Southgate Sg Besi - an epitome of a failed FengShui despite award wining architecture, almost deserted human traffics. It was once marketed as a prime location stone throw away from KLCC with FengShui excellent, audited by the lineage holder of XuanKong DaGua from the legendary HK grandmaster Chen BeiSheng's prodigy. Somehow, something wasn't quite right. Where has it gone so very wrong? It is sarcastically true that the proof of the pudding is in the eating... THE PSEUDO SANYUAN WUCHANG ANALYSISWe were in a discussion with the developer who developed the scheme and we were also being made known what had been installed. Strangely, we also read that some novelty master of the pseudo WuChang origin stated that the door was in a right position but some how it did not bring about the desire effect. It is another way of saying, the recipe for the pudding is right but somehow it taste awful when ingested. What sort of logic is that? To add to the distasteful of the WuChang's pudding, it was also claimed that the awful taste largely contributed by the 'cutting feet' water deriving from the main road of Sg Besi. So, in other words, the Qi has been cut off by the heavy traffic road being too straight and merciless it will not have benevolent effect even if the entrance is rightly located. Unbelievable! To add insult to the already injured appetite after ingesting the WuChang's pudding, it was claimed that the water features were located at the wrong location, thus activating all the negative WuChang's Flying Star. Don't know if the soft launch is 20 July 2009 and it was claimed to have been afflicted by WuChang's 3 Killings but in reality, it seems not to have been recovered since! But wait a minute, wouldn't annual affliction only lasted for a year and this seems to have been in perpetuity? URBAN DESIGN GONE AWRYNotwithstanding the fact that the architectural designs resembled a mild degree of avant-garde architecture, but the onset of urban design is close to zero. The heavy traffic of Sg Besi and the lacked of sheltered walk ways, given the hot scorching micro climate of the tropical city, it is the most pedestrian unfriendly place in town. The pedestrian bridge failed to draw people from the opposite side of the road directly into the building, as the bridge drop short of penetrating into the mall. In a nut shell, there is no urban linkages that connect the peripheral to the plaza. There is also vague Porte Corchere and for stranger, you will not able to recognise easily the main entrance. Such failure did not give any sense of identity to the place. It fails terribly in place making. There is a conscious attempt to craft out voids in between buildings as plazas with atrium space. However, the spatial proportions are all hey wired and intelligent guesses revealed that the overriding principles are always profits and additional GFA, not place making. The logic behind the location of escalators are illegible. There is a very lacked of sequence to either bring people up or down, thus the upper floor shops are left to 'die' on its own accord for the lack of patrons. Such lack of programming is never ideal for a mall. Little did we realised, these urban design first principles are indeed closely knitted land form principles for FengShui, in regardless if you subscribed to SanHe or SanYuan. FORM SCHOOL, FORMULA SCHOOL, WHAT SCHOOL?Another 'FengShui Architect' has these dogmas to share, have you ever wonder why there are two main schools of Feng Shui, namely the Form School and the Compass School, and not just one? There is in fact neither Form nor Compass School. Both SanHe and SanYuan have their very own approach to Form and Compass methodologies and they are originated from the only One School - the YangGong school of FengShui. LANDFORM ANALYSISThis Southgate site in question is elevated from the main road almost 10 feet apart from the main road shoulder. Therefore, the approach to the site itself is already an outflow in a location that is supposed to receive water. Therefore it is said that the entrance is not at the correct location and no amount of water features would able to coagulate Qi. With the absent of Qi, no amount of XKDG acrobatics are able to draw Qi into the respective plazas to be circulated around. In such instances, it demonstrated that landform and compass methodologies go hand in hand without fail! This single violation itself is bad enough to starve the entire development of Qi and it has nothing whatsoever to do with cutting feet, negative stars or even 3 Killings. Even though the entire site is composed of several buildings but for the reason of the tapestry of roofs covering these buildings, it shall be construed as a single large complex, having several atrium spaces. Thus, openings between the blocks can be construed as the entrances into the complex, within these some are construed as 'wind gap Sha'. Imagine, having your entrances as Killing Qi? In relation to the entire landform, there was hardly any significant attempt to draw in Qi