幾位日吉與時良;乾山艮水人丁旺,巽上滿墀大吉昌. 離上來龍臨墳位,子孫代代出文章;田莊人口年年盛,衣紫腰金佐朝綱. 門前曲曲彎彎過,世世榮華又遠昌;西北路上氣昂昂,此地名為吉莊揚. 家家興隆多豪富,四下平正是天堂;前高後低難長久,後高前抵廣田莊. 東低西高名逆地,水流震宮不相當;雖然流去無妨礙,亦主人丁竄遠方. 東高西低為澤地,定主後代出賢良;強然不動皆富貴,後代兒孫作棟樑. 宅後池塘主貧乏,又主無嗣腹嗽腸;當前沖水傷五箭,定主癆傷出災殃. 若然衝破二位上,後代淫亂沒主張;卻然流去無妨礙,宅後池塘漸漸傷. 巽上取水難長久,總然富貴不為祥;堂後汙地為絕地,東北兩箭最難防. 卻然富貴無多載,十五年後定有傷;後高前低為上吉,壬子旺相進牛羊. 資財倉庫皆茂盛,富貴榮華大吉昌;後有丘陵前有汙,彎彎曲曲透長江. 進財添丁牛羊旺,子子孫孫福壽長;四邊低窪正中高,水流四散殺人刀. 總然四下成龍虎,二十四年主失拋;門前有石倒塵埃,賊盜臨門殃愁懷. 官事口舌年年有,神箭難防暗射來;四邊高廣正中低,此地名為地獄池. 家門衰敗難為厚,陰盛陽衰事漸虧;前窄後寬盛足誇,家道興隆定富華. 子孫昌盛臨官照,田園豐厚足桑麻;前寬後窄不須言,定主家乏賣盡田. 子孫逃出他方去,只因口大犯凶拳;風雷高廣天澤低,有糧有谷足生意. 出門車馬皆隨足,兒孫代代做官廳;左伸右縮最為良,艮上來龍丁財祥. 鷹行人儀家和順,後代兒孫紫衣郎;豬羊牛馬成群走,四十年後漸漸揚. 子午足足主寬懷,年年進祿廣招財;見官得喜方化吉,一世衣祿笑顏開. 總然富貴田產旺,後代不脫子孫來;玄武高來朱雀低,門前幾道九龍地. 東青龍來西白虎,福壽雙全受孤悖;兩邊流水沖中間,前高後窄定招難. 人離財散招官事,勇為盜來女耍頑;水澆孤村去又來,其中妙裏實難猜. 世人不識其中妙,山旺人丁水旺財;三山玄武氣昂昂,水流東去複潮堂. 路沖坤道通來往,不做公侯做棟樑;宅後青山數丈高,前面池塘起波濤. 東南流水滔滔滾,九重直上做班僚;去水來山福壽全,繞腰金帶出美賢. 若得來龍正穴上,代代兒孫出魁元;辰卯青出申末墀,乾濤坎丘福壽齊. 丙丁曲水朝拱向,綠袍象帶拜丹墀;酉上高崗卯上低,午邊廣闊後汙池. 男女內亂無高下,房中寡婦受孤淒;地方廣闊四邊平,任訂立宅去安營. 不問山來並去水,家道興隆百事盈;營後溝河切莫宜,兒孫流落走東西. 陰人眼目來殘害,少吃無穿受孤淒;草目鮮明色又佳,中間立宅萬人誇. 此地名為龍穴地,安營立宅定榮華;百事如意家道盛,左右鄰田買進家. 不信挖出三四尺,輕肥前狹後萱華;墳前穿道最難當,兒孫流落去遠方. 總然存住皆貧泛,二十年後破敗家;地如饅頭四下低,四下流水透長溪. 高崗嶺上難成立,造房安營切莫宜;八風吹散人丁絕,錯認時乖時運低. 水透青山世所稀,龍盤虎繞兩相宜;玄武如峰高六位,中間一塊做墳基. 多生聰明伶俐于,莊田牛馬庫全資;此地兩邊生瑞氣,二十年中躍龍池. 雞卯相爭最為良,挖深三尺見龍塘;不信左右龍骨在,前窄後寬甲鱗芷. 立宅安營是富貴,定生貴子掛金榜;時師豈曉玄中妙,紫氣昂昂遠四方. 順絕山崗葬個墳,騰蛇文地生貧窮;田產賣盡他鄉去,此耿癡腿眼睛昏. 墳前兩修厥頭溝,營後彎彎土一丘;東西若有人行道,兒孫強暴不溫柔. 此地名為牧牛地,兇橫年年禍事愁;不信挖出現仔細,一雙石子在裏頭. 平地三墩勢若峰,更兼震卯與來龍;北有山崗西有道,中間一塊做墳靠. 此局金雞抱蛋地,定主富貴出英豪;不信其中生瑞氣,挖深三尺出銅瞧. 宅後人家勢若峰,猶如交椅一般同;立宅安營多富貴,聖子賢孫保朝封. 止風聚氣真是妙,紫氣騰騰四方飄;森森樹木繞山崗,一彎流水透長江. 東西龍虎相連接,坡地安營大吉昌;蓮池藕地人難識,子孫蘭桂主聲秀. 不信深挖仔細觀,藤根九尺有餘長;地似鼓形最為奇,定然此做墳營地. 何用山來並去水,發福興隆百事宜;玄武高來朱雀低,若有福人葬此地. 田園六畜人丁旺,後代兒孫做紫衣;前後又無山共水,因甚榮華福壽齊. 不信深挖三四尺,一團陽氣耀光起;平川之地有山崗,山崗安營大吉昌. 東西若有神堂廟,兒孫必然廣田莊;唯忌逆水傷人箭,後代兒孫主敗亡. 立宅安營莫避陽,避陽陰氣不相當;卻然富貴難保後,常常孤婦守空房. 造房立營莫向東,向東水流去無蹤;雖然目下無災害,三十年中定主凶. 立宅安營莫向西,坤申逆水最難醫;雖然富貴無多載,定主逃亡四敗離. 住宅安營莫向北,向北主家鬼神哭;少年衣服都屬脊,財政人亡主破屋. 立宅安營向東南,萬物朝陽氣軒昂;後要栽松前栽柳,四邊圍護內安康. 家常平安人安樂,祖遺砂水子孫昌;莫來山水臨官旺,福來無窮漸漸揚. 青龍乙脈起峰豪,丙丁潮水又相招;庚辛位上蛇形露,壬癸山峰重重高. 戊已位上安一墓,兒孫將相出英豪;此地名為四相地,安營立宅最為高. 東南廣闊做峰墀,艮乾朝港最可宜;澤西彎曲離邊繞,任君立宅做墳墓. 此地名為鳳凰地,朝陽春色四時奇;有福鳳凰身上葬,兒孫代代穿紫衣. 丙上溝渠丁上流,辛酉青龍發動舟;四下厥溝為四足,名為龜地好興樓. 