Where is the center of Heaven? Which part of the Heaven are we measuring, in XuanKong 玄空, QiMen 奇門, DaGua 大卦? Why is locating the central palace, Heavenly Heart 天心 so important? Remember this Poem?
Most of the techniques in Chinese Metaphysics take the reference point of the center of the Heaven as the ultimate datum. Therefore, for the method to works, one has to establish the TaiQi based on the center of the TaiQi - Heavenly Heart 天心. How do you measure Heavenly Heart 天心, that is the undisclosed secret of applications. More importantly, to locate the Heavenly Heart 天心, one must look upon the sky and determine where is the Heavenly Heart 天心 of the entire Heaven? In modern terminology, where is the Pole Star? Here is the problem... First, our planet wobble. This is called the axial precession. Wikipedia defines it as, "In astronomy, axial precession is a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body's rotational axis. In particular, it refers to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth's axis of rotation, which, similar to a wobbling top, traces out a pair of cones joined at their apices in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years. The term "precession" typically refers only to this largest part of the motion; other changes in the alignment of Earth's axis – nutation and polar motion – are much smaller in magnitude." For that reason alone, through times, we have many pole stars. So where is the Heavenly Heart 天心 of the entire Heaven? Compared to the birth of the universe, the Chinese Metaphysics are not so "old", fortunately. The earliest method, notably QiMen SanShi 奇門三式 drawn upon the pole star Thuban also known as 右樞 YouShu (Right Pivot) and it is located at ZiWei Right Enclosure 紫微右垣. To be precised it can also be construed as the Celestial Great One 天乙 that sits so close beside it. First, let's take a detour and see what exactly is TianYi 天乙? 天乙奇門遁甲In QiMen DunJia 奇門遁甲, it is also called 值符 ZhiFu or the Lead Deity. It is the highly auspicious and benevolent Deity and with its presence every obstacles will be diminished and even Dreadful Deities will turn benevolent in his presence. With all the stars presence, he is able to even utilize negative stars to its benefit. Here it is technically referred to as TianYi Deity 天乙之神. 八字命理In BaZi 八字, it is called 天乙贵人 or TianYi nobleman, in accordance to the following formula, based on the Day Master: -
神煞風水ShenSha FengShui is a branch of FengShui that utilized BaZi concepts in the application for FengShui. How true is this method is subject for argument but since the idea of TianYi Nobleman is within the concept of BaZi it is also applied here: -
Commentary: There are 5 formations, but actually 4 if you insist to conform to YangGong 4 structures. All the nobleman direction 貴人方 are incoming water directions from either growth, bath, youth or prosperous. Establishing sitting location of the Stem. Wonder, why the stem only and not the branch also? From here you will notice 2 out of 4 structures are receiving "reversed water" which actually make sense as you receive water you are receiving the nobleman. However, what happened when you face water exit in the Fire and Wood structure? You are actually sitting on Nobleman! Next, the imperative 12 growth phases. There are 2 different sets of 12 Growth. See HERE for detail. Assuming, Wood structure, if Sitting Gui and Ren are favorable, wouldn't the Ren sitting would be receiving a Mao nobleman in a Death Qi phase based on the Pure Yin Pure Yang principle? Receiving Death means conform with one's life very much live in disgrace and hard work, fortune little and weak, 則生平多困窘勞苦,福淺力薄矣。 TianYi Nobleman Location 天乙貴人方 concealed the secrets to the YinYang 24 mountains if you discern carefully, since it is the Heavenly Heart 天心. Some SanYuan school will used these locations as water locations while I know of one school teaches these as a Sign Board placement techniques to increase customer. For whatever purposes, the one technique that bring results are the best and True technique. Back to the Heavenly Heart 天心... beside the Celestial Great One 天乙 there is another great star called the Supreme Great One 太乙. TaiYi 太乙 is one of the QiMen SanShi 奇門三式 too complicated to discuss here. Because it is not the pole star, it travels and such occasion brings about great tidings or great calamities befalling a nation. After 4500 years later, due to the effect of the precession of the earth, the pole star is no longer TianYi 天乙. The current pole star is the Polaris 勾陳一 located at the North Dipper. The LiuRen 奇門六壬 astrolabe or the ShiBoard 式盤 is referring to this pole star as the Heavenly Heart 天心. Could it be correct? All the classics of XuanKong 玄空 is referring to the Polaris as the Heavenly Heart 天心. When the Dipper moves through its pivot of the Polaris, all the fates of the world has been decided. The secret to change the future lies within the understanding of this Pivot. Here is what XuanKong 玄空 masters of the old is trying to say: -
To conclude, how would you want your Qi to move if you have not established your Heaven Heart 天心? Where is your Heaven Heart 天心?