from the external to the internal, coupled with the effect of the atrium versus air well, the internal Qi conduit was practically useless. Indeed strange for the master who was later known to have salvaged Publika and yet not using the knowhow to be applied here? Perhaps, he has not engage someone better to his rescue? Perhaps, he should also learn from Setiawalk, a workable model of SanYuan FengShui minus the pseudo WuChang School FlyingStar. Entrance to the Mall is fashioned in a repelled formation. Not sure if it wants to repelled the Killing Qi arising from the main road that is already 10 feet sunken. Such not only facilitate the expelling of Qi, it also rendered the 'locking' of the Qi mouth obsolete. Much of the leftover Qi was drained in that fashion. At the point of visit, non of the shops on the upper level of the atrium open for business, a sheer sign of collapse and decay. COMPASS ANALYSISThe entire site is receiving the Direct Spirit, ZhenShen water formation but sitting on an Indirect Spirit, LingShen formation. The first layer of YinYang is already in chaos. In terms of arranging the dragon, water is expelled to the sectors of ascending order while its incoming Qi remains unclear. In general, this site is receiving GuaQi Dui expelling GuaQi Zhen. The complex is sitting Gen and facing Kun. In terms of Dragon, Mountain, Facing and Water, it forms a HeTu combination, yet it fails in a mega proportion. Shouldn't LiQi and LuanTou comes together? CONCLUSIONIn the FengShui school that we knew, there is no Compass and Form Schools. There is only One School with two different approach. One measuring the solids we called SanHe, while the other measuring the voids, we called SanYuan. Both at one point comes together, as in XieZi. In the same school that we knew, we never start to measure things that is measurable. This is the worse mistake. We always start to observe YinYang. Landform gives us the best scenario of YinYang. Very much often it dictates how a building forms should take place. Unlike the pseudo WuChang school, we do not need to fly any star and grossly fooled ourselves with numbers. What we need is to determined where is the 2 slices of ascending and descending order to allow us to set up our FengShui structure. Only after fulfilling these requirement we need the compass to establish sitting and facing be it SanHe or SanYuan. Such conform to the Yi principles of one beget two, two beget three, three is the mother of a myriad things. There is no 'grasshopper' in that order of things. Everything follows a sequence. Having this in mind, it would not be difficult to understand how Southgate failed miserably although it was FengShui-ed by the celebrity Young FengShui prodigy of Bolehland. It is not rocket science and it is definitely not correct door with miserable outcome, the pseudo WuChang style. RELATED READINGSClick the following links for the related Mall FengShui...
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IMPERIAL MASTER LIAO JUNQING 廖均卿Liao JunQing (1350-1413) originated from SanLiao Village 三僚村. The chief consultant FengShui master for the YongLe Ming Emperor Tomb, knighted as the Heavenly Admirable Chief of the Spiritual Altar Imperial Officer 欽天監靈台博士. This Imperial Master is also in charge for dotting the meridian spot for the Forbidden City BeiJing when the Emperor decided to relocate the main capital from NanJing to BeiJing. He may be responsible of creating a missing corner at the Qian sector of the Forbidden City. A poem state about him: - On matter of his lineage, he is believed to have been the 3rd generations of YangGong lineage studied under Liu JiangDong or LiaoYu. The JiangSi FengShui masters or GanZhou gentlemen are very proud of associating with him as the imperial FengShui master for the emperors' tombs and Palaces.
THREE YANG WATER METHOD - 三阳水法秘诀This classic although styled in the common Tang Dynasty 7 verse script, is most likely written by others but attributed to him, Liao JunQing the Imperial Master. Contain within are the method popularized in XuanKong such as :- 国师廖均卿三阳水法秘诀Liao JunQing Three Yang Water Method Secret
IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT MORE...SanYuan is a school heavily annexed to the system of calendric sciences one being known as SanYuan QiMen DunJia 三元奇门遁甲. As time passes, the authentic art of SYQMDJ has been watered down. With the emergence of master liked Jiang DaHung notably bastardizing the work of grandmaster Yang YunSong as in DiLi BianZhen, XuanKong DaGua 玄空大卦 emerged to replace SanYuan DaGua 三元大卦. At one level, SanYuan is able to merge with SanHe. SanHe has remained to be the fore runner of YangGong method. All FengShui methods come from Qing WuZi before GuoPu and subsequently Yang YunSong. There is only one method – YangGong method or probably known also as GanZhou method. Subsequently, splinter group forms and SanYuan school was born and probably known also as FuJian method. SanYuan school is developed upon SanHe theories and at certain level, it merges.