不問居住並下葬,兒孫強盛足田疇;豬羊牛馬成群走,榮華富貴出諸侯. 玄武高來丘陵懷,有水有庫有餘財;山水相交為上吉,一彎流水去向來. 此地名為獅子地,兒孫執笏拜金諧;住宅安營向東南,去水流山仔細看. 院裏水從長賣出,井泉須向卯邊潛;開門莫負天罡訣,三五六七禍如山. 又如財門四六七,家和子孝父心安;正屋面前偏一牆,莫呼風箭透門堂. 天文地理體違拗,九宮八卦定陰陽;安營立宅不忌方,不論平地與山崗. 不問郭摸天罡訣,百般安營家道昌;豈繞連平惹禍殃,家門破敗人口損. 艮方妙訣莫知曉,方知郭漠有陰陽;此地皇子多吉慶,莫人知曉泄天機. 安營立宅不用師,不論山崗與高低;又要年向月方利,論甚陰陽妙訣師. 家財破敗人口傷,說他時乖命運低;本付天機真妙決,恐他與後錯推尋. 政將金鎖重重論,掃盡師人無細心;認得天文和地理,才知妙理值千金. 金鎖玉關非容易,熟習牢記莫為輕;仙家秘授真口訣,細心參洋要當心. 困窮不過十三載,看他家敗又損丁;透出青山世所稀,龍盤虎居兩相宜. 前面天池如月樣,西南丘陵亂箭堆;朝城後轉貪狼勢,玄武昂昂文武歸. 師人若識玄中妙,中間一塊作墳地;多生聰明賢進主,兒孫必到鳳凰池. 紫氣昂昂遠四方,安營主宅最為良;左右允沖後無箭,田園茂盛子孫昌. 平川之地沒山崗,踏看墳基取妙方;但看墳基高才用,花離唯要水流長. 會看遠山流進水,龍吟虎嘯兩相當;八方周圍尋戊已,向近子午定山崗. 雷上波濤總不宜,風吹瘋癱受孤淒;家門衰敗難為厚,兒孫逃脫走東西. 不請名師另安葬,定然貧乏不相宜;三叉河口葬個墳,水流左右要相應. 時師不識玄中妙,三十年中出貴人;墳田中間又葬墳,不知墳是什家人. 若是葬入他家祖,定然存亡兩不靈;喪家若不失人口,葬後不久死師人. 墳前墳後兩家當,人行左右實可傷;窮 不過十三載,看他家敗與人亡. 墓前墳葬最不高,必主兒孫四散逃;可恨師人無眼力,占他風水兩相調. 宅後溝河活水流,左皤右繞有剛柔;前面若有波濤流,富貴榮華永不休. 乾民廣闊通大道,定生貴子出王侯;人家宅後有池塘,雖然富貴也不祥. 定生風流浪蕩子,三十年中主敗亡;人家住宅要朝向,玄武必要護峰場. 前柳後遺多吉慶,自然富貴足田莊;前面無遮朱雀孤,後園無護玄武虛. 前後相遮多安穩,自然家道足豐余;營後池塘最不宜,定主兒孫四散離. 凶災破敗傷人口,早請時師擇地移. COMMENTARY The general arrangement of the script looks more like the work of the modern author in a 7 words prose, typical of Tang Dynasty classics.
DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF GOLDEN LOCK JADE PORTALAppend herewith the criticism by Master Chen LongYu 陳巃羽老師, apparently judging Golden Lock with the knowledge of SanYuan XuanKong FeiXing methodology, which is a BIG MISTAKE. He has identified 5 key areas of dispute as the followings: -
IN CONCLUSIONThe 70% of the arts are the application to fulfill the general desire of all common people such as: -
You read it right - it is all about LOCATION, LOCATION and LOCATION! 70% of this art is to teach you HOW TO CHOOSE AN ULTIMATE FAVORABLE LOCATION. This is way before you even attempt to use any forms of FengShui to tap into the external Qi be it Macro or Micro. This is the MOST FUNDAMENTAL of all fundamentals of YinYang before anything else... Above all, it once and for all put the SanYuan Direct Indirect Spirits, as what we have been taught to believe in, into OBLIVION! GOLDEN LOCK'S PASSERBY YINYANG LUOPAN IN THE MARKET.... |
January 2022