1 Comment
Apparently some claimed that the following YinYang, as available in most Chinese medium books, are wrong: -
It seems that whoever has the answer to these 4 items knows the true teaching of Grand-master Yang 楊筠松. I quote, "都天大卦总阴阳,玩水观水有主张,能知山情与水意,配合方可论阴阳。DaoTian DaGua (Celestial City Huge Hexagram) is always about Yin and Yang, it is how it analyzes the water. To understand the affection and meaning of the mountain and water, matching the directions using YinYang. Do you know the relation between Yin Yang and 山情与水意 (passionate mountain with desirous water)?" I quote again, "有乙辛丁癸之妇,宜配甲庚丙壬之夫,夫夫妇妇,雌雄牝牡。The reason why there is Yi, Xin, Ding, Gui as wives to match Jia, Geng, Bing, Ren as husbands. The husbands and wives, male and female. Do you know why they are considered husband and wife?" Again, I quote, "甲庚丙壬是阳位。乙辛丁癸是阴位。Do you know what is the rest for 乾坤艮巽 and 寅申巳亥? Why Grand-master Yang 楊筠松 only specify 8? ". These questions may look simple but the explanation are lengthy... I attempt to answer some. Commentary: 都天大卦 DaoTian DaGua (Celestial City Huge Hexagram) is the system of Hexagram based on the celestial stars that in ancient time were classified liked an imperial city with the ZiWei or the purple star enclosure as the King's chamber. Not sure what I am talking about, read HERE. Therefore, it is important to understand which part of the Heaven you are measuring if you use XKDG techniques. It divides the Heaven into YinYang. As above, so below - above has stars, below has mountains. Mountains are formed by the "pull" of the stars and as it displaces, rivers are formed. Yin is born out of Yang. The celestial stars are stationary. They are Yin. The nearest celestial bodies that "moves" like the Sun and the Moon are Yang. These are the 7 governors that influence waves (did I say NaYin?) on earth and thus governs water. Qi is the mother of water. Mountain and water is itself YinYang. The entire LienShan 连山 talks about mountain being Yang in appearance, Yin in qualities, while the entire GuiChang 归藏 talks about water being Yin in appearance, Yang in qualities. If you look at Gen Gua 艮 ☶ representing mountain, it has more Yin Yao but it takes the gender of Yang. A closer look at Gui Gua 兌 ☱ representing river, it has more Yang Yao but it takes the gender of Yin. To understand the affection and meaning of the mountain and water 山情与水意, there are 2 aspects to look at. In form, the sentimental flow of water 意 and the nobility of the mountains 情 are the affectionate mountain embracing the water. In formula, mountain and water 山情与水意 matching the directions using YinYang. The key is direction, referring to facing and location, referring to sitting. That is where the understanding of YinYang 24 mountains become crucial. Can FengShui works without the formula but just with forms? My take is - YES! 夫夫妇妇 Husband and Wife is all talking about - formation. Without the formation, there is no 都天大卦 DaoTian DaGua (Celestial City Huge Hexagram). The physical or form aspect, if you don't know read HERE! The formula aspect Dragon is always referring to the male and therefore Yang while the rivers are Yin therefore female. Here is where the normal SanHe and SanYuan clashes, just by this simple and innocent question, "Which is more important, Incoming or Outgoing Qi?" SanYuan school will just look for the incoming Qi and tap into it 旺. SanHe school will just look into the outgoing Qi 衰 and tap into whatever that is leftover. Such understanding is terribly wrong! Both schools reckoned that in order to know the incoming Qi 旺, you have to identify the outgoing Qi 衰. Furthermore, it is the concubines that arrive first before the emperor. Therefore, formation becomes important. In the absent of forms, 有乙辛丁癸之妇,宜配甲庚丙壬之夫,are the premise of the HeTu where 甲庚丙壬 are the Yang and 