This book ‘Stalk Divination’ presented to me from my student was said to contain the illusive LianShan GuiChang Gua, somewhere in 2018. While contemplating to pen my thought, my Hard Disk HDD busted. Using the high end computers, the HDD could not recovered, until quite recently in 2020. I managed to use a ‘docking station’ fixed to an old computer, running Win-7 to retrieve it. Thus, this ‘overdue’ writing. Was said to be an alternative to YiJing or ZhouYi. It was believed to be part of the ‘extinct’ LianShan GuiChang Yi. Is it true? The Eight Trigram arrangement similar to Later Heaven but the Li and Kan has been interchanged…, thus a new form of BaGua. Mid Heaven Gua? Why did the Li and Kan interchanged? It also shows how the BaGua is assigned to the human anatomy. Unlike the YiJing, the Gua assigned are all different. What is the rationale behind it? What is the actual application?
SANHE EIGHT MANSIONS ?We wrote this early last month and guess what, we actually found one school claimed lineage of Eight Mansions back to the Qin and Han Dynasty… No Joke! We are very close to some other schools claim Eight Mansions back to the Zhou Dynasty…Very interesting observation on Eight Mansions... garnishing a stale plate, we asked? Just because someone taught BaZhai and claimed the originality back to the Tang Dynasty, it is called SanHe BaZhai 三合八宅... If someone else is teaching BaZhai and claimed originality since Zhou Dynasty, what would it called? Where do BaZhai 八宅 comes from? The Classics of Dwelling 皇帝宅经?Since when SanHe 三合 plays with GuaQi 卦气? How to establish the House Gua 宅卦? Sitting 坐 or Seating 座?Where to measure, Door 门?What make one think the door is the 玄關 or it is entirely different thing such as the Entry Foyer? Has anyone actually measure House Gua 宅卦 by standing 3 feet away from the door or from the middle of the property? If that true try measure a shopping mall using BaZhai with all the doors and a huge space that you can't even see the door... Which door sitting do you use as your ZhaiGua 宅卦? How do you assign your BaZhai Qi map 八宅氣圖 to the floor plan, pie versus grid? Simply smacked into your floor plan and repeat the same for the floor above? Why BaZhai ShengQi 八宅生氣 is TangLang Wood star 貪狼木星 not TangLang Star One White Water star 貪狼一白水星?Use BaZhai remedy using 5 elements interplay 五行生克? Must be joking... What makes FuWei 福位 better compared to WuGui 五鬼? Perhaps, how do you raise FuWei, sitting or facing? If we think that BaZhai 八宅 is like Shen's Flying Star 玄空飞星 and pretend all the apartment units share the same chart based on the sitting and facing of the entire building, how many "client" had this "master" betrayed? The questions simply does not end here... it only shows how confused practitioners are with regard to this system...if one cannot truly grasp the actual application to this techniques, better denounce Chinese Metaphysics and do stamp collecting instead. Don't waste time learning from the academies... Saying that, we found - Later Heaven School of Yang Dwelling 后天派阳宅, the one school that merge eight mansions with SanHe… so technically they should be called, SanHe BaZhai 三合八宅 instead… THE HISTORYLater Heaven School of Yang Dwelling 后天派阳宅 was claimed to be originated in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It also claimed to be as the same lineage as the HuangShi Gong ancient FengShui 黄石公古风水 system (Wow… even predates Yang YunSong). Contradictory to its pedigree as claimed, it has really nothing to do with Later Heaven BaGua (surprise... surprise!). The term Later Heaven only referred to as the teaching that came much later incorporating the “original” eight mansions and SanHe Four Major Water Mouths. The history of the practice was rather murky but some school claimed it has been continued in the mainland China via secret communications post cultural revolution (can you believe that?). When the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan in 1945, it was brought to Taiwan by the sole lineage holder, the late Li HuShan 李胡山仙师 at that time. In Taiwan the arts developed further or rather flourish (whatever go to Taiwan will flourish). The FengShui of the YinYang Dwelling based on Later Heaven School of Yang Dwelling 后天派阳宅 was derived from Daoism (any kind of FengShui that derived from Christianity please let us know). In the Qing