This is quite a modern classic authored by Grandmaster Zhang JiuYi claimed to have lived in the Qing period as the royal tomb supervisor and acclaimed to have been from the lineage of Grandmaster Lai BuYi, famous for the method of 砂派 or the school of embrace. Contain within this classic is the application for using the 72 dragon earth penetrating mountain and the 60 dragon earth resurfacing mountain. These secret knowledge can be summarize as the following poem: -
To appreciate this poem, one would have to understand the following jargons: - What is meant by 穿山 penetrating mountain and 透地 resurfacing earth? Why is it differentiated by 虎 tiger and 龍 dragon? What is meant by 渾天 or the Obscure Heaven and 寶鏡 the precious mirror? Of all the five elements, what has it got to do with 金水 metal and water? Strange enough, what has it got to do with the moon 月? After meeting a number of HongKong masters, we can see that they are really thrilled by this classic. One has this to say: -
Another postulation... (More towards the explanation of the LuoPan)
EARTH STUDY JADE CHAMBER CLASSIC - 地理玉函經Didn’t realized that selling the Fake Yu HanJing 玉函经 could be a brisk business. For your information there were also a number of Yu HanJing 玉函经 available such as this one shown that you could download from the internet. This version, as many may had mistaken as SanYuan version were in fact, sources for Jiang DaHung (JDH) to compile his version of ShuiLong Jing. The method of measurements were in fact an illustration from the classics – LongShui Jing. These classics had been discussed before, click these links for details – ShuiLong Jing & LongShui Jing. BOLEHLAND CON MASTER YUHANJING - 大馬楊贼老千玉函經In fact the Fake Yu HanJing 玉函经 as illustrated HERE were composed of fragments of information that you can also download from the internet. For those who were interested to know the brief contents of this fake classics, it is a manuscript describing the use of the 60 Dragons gold divisions of the Human Plate. In which case, some charlatan of the YangGong School taught that in the event that the formation of the Yin (grave) or Yang (house) does not fulfil the requirement of the YangGong 4 major water formations, you could still enjoy good FengShui by tapping into these 60 dragons. If these Yin or Yang abodes conform to YangGong 4 major water mouths, one only needs to ignore these 60D. Meaning, the fake YuHan Jing 玉函经 is supposed to fine tune the imperfection of the YangGong 4 major water formations. By the same token, it is supposed to be even more superior then the said 72 dragons. Unfortunately, 80 % of real life case studies revealed that of all the YinYang abodes conforming to the YangGong 4 major water mouths, all the 60D denotes fatalities, which also include the 28 asterisms falling into inauspicious sectors and yet the generations of these abodes prospered from one to another. Yet, for the next 80% of real life case studies that revealed not conforming to the 4 major water mouths but conforming to the 60D and the 28 asterism, prosperities for these families are never to be seen with quite a number vanishes as time comes. What has gone so very wrong with the fake YuHan Jing 玉函经? HOW IT ALL BEGINS? Let’s us share with you an interesting fictitious story that has nothing to do with anyone dead or alive. If it does matches real life event, it shall be treated as absolute coincident. We are not responsible with the accuracy of this tale as it is a fictitious story… In Bolehland, there live a very old FS grandmaster at a ripe age of 230. He thought to himself that he may not live long enough to see his son taking over his name and goodwill in this industry that he has built up for the last 80 years. So, he is sourcing out to other successful FS masters in the industry to forge alliance. He met one chap who is also a FS master and on his own accord a very successful entrepreneur in the retail industries and managed to single-handedly brought his company to be listed. So, by all yardsticks, these are supposed to be the epitome of genuine FS master. This chap shown a copy of the YuHan Jing 玉函经 to the old FS grandmaster and managed to convince him that his success is largely due to its secret teaching. Yet, he has no intention to sell it to this old grandmaster. The old grandmaster made an effort to seek it out all the way to the birth place of YangGong FengShui in China. Convinced that there are still relics available, he unfortunately met another FS master who was believed to take the opportunity to con him. Making all the arrangements, just liked what we witnessed with 1MDB of Bolehland and the millionaire poster boy with the Arabs, the old grandmaster was soo convinced that this very