乙辛丁癸 are the Yin. When they come together it is where the 4 formations are born. Based on this premise alone, YangGong 楊筠松 derived its own "BaGua" and set the tone using the idea of the 12 growth phases that is entirely different from the set based on Real Yin Real Yang principle. If you again, cannot understand what Real Yin Real Yang are, read HERE! YangGong 楊筠松 only specify 8 for a reason that there are only 4 structures with its YinYang pairs. He also specify stems for the same reason of HeTu Qi. By now you would have realized that the 12 growth phases applied to SanHe 4 formations differ greatly from the 12 growth phases applied to Real Yin Real Yang principle 真阴真阳. It is for an undisclosed reason as to why it has to be liked that. The answer is that YangGong 楊筠松 is using HeTu to be his basis. Ironically, most SanHe LuoPan 24 mountain rings are based on Real Yin Real Yang principle 真阴真阳. That is why for a true YangGong practitioner, the YinYang 24 mountain rings are different! If you care to chart out all the possible frames you will also get the answer for the rest of the 16 mountains. Knowing this is nothing great, if you don't know how to apply it. In fact it is there in Hung HinCheong's book. Click HERE if you want to know. Yet, many still comfortably uses 12 growth phases applied to Real Yin Real Yang principle 真阴真阳 in BaZi reading? In fact, the entire Ru DiYan (入地眼) is based on this Real Yin Real Yang principle 真阴真阳 YinYang 24 mountain rings and it is also the forerunner of our modern day XuanKong DaGua! SanYuan, in the beginning do not even have the 24 mountains ring. It was adopted much later and its YinYang are entirely different from what we could see today with its Tian YuanLong, Di YuanLong and Ren YuanLong. It has its origin from the SanHe's Human Plate. This is talking about the Huge SanYuan 大三元 embraces all the sub schools of 8 mansions and DaGua 大卦, not to mention QianKun GuoBao (乾坤國寶) or LongMen BaJu (龍門八局). There are many masters who are not aware about that the Huge SanYuan 大三元 YinYang. All they know and were teaching is how to fly the Flying Star forward backward based on the SanYuan 24 mountains ring's YinYang and it is exactly what has been taught based on the popular Shen's XuanKong Flying star method. Trust me, most of them is still believing it is the only way to do SanYuan. All SanYuan formulas fall within this structure of YinYang. It shows to say that the YinYang threshold are within the "cross" 十道 and further splits into Old/Young YinYang right up to the 64 hexagram. It fits perfectly well with YangGong 楊筠松 "BaGua" with its basis in HeTu. Therefore its emphasis is on GuaQi or HeTu Qi and it became the fundamental tenets for eight mansions. 一六行龍四九去,三八入脈二七向;1-6 moving dragon 4-9 exiting, 3-8 incoming veins 2-7 facing and this is how the YinYang threshold of 8 mansions are derived from. 三元大卦要訣
SanYuan 三元 is one of the system of keeping track of an event occur in the space-time continuum 時空. The term 元 implied space-time continuum 時空. The notion of 三 implied upper, middle and lower - the trilogy of early, later and middle Heavens (past, current and future events). Each of the 元 has its own layers. In simple term, 三元 is a space craft travels in the space time continuum. As SanYuan developed on its very own in conjunction with the existence of the early calendric systems, it has borrowed many existing knowledge notably the idea of Li, Qi and Xiang 理气象. Li 理 specify its method, Qi 氣 adopting its five elemental 五行 units as 甲子 and Xiang 象 encoding of both into a system of Gua 卦 binary. SanYuan Method works in a rotation or spirals. A continuum spiraling space-time has no gap in between that is why it is continuum. In reality, SanYuan operates beyond our 3D existence. However, due to the limited crude technology available to our