dynasty, this knowledge was published in the form of books during the middle period of the dynasty, QianLong era (now, whatever deemed popular during this era must be taken with a large pinch of salt). It has been spread throughout. Before and after the 1980s, cross-strait relations eased, and the late Li HuShan 李胡山仙师 returned to his root back to China, but the lineage before him was somewhat difficult to trace (very convenient truth). He was survived by his daughter’s side of the family but since they had already married out into other families, and no other relatives that survived were around, his knowledge was due to be lost in time. At that time, the late Li HuShan was in his very old age. In order for the arts to be handed down for posterity, Li HuShan was willing to accept disciples elsewhere. THE METHODOLOGYZhou WenWang 周文王 founder of the ZhouYi 周易 appointed Jiang TaiGong 姜太公 as the Royal Advisor 国师. Jiang emphasise on YinYang 阴阳 and Five Elements 五行. YinYang 阴阳 has three Qi 三气 or SanCai 三才– Heaven, Human and Earth, such as: - 1. Yang Dwelling (Human) emphasis is on Growing Qi 生旺之气. The Growing Qi 生旺之气 is dependable on the Eight Mansion Auspicious Stars 八宅吉星 arriving at the door sector based on the sitting of the mansion 宅座. Therefore, a mansion’s Gua 宅卦 can be different from the Door Location Gua 门卦 and produce a different eight mansions star 八宅星 arriving at the door. The other theories on eight mansions八宅 are of no different from those that are available in the market but how they determine the mansion’s Gua 宅卦, which later it is taken as main star 主星 instead, is a closely guarded secret as it must be derived from the Floor, as a result from the Building and in return of such as a result from the environment or land form. 2. Land form (Earth) related to Portal Prosperous Qi 关旺之气; Landform (Earth) and by the same token, Yin Dwelling are assessed differently. The Portal Prosperous Qi 关旺之气 is dependable on the SanHe Four Major Water Mouth Auspicious Stars 三合四大水口吉星 matching the Facing of the Grave 阴宅向. Some variant within the same school, however promoted the Sitting Mountain坐山 instead must be produced by the 4 major water mouth formation 三合四大水口. Therefore, a Yin mansion’s Gua 阴宅卦向 or land form are derived upon the 4 major water mouths 24 mountains sub division into:
As to how they derived such subdivision, is obviously from the 12 Growth Phases Double Mountain narrowed down to the 3 mountains - governed by one Gua. These are also called Three Mountains Six Line consideration 三山六线. The question again is how you measure the “portal” 关 that is yet, another closely guarded secret. Having establish Facing, the opposite is sitting. The 24 mountains plate (External Plate – Heaven Ring) each mountain has its own Five Elements. They called this the the BaGua gold division 八卦分金 that are divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth – 5 Elements or they nicknamed it as the Five Lines – 五线, (so that it sounds sexy, maybe). In their lineage LuoPan it was colour coded. Some explained that these Five Lines – 五线 were derived from XuanKong Five Great Element 大玄空五行 (Very strange?). 24 mountains XuanKong Five Great Element 大玄空五行 determines the 4 major water mouth formation 三合四大水口 (please don’t panic … calm down, more surprises to come). 3. Temples (Heaven) has the power to Prosper and to Dissolve 杀旺之气. This school took the general view that only temple can receive Killing Qi杀旺之气 of any kinds. The Prosper and to Dissolve 杀旺之气 is dependable on the Eight Mansion Inauspicious Stars 八宅凶星 arriving at the door sector based on the sitting of the mansion 宅座 or more appropriately the main star 主星. Therefore, a mansion’s Gua 宅卦 or main star 主星 can be different from the Door Location Gua 门卦 and produce a different eight mansions star 八宅星 arriving at the door and temple would prefer to tap into inauspicious star instead. Because temple is usually taken as an entire building, the conditions govern land form also applies. Furthermore there are the classifications to the art of application as in Stillness 静, Floor 楼, Deity 神, Work 工, Wind 风 as these are the closely guarded secrets terminologies of where and how to measure the reference point, main star 主星. Each typology require different reference points such as: - 1. Stillness 静, apply to Flat Layout – Plan or detached landed house. The Room as Host 以房为主.