conman has linked to the families living in the birth place of YangGong FengShui in China. He invested a sum of USD300,000 to the conman to hunt down a copy of YuHan Jing 玉函经. Well, with this much of money, the conman must device something out of thin air. He downloaded and compiled fragments of readily available literature and gloss them over with a cover page that incidentally also referred to as YuHan Jing 玉函经 to be delivered to the old grandmaster. He told the old grandmaster that with that investment plus his portion (purportedly) of USD700,000, totalling USD1 million, he has finally obtain the true transmission from the direct descendants of YangGong himself only to be referred to as Oldman Yang. The old grandmaster bought into his evil scheme and there it goes, the Fake YuHan Jing 玉函经 has been created, at the cost of USD 300,000. Back to Bolehland, the old grandmaster shown the copy to his son. He had a heart attack and die on the very same day learning that his son actually, shown to him that those Fake YuHan Jing are nothing more than those fragments of FengShui manuscripts downloadable from the internet! This story remains a legend as far as YuHan Jing 玉函经 is concerned in Bolehland and indeed it is sad to see it being sold for USD20K from its original USD1 Milllion and to now, USD10. WHAT COMES AFTER THE FAKE YUHAN JING?Besides the Fake YuHan Jing 玉函经, there are 2 more devices (FengShui Theories) that has been sold in Bolehland as the ultimate techniques of YangGong FengShui. One is related to the notion of Death and Emptiness (DE) dragon that has been sold for USD20K. On top of that, to truly use this technique, one has to learn another technique called Earth Dragon of the 72D plate. Unlike the teaching of the late great grandmaster Li DingXin, that said the Earth Dragon follows water structure, this supposing fabricated version is different and it cost another USD20K to learn. In total USD 40K. No worry, we will be disclosing these in a near future.
Well truly, no wonder another Bolehland "master" (who happened to be also conned) say we didn't master our skill enough to even know how to use DE Dragons or KongWang Dragons. Ultimately, just liked what one HK FS master did, instead of burning fake FS classics, one is also burning real money… CAVEAT EMPTOR! P/S: We cannot believe that the Bolehland Conman actually admitted that the Fake YuHan Jing actually resembled his version that he has his handwriting written all over it! We believed, his students and his business associates are smarter in all manners as they never admit of betraying him. Just liked "Lingam, it sounds like me, look like me but not me". Perfect alibi! Ponder this, a conman will never admit he cons, a thief will never admit he steals and a student who betray his grandmaster will never admit he betrays him... What a joke! By the pen name of WuDouGen, he had penned the following verses: -
Reading this poetic work reminded us that DE can be used to salvage Youth and Prosperous water so that vitalities and properties shall never be vanished, however it only lasts for a generation. It comes very fast and it vanishes equally prompt. Just liked a knife, it can cure as well as it can hurt. A secret not many knew of especially so in application. YANGGONG NEW SCHOOL DE 杨公新派空亡 This modern school advocated that YangGong matched the 24 seasonal nodes to the 24 mountains, every 15 days as a solar terms with a 5 days week. This made up the total of 360 days a year with 72 Hou or 'weeks'. So, the seam needle which is the Heaven plate is the measuring between the relationships of Earth to the sun path. This path is measured via the seasonal nodes and are the basis of the 72 dragons not the commonly known earth plate instead. Chinese metaphysics use the seasonal nodes in the segment of 3 not 2 that is commonly known. Every node has three phases, namely: - 1. Beginning Qi 始气 2. Middle Qi 中气 3. End Qi 末气
So, DE shall fall within these Beginning and End Qi. The end Qi of one season shall be the beginning of another season. DE shall not use the frame that the season has expire or just in its infancy but can follow the season that Qi that is of the middle or prosperous. What shall these made of, you figure it out! THE 13 MING TOMBS - 明十三陵From Wikipedia - The Ming tombs are a collection of mausoleums built by the emperors of the Ming dynasty of China. The first Ming emperor's tomb is located near his capital Nanjing. However, the majority of the Ming tombs are located in a cluster near Beijing and collectively known as the Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Dynasty (明十三陵)… The site, on the southern slope of Tianshou Mountain was chosen based on the principles of FengShui by the third