forefathers, space 空 has been compressed into 2D space fondly known today as the 9 palaces grid 九宮. This became the hall mark of SanYuan. When Time 時 is induced within the 9 palaces, it takes the form as JiaZi 甲子. Technically space-time in SanYuan is measured via the JiaZi running about within the 9 palaces grid. Within JiaZi, let’s look at the stem 干 itself. There are 10 stems but there are only 9 palaces. So, at any one time, only 9 stems will be shown array within the 9 palaces. If you need to count from the first stem, 甲 all the way to 癸, it is always the Jia 甲 that will be gone missing. This is how the term DunJia 遁甲 came about. DunJia always work as a rotation within the SanYuan enclosure of 360 days a year. The remaining days are calibrated via a method called ZhiRun Fa 直闰法. However, it is not always easy for common people to keep up with the intercallaration of this method. Therefore, they improvised another method called ChaiBu Fa 拆补法, meaning dismantle and patch back again. However, this method is a little arbitrarily and not truly the pedigree of DunJia. DunJia 遁甲 is further developed into its own method notably, the art of war 兵法. By resembling Jia 甲 as the King 君, YiBingDing 乙丙丁 as the 3 nobles and the rest of the 6 stems as the 6 crescents or warlords, it has manifested itself into an art governing human affairs. That is what it is famously known today by literatures of the 3 Kingdoms and so forth. So hiding the Jia or 遁甲 becomes, hiding the King. However, it is always not necessary true. DunJia is also a system enable one to peep into possible future resembling Quantum Mechanics where the anthropic effects do not necessary bring about a fix definite outcome, 1 plus 1 is never equal 2. This is later commercially termed forecasting. In fact, many of the forecasting system we use such as 六爻, 八字, 玄空 and so forth are based on DunJia. Strangely the work of BoWen, DiTianSui 滴天髓 Drips of Heavenly Marrow laid the foundation of DunJia. With forecasting, it is then applied to FengShui forecasting. It is never meant to be a FengShui method. It is deemed to have been a FengShui method by practitioners who had never been trained in true YangGong FengShui or DiLi 地理. So, technically it should not have been use as a FengShui technique but a FengShui forecasting instead. It gives you a glimpse of where Qi is coming from, going to and its apparent Sha 煞. You still need to adopt 收山出煞 Receiving Yin, Protruding Sha to ride Qi. Ironically, BaZhai 八宅, ZiBai 紫白 and XuanKong 玄空 are all the offsprings of DunJia 遁甲. So, how on earth are these techniques used to 收山出煞 Receiving Yin, Protruding Sha to ride Qi? Strange isn't it? Even more strange when there are people who says BaZhai 八宅 using the 甲子 JiaZi is never a true method because in the olden days, it simply cannot be that complicated. How on earth could an offspring do not contain the DNA of its parent? How do you think all the Gua numbers 命卦 comes about if it is not from DunJia? If you cannot discern these, please go back to the fundamentals. With forecasting also, it is applied to Fate calculation 命理. It cannot replace BaZi but it could point out a way to go against destiny, because with forecasting, the end result is not fixed. Some use BaZi as the diagnosis and DunJia as a prescription. Collectively, art of war cum destiny cum forecasting are sexily termed strategy execution coupled with QiMen, it is now known as QiMenDunJia 奇门遁甲. Aptly, SanYuan QiMenDunJia 三元奇门遁甲. It adds many layers to QiMen to make it more complex now having the dimensions of deities, stars, doors, heaven and earth Qi, PurpleWhite, 9 palaces and Gua. Not sufficient? Wait till you encounter this species called XianTian SanYuan XuanKong DaGua QiMen DunJia 先天三元奇門遁甲玄空大卦. What a mouthful of jargons. Strangely, this is not yet the material for XieZiFa 些子法.