2. Floor 楼, apply to the multi-storey building. Star as Host 以星为主, Yang Dwelling multi-storey have a separate set of 5 elements (HeTu).
3. Deity 神, apply to temple. Flipping Trigram as Host 反卦为主.
4. Work 工, apply to the entire factory building, BaGua as Host 以八卦为主.
5. Wind 风, apply to Yin Dwelling or Graves, the 9 stars communication as Host 以九星沟通为主 based on the transformation 5 elements to establish facing in obtaining water. In other word, using the SanHe Four Major Water Mouth 三合四大水口 to establish facing or producing the sitting of the grave.
Each classifications to the art of application has its own methodology. If you understand well each of these methodologies, you will understand the secrets of the 3 Yi三易, namely ZhouYi周易, LianShan Yi 连山易, GuiChang Yi 归藏易. LianShan Yi 连山易 and GuiChang Yi 归藏易 are known as the mid heaven Gua. As the application of this art vested in how you identify the useful god 用神 as it is called the main star 主星, it is therefore how you apply the mid heaven Gua 中天卦 to control (later heaven 后天) what is uncontrollable (early heaven 先天). These were summarized as "The wind and rain, the wonders of the mountains and the seas, the long flowing of water, the rivers and its banks, are of the one family"「呼风唤雨、山海奇观、源水长流、江河一家」. (In other words, all those things that made your head spins). THE CRITIQUES1) Eight Mansions 八宅 Later Heaven School of Yang Dwelling 后天派阳宅 demonstrated how watered down and superficial the Eight Mansions 八宅 that are circulated in the masses to date, such as the popular Yang Dwelling Three Necessities 《阳宅三要》, Yang Dwelling Great Formation 《阳宅大成》 and so on, these are the many false books for the public consumption. It claimed that during the Tang Dynasty, YiHang一行 forged a Fake FengShui book to be given to the barbarians for posterity. As a result of these fake doctrines, eight mansions as we knew today were all fake techniques. When Eight Mansions brought down to the Qing Dynasty, a book called Eight Mansions Bright Mirror 八宅明鏡 was written. A house Gua 宅卦 is dependable on sitting 坐山 to rise FuWei 伏位. A house Gua 宅卦 is the reference point to determine the East and West groups of the eight mansions. No regards were given to the external effects of the land form and they are purely formula. It has not taken into consideration of the LianShan Yi 连山易 and GuiChang Yi 归藏易. 2) Four Major Water Mouth 四大水口 Yin House: It is available in YangGong FengShui 楊公風水, but it is not enough. It is necessary to include the application of LianShan Yi 连山易 and GuiChang Yi 归藏易, that is, after consideration such, only 48 gold divisions 分金 can be used and the 72D 龍 are rendered useless. CONCLUSIONOn the onset, when we investigated this branch of FengShui school, it looks like this school salvages all the other FengShui popular methods available and somehow stitched them together and give it a new name called Later Heaven School 后天派. It lacked the finest and the elegant of a complete doctrine of which can easily be traced from the evolution of the LuoPan rings.