Most book revealed that XKDG LuoPan ring consists of the Inner Plate that is the Earth Ring and the Outer Plate that is the Heaven Ring. Yet nobody really take a good look at what is in between the Inner and the Outer Plate. This invisible Plate is also called the Human Ring or the Middle Plate of the XKDG LuoPan. The Oral transmission said: -
Commentary: - Besides the obvious commentary, here is another view on this... Square and Circular map truly a gap to pry into the Heaven’s Heart. It is only through the gap between the Square and Circular map that one can establish the Heaven's Heart 天心. In this case it can meant Xue location. Gap cannot be seen between them. The Heaven and Earth Plate are so tightly knitted that one cannot find the gap between them. So it is rendered the Human Ring or the Middle Plate invisible. A website called YiGlobe dedicated to explain the 64 Hexagram in great detail. Among the research topic it is stated that there are indeed 8 missing Hexagrams within the 64 that are constructed according to the law of Geodesic or Tensegrity very similar to the work of Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller. So, technically there are only 56 hexagram, one can used, at any one time. Knowing these 8 Hexagrams of the middle plate or human ring will opens up another layer of YinYang and Family within the Hexagrams. Illustrate herewith are the supposing "missing" Hexagrams. Happy Hunting! WHAT IS YOUR WORLD VIEW?Every year the fortune teller tell us story of the fortune of the world based on a sequence of numerology in the grid formation of 9 squares called the LoShu annual visiting PurpleWhite star map. XinMao Purple White chart has the 7 red stars residing in the center palace. On the same basis many fortune tellers are telling us because of the nature of the 7 red star which is untimely, it causes havoc and unrest to the center region and in this case, middle east. Just take a look at the fall of Mubarak and now, Gaddafi is in the line of fire even before LiChun (beginning of spring) steps in. What is next? This prompted a very serious question as to what is the Chinese's world view and I remembered vividly, at least 3 models as in accordance to Wan Burhanuddin's RAG132 introduction to the built environment. One, the euro-centric model. If this is how the hypothesis of the 7 red star residing in the center, then we must also admit that the Chinese way of thought is the same as the westerner. No wonder it is said that Marco Polo borrowed from the Chinese Yuan Dynasty! Perhaps also, FengShui has its root in the West? It can't be true??? Two, the Buckmister's model. Creator of the Geodesic Dome and credited of placing the entire world map into the political Eastern and the Western Block. Here middle East is no longer the palace where the 7 red star resides. Therefore it is a modern interpretation of the world view and has nothing to do with FengShui. More importantly as described in Wikipedia, "More unusually, the Dymaxion map does not have any "right way up". Fuller argued frequently that in the universe there is no "up" and "down", or "north" and "south": only "in" and "out". Gravitational forces of the stars and planets created "in", meaning 'towards the gravitational center', and "out", meaning "away from the gravitational center". He attributed the north-up-superior/south-down-inferior presentation of most other world maps to cultural bias." Three, the sino-centric model. China is called the Middle Kingdom, ZhongGuo for a reason as it may represents a middle Kingdom for the descendant of the dragon as opposed to the upper Kingdom of the Jade Emperor and the Lower Kingdom of the Underworld. More likely then not, it represents a reference point as being the center of the Chinese Universe. Now, based on the same logic, China being centered is visited by the 7 red star, should be at least in turmoil with political bloodshed? So, is either our Chinese world view is freaking wrong or the theory of the PurpleWhite is wrong and we continue to see it appearing in the almanac or ThongShing without fail every year.