However, this school attempted to garnish the stale plate of eight mansions by giving us a different perspective at defining the reference point, instead of the House Gua 宅卦 or the Life Gua 命卦, it introduces to us, a relatively new term - Main Star 主星 that almost vividly remind us of XuanKong Flying Star 玄空飞星. The definition of this Main Star 主星 is almost liked catching the Useful God 用神 of the House 宅. Different context will warrant different means to catch the Useful God 用神. As a result, given the context of Stillness 静, Floor 楼, Deity 神, Work 工, Wind 风, the Main Star 主星 or reference points are all different. It became a flux. This is only true when you investigate the notion of a House 宅. So, a House 宅 is not only define by its sitting and facing alone, but how the Main Star 主星 distributes its natal eight mansion chart and such give rise to 64 possible permutation, reminded us of 64 DaGua 大卦. But saying such, they don't actually use Gua 卦 as their reference point. Instead they use Stem and Branch 干支. On land form, this school borrowed YangGong FengShui 楊公風水 Four Major Water Mouth 四大水口 minus the 72D. On top of it, they apply another layer of Three Mountains Six Line consideration 三山六线 that is obtained via the 12 growth phases. It may also progress into the full fledged 24 Heavenly Star Method 天星, to evaluate the Main Star 主星. Having understood such, lets look back at these initial questions: - We had now know that there is this branch of BaZhai 八宅 from Qin and Han Dynasties that is named Later Heaven School 后天派 that purportedly merge SanHe 三合 with GuaQi 卦气 and it is called SanHe BaZhai 三合八宅. There isn't a need to establish House Gua 宅卦 or even Life Gua 命卦. The BaZhai Qi map is established via the Main Star 主星 that is almost liked catching the Useful God 用神. The Main Star 主星 is predetermined by the time the building is completed. However for every floor the effects will be different due to the HeTu floor elemental interplay 五行生克. Because it is technically a SanHe BaZhai 三合八宅, therefore BaZhai ShengQi 八宅生氣 is TangLang Wood star 貪狼木星 not TangLang Star One White Water star 貪狼一白水星. SanHe BaZhai 三合八宅 is unfortunately, liked Shen's Flying Star 玄空飞星 and pretend all the apartment units share the same chart based on the Main Star 主星... only the other qualifying factors liked external land form and floor elemental interplay, door locations altered its degree of prosperity or calamities, as the case maybe. Want to know more? This paper attempt to examine the “birth” of SanYuan. It is a common understanding that SanYuan is the offspring of SanHe but very little is known of the bridge of how SanYuan is born out of SanHe. Both mainstream schools share closely knitted fundamentals where the 60 JiaZi, notably the hallmark of SanHe, at one point became the 64 Gua, the hallmark of SanYuan. Historically speaking, YangGong, being the forefather of KanYu only has one school. As time passes by, schism arises and this One School is separated into GuFa Pai 古法派 or Old School and XingFa Pai 新法派 or New School. Unlike the former, the later has been generally known as SanHe. This later school includes many other forms of techniques and methodologies not found in GuFa 古法 to a degree it is so confusing and complicated that a new form of KanYu is consolidated, not invented, and was branded as SanYuan, predominantly the birth of the 64 DaGua Ring 大卦盤. Looking at the revival of XingFa 新法 predominantly practice in HongKong, the use of 72 Penetrating Mountain Dragon 穿山龍 and 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍 are at large. Some XingFa 新法 school notably the Liu JiangDong sect adopted technical jargons that are unique and seldom heard of before. A glossary of terminologies are as the followings: - 1. 6 Yao NaJia 六爻纳甲 is Obscure Heaven NaJia 渾天纳甲 2. Penetrating Mountain Dragon 穿山龍 is Penetrating Mountain Tiger 穿山虎 3. Principal Gua 本卦 is Obscure Heaven Gua 渾天卦 4. LuoPan 羅盤 is Precious Mirror 寶鏡 Many modern academies especially one in Bolehland called, the Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) cannot reconcile the theories and application behind the 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍. It just show that the level of FengShui understanding of the “Master Trainer” is so much inferior when he attempted to bluff his way through module – 03, teaching this specific methodology. In essence, besides examining the “birth” of SanYuan in a larger context, this paper for the first time and in a narrower context, discloses the intricate work of Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍 and its relation to the 60 Obscure Heaven Gua 渾天卦 in English. Continue from these two writings: - 穿山透地 - PENETRATING TIGER AND RESURFACING DRAGON 紅鸞水法 - HONGLUAN WATER METHOD We have to revisit the poem by Zhang JiuYi 張九儀 as such: -
Contemplate this - First observe penetrating mountain tiger, Directional moving earth surfacing dragon… New Method 新法 termed the commonly called Penetrating Mountain Dragon 穿山龍 as Penetrating Tiger 穿山虎. This is an attempt to differentiate between Penetrating Mountain Tiger 穿山虎 and Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍. The terms – Dragon 龍 and Tiger 虎 have to be used in pair. That is why it is said that first, use the Penetrating Mountain Tiger 穿山虎 to determine the True Incoming Dragon 真龍入首. Then, to seek out the true Vein 龍脉 use Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍. Dragon 龍 and Tiger 虎 have to mutually match just like the spirit 魂 and the soul 魄. These relationships between the Dragon 龍 and the Tiger 虎 are based on the 5 NaYin elemental interplay 納音五行生克. Honestly speaking, it sounds fantastic in theory but faulty in application, especially in YangZhai 陽宅. To say, it is applicable in YinZhai 陰宅, is also very force fitting. The operative word, is this term - true vein 龍脉, what does it actually measure and how do you measure in YangZhai 陽宅 condominium? Complications come in the following passage - Obscure Heaven opens the precious mirror 渾天開寶鏡. Precious Mirror 寶鏡 is a term, New Method 新法 use to mean – the LuoPan 羅盤 (Gosh, can’t they think of something simpler?). Obscure Heaven 渾天, on another hand, is something even more complex… First, it refers to its connection with the entire 24 JieQi 二十四節氣. 1. Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍 comprises of 30 pairs of JiaZi 甲子. 2. Each JiaZi 甲子 supposing, controls 1 Hou 候. 3. However, there are 6 pairs controlling 2 Hou 候 each. 4. Thus, made up the entire 72 Hou 候 of the 24 JieQi 二十四節氣. That is where the 60 Dragon 龍 has a closely knitted connection with the 72 Tiger 虎 through these 72 Hou 候. Second, it refers to its connection with the Hexagram to form the 60 Principle Gua 本卦. As a result, there are 4 rings of 30 pairs of JiaZi 甲子 with its assigned hexagram as the following: - 1. Obscure Heaven Gua 渾天卦, whereby JiaZi 甲子 raised Kan Gua 坎卦. 2. GuiZang 歸藏, whereby JiaZi 甲子 raised Shen Gua 頣卦. 3. LianShan 連山, whereby JiaZi 甲子 raised Xie Gua 解卦. 4. ZhouYi 周易, whereby JiaZi 甲子 raised Bi Gua 比卦. These are the predecessors to the commonly known 64 DaGua Ring 大卦盤. HEAVEN YUAN 天元 – LIANSHAN PRINCIPAL HEXAGRAM 連山本卦 LianShan 連山 is the oldest form of Gua arrangement, believed to have been from the Xia Dynasty through the scripture of LianShan, now extinct. LianShan 連山 is pictorially mountain above mountain, represented by the Gen Gua 艮卦 nested within the Qian sector. Gen takes over Qian – the same arrangement to what is known as the