Well, the sino-centric model is always the basis of the reference point. If the way we interpreted the PurpleWhite chart correctly, middle east should be at least Northwest or West side of the Middle Kingdom, currently visited by the number 8 and 9 prosperous stars! Perhaps neither the Chinese world view is wrong or the PurpleWhite theory is wrong. Only our current understanding of its application is grossly mistaken. Need another Metaphysics Overhaul? At times, overhaul may be good. With a noble heart we explored all possibilities and take the workable model as the guiding principles while the unworkable model as a seed for our future exploration. We really do not know where is the end to the tunnel of knowledge especially the ancient ones. Even at times we wanted to break new grounds and yet we must realized your new grounds are also meant to be broken by others, that is where the notion of Geodesic comes in to replace the notion of Pi (22/7). When one places Change or Yi as to replace the principle, just move on with what is thoughtfully the right way to do, hopefully without ulterior motives, back stabbings and bickering, we would be able to be in the company of good souls without the burden of being called a master. Heaven always have mercy on man.
Commentaries: -
方圓圖 FangYuan Tu is derived from the understanding that Heaven is round 天圓 and the Earth is square 地方. Round 圓 is talking about the enclosure of “fixed stars”. Square 方 is referring to the “imperfect orbital” movements around the Sun. It demarcates YinYang and generates “vibration” to form 五运六气 liked a ShiPan 式盤, It simply meant to say a divination tool just like using a ShiPan 式盤. Many defines 方圓圖 FangYuan Tu as the circular FuXi’s early heaven and square WenWang’s later heaven diagram of the 64 Gua arrangements, a predecessor to JingFang’s 64 Gua arrangement one find in the XKDG rings. It is for you to use for divination. 實窺天心之竅 truly a gap to pry into the Heaven’s Heart means to know the Heaven’s Will. 天心 here has nothing to do with a Xue 穴 location. It simply meant divination. The profound are the principles, the obvious are the imagery simply means Heaven has mystical way to answer your question through imagery. Imagery referred to the Gua 卦. Body and Application comes from the same source, gap cannot be seen between them. Body being the principle is profound. Gua 卦 is profound and has many meanings. Application is to pluck a Gua 卦 and it is an answer to your question. No question, no answer and a moment a question is asked, a phenomenon arises and that is a Gua imagery 卦象 – your answer in a seamless gap. This is meant by gap cannot be seen between them. Auspicious and Inauspicious to diminish or to grow are its principles, Advancing and Retreating, Gua imagery 卦象 – your answer determines Auspicious and Inauspicious of the situation and influence your action - Advancing and Retreating. To exist and to neglect are the paths simply put the options available for you to choose. Comprehend the meanings and understand their numbers, with Qi period accumulate into them, these phrases simply tell you the importance of Li Qi and Xiang 理气象 and not about timeliness. Huge has huge use, small has small use – is a Chinese expression to say it can be used for all matters small and big. Not have no pass through, not have no contain – is only a closing statement that no question, no divination. I am speechless when someone said it has anything to do with 抽爻換象, Transforming Yao Changing Hexagram through door tilting. What a joke… QiMen 奇门 unlocks the portal 门 of XuanKong 玄空. XuanKong 玄空 only exists because the mind 心 existed. This is probably known as the Seal of XuanKong 玄空心印. Scientifically, the QiMen 奇门 portal is the space-time 4th dimensions and the single consciousness mind 心 is the single event, a slice within the spectrum of space-time continuum. XuanKong 玄空, mysterious subtleties comprising emptiness 空 and mysterious 玄 are the origins of the creative power of Qi 气. During the time of the Primal Chaos 混沌 a single event sparks the creation of the universe and it is called the Supreme Beginning 太始. Within it the Original Fetus 元胎 begin to sprout and this is the Essence 精 Jing. With the essence coming into being, it is now called the Supreme Ultimate 太極, creating Heaven and Earth 天地 are the father and mother 父母. A slice of event within the spectrum of space-time continuum multiplies churning the Supreme Yi 太易 thus reality 现实 existed as the Two Slices 兩儀. The Two Slices 兩儀 are the space-time continuum of the past and the future and only a non-physical matter could travel between the past and the future with the absent of mass. The portal of XuanKong 玄空奇门 can thus be unlocked by the entity called the mind 心. Human is not the only reality 现实 that has existed. There are other consciousness within the same universe that has existed alongside with human. These realities are thus called 神 Shen. It influences the mind 心 and thus govern our intention and effect our realities. 先天 I 后天 I 中天The realities of the past effect our present mind 心 (intention) governs our current action to mold the future reality. These realities of the past are called Early Heaven 先天. The reality of the future is called Later Heaven 后天. The present as in “Now” is called the Middle Heaven 中天. Yet, the mind 心 (intention) is continuously haunted by our past and the same mind 心 (intention) is continuously feared of the future. So, our minds travel through these spectrums of past and future without stop. The negative mind is called the evil mind 心魔. Suppressing the evil mind 心魔 takes a little bit of a challenge. That is where religions come in handy and it marks the dawn of QiMen 奇门 merging with LiuRen ShenGong 六壬神功 to become what it is today, the “hocus pocus” Fa QiMen 法奇门. The Daoist Scripture 道法本無多, DaoFa Ben WuDuo is very relevant in suppressing the evil mind 心魔. If you don’t quite sure what it is, read HERE. In a nutshell suppressing the evil mind 心魔 is to be in a state of mindset of undifferentiated self or commercially known as the “alpha state” consciousness, 定心. 中天法Fa QiMen 法奇门 helps the mind 心 to suppress the evil mind 心魔 via the Seal of XuanKong 玄空心印 to reach a state of mindset of undifferentiated self 定心. Only through this stage of undifferentiated self 定心 that the mind 心 is able to control the unchangeable past 先天 and to affect the changeable future 后天. This method is also called Middle Heaven method 中天法. It is through such intervention that bad vibes or bad luck are broken. The Middle Heaven 中天 is also a single slice of event in space-time that the law of physics cannot work as it is deemed to be an event horizon. This “event horizon” is the YinYang threshold that is the “wormholes” for other dimensional beings or realities, known as 神 Shen, to response to your needs (intention). Therefore beside the mysterious 8 doors 奇八门, there are also the 10 gods 十神 in QiMen 奇门. 神 Shen is not a body of Qi 气 and therefore they are not afraid of emptiness or void 空. In fact they dwell in void 空, to be précised in XuanKong 玄空. Because their original spirit 元神 has no intention, Qi 气, they are neither good nor bad and their attributes are derived from the Hexagram 挂. Being in XuanKong 玄空, they also have no original position within the 8 directions. It is only a single movement of event within the space-time continuum determines the positive or the negative aspect of the 10 gods 十神. A single movement of event within the space-time continuum alters reality and each of these realities cast a Hexagram 挂. Each Hexagram 挂 defines the attributes of the gods 神. Reality 现实, Hexagram 挂 and Gods 神 are but a single undivided event within the space-time continuum. Gods 神 Shen will not intervene with your karma. There is a cardinal rule that if you asked from the gods, you shall receive but you shall also give something back in return. This is commercially called “equilibrium exchange” or neutral karma. So, technically the gods are not supposed to download upload directly into your mind 心, instead the gods hinge upon the 9 stars 九星 as their multipurpose vehicle or to put it bluntly, their minions to alter your realities. 9 stars 九星 are minions that perform the “dirty work” of the gods. These are the body of Qi 气 that has its residue imprinted in the DNA or every person on earth. They are the medium of the mortal communicating with the immortals. Being in the body of Qi 气 they resides in their respective home palaces and they very sensitive of being countered, punished, weakened or harmed. In short, they are just a bunch of minions that sometimes couldn’t get along too well with one another. When the 9 stars 九星 felt into void or emptiness, they simply couldn’t exert their full potentials and the gods could no longer utilize them.