Early Heaven sequence. Therefore, it is also known as the Heaven Yuan Principal Hexagram Order 天元本卦. In the order of the 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍, it takes the HongLuan JiaZi arrangement 紅鸞甲子, where JiaZi 甲子 raised Xie Gua 解卦. In some school, this 60 Heaven Yuan LianShan Principal Gua Penetrating Earth Dragon 天元連山本卦透地龍 is an extension to Lai BuYi 賴布衣 Human Plate Middle Needle, RenPan ZhongZhen 人盤中針. HUMAN YUAN 人元 – ZHOUYI PRINCIPAL HEXAGRAM 周易本卦ZhouYi 周易 is the “latest” form of Gua arrangement, believed to have been created by Zhou WenWang 周文王, that we commonly called YiJing . ZhouYi 周易 is modelled against the Later Heaven sequence with Qian Gua as the principal Gua, with 4 cardinal Gua removed namely Li, Kan, Zhen and Dui. Because ZhouYi 周易 is modelled against the natural order, it is also known as the Human Yuan Principal Hexagram Order 人元本卦. In the order of the 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍, it also takes the HongLuan JiaZi arrangement 紅鸞甲子, where JiaZi 甲子 raised Bi Gua 比卦. Surprisingly, this is not use in KanYu. Now, you know the pedigree of “Master Trainer” from Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) of Bolehland teaching ZhouYi 周易 as the principal Hexagram for 64 DaGua 大卦. Where he gets this idea from? EARTH YUAN 地元 – GUIZANG PRINCIPAL HEXAGRAM 歸藏本卦GuiZang 歸藏 is the second oldest form of Gua arrangement, believed to have been from the Shang Dynasty, now extinct. GuiZang 歸藏 means return to the concealment or containment, represented by the Kun Gua nested within the Qian sector. Kun takes over Qian – the same arrangement to what is known as the Middle Heaven sequence. Therefore, it is also known as the Earth Yuan Principal Hexagram Order 地元本卦. In the order of the 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍, it takes the HongLuan JiaZi arrangement 紅鸞甲子, where JiaZi 甲子 raised Shen Gua 頣卦. In some school, this 60 Earth Yuan GuiZang Principal Gua Penetrating Earth Dragon 地元歸藏本卦透地龍 is an extension to YangGong Earth Plate, DiPan 地盤. PENETRATING TIGER AND DRAGON YUAN 穿龍虎元 – OBSCURE HEAVEN PRINCIPAL HEXAGRAM 渾天本卦Not many people heard of HongLuan JiaZi 紅鸞甲子. Even lesser people know of Obscure Heaven Hexagram 渾天卦. Other contemporary scholars believed that this arrangement were created much later by Zhang JiuYi 張九儀, through his writing such as Earth Principle Penetrating Mountain and Earth True Transmission 地理穿山透地真傳, is the so called - Middle Heaven 中天卦, only known by people of that school. Most of the Hexagrams were repeated and were assigned throughout the 60 Penetrating Earth Dragon 透地龍 taking the Penetrating Mountain JiaZi 穿山甲子 instead, where JiaZi 甲子 raised Kan Gua 坎卦. In some school, this Penetrating Tiger and Dragon Yuan Obscure Heaven Principal Gua Penetrating Earth Dragon 穿龍虎元渾天本卦透地龍 is an extension to YangGong Heaven Plate, TianPan 天盤. Very strange that such was never mentioned in the 3 collections of YangGong classics, wonder if it is really the genuine teaching of YangGong FengShui? THE THREE YUAN 三元In conclusion, because ZhouYi 周易 is not used in the art of KanYu, therefore 3 out of 4 rings namely: -
These 3 sets of 60D rings form the foundation of the Great SanYuan 大三元. Later days masters, probably as the first generation of SanYuan schools, restructure these Great SanYuan 大三元 and assigned what is probably known as the LianShan GuiZang Gua 連山歸藏卦 into the Circle and Square Diagram 方圓圖, where it became the basis of the 64 DaGua Ring 大卦盤. Only the Heaven and Earth Plate was shown. There is the “missing” Human Plate of the SanYuan DaGua. The true application is in the “missing” Human Plate of the SanYuan DaGua. This is another story for another time… TO BE CONTINUE, MAYBE…
January 2022