The 9 stars 九星 exert their influences the way Qi 气 influence us through the space-time continuum. The ancient Chinese depict them as the nine “emperor” but they are more likely to be the sacred tools of the gods. Use it wisely it cures. Use it carelessly it hurts. If it is used by the vengeful gods it brings forth punishment. If it is used by the benevolent gods it brings forth blessings. Later development of the 9 stars 九星 in QiMen 奇门, witnessed the birth of the Purple White Stars 紫白九星. This can be an entirely standalone techniques that are the forerunner of Flying Star 飞星. In XuanKong ZiBai 玄空紫白 divination techniques itself, to pluck a Gua 挂 to foretell an event of the future is exactly the same modus operandi of Middle Heaven method 中天法 where XuanKong 玄空 opens up its mysterious window of opportunity for your mind 心 to seek an answer through the portal of space-time continuum and to draw an answer from it within split seconds. Further developments of Purple White Stars 紫白九星 witnessed the integration of DunJia 遁甲 into a broader spectrum of QiMen 奇门. Together it forges QiMen DunJia 奇门遁甲. In a nutshell, Fa QiMen 法奇门 allows the mind to be indifference 定心. In this states of mind, you enter into a distorted reality fields that allow you to ask from the gods 神, you shall receive from the gods 神. That is where you alter reality! In Chinese Metaphysics the very backbone of existence is 精气神. These matter can be applied to a wide spectrum of things that also include the model of production. Model of production is a model of how and why we create things. It is the very act of creation and creativity. Details read HERE. The result of such creation is a product. The product in itself is a reality. Before a product becomes a reality, it undergone the process of creation that usually comes from an idea. Idea is not real or unreal. It is virtual. Details read HERE. It is something that plays in the mind of its creator. Everyone has a mind 心 and therefore has the ability to create. The mind is the forerunner of all evils. It is also the forerunner of everything good. Good and Evil is the creation from the mind and it is duality. The mind existed without a form. It clings to any forms that our consciousness rest upon. It is formless and nowhere to be found in the physical body. It think it existed, therefore it exist! Mind 心 in the spectrum of existence is the Qi 气 that is flowing in our body. This Qi is the intention. Intention is vested in our needs. Our needs form our wants. With wants we become selective and we know what we don’t want. With such selections, we set standards and goals. We no longer look at the presence, we telescope to the future. In psychoanalysis, it is known as the displaced self. Detail read HERE. With the intention of either to improve ourselves or making a better self, we take action. Action is the act of making a possible product a reality. It is turning “raw materials” into a product based on our design which is the “intention”. To some it is called manufacturing. To manufacture you need something physical like strength. In other word, you need to be in good health to have a strong body 体 Ti for you to execute your plan. This body is in the corporeal form 精 Jing. The states of 精 Jing or essence is important as it dictates your product which is 神, the reality. Bad intention Qi 气 leads to bad action, the states of 精 Jing and bad action ultimately leads to bad product which is the 神, the reality. Similarly good intention ends up with good action and leads to good product. The downward spiral are called Bad Luck and the upward spiral is called Good Luck. In Chinese metaphysics, if you are in good luck – every action taken will be good. If you are in bad luck, every action taken is bad. Therefore, people with bad luck will need a third party to break the bad luck spell.
In Chinese Metaphysics, there is a tool called 奇门遁甲 QiMen DunJia or Mysterious Door Hiding the Jia techniques to manage such situation. In times to come more will be disclosed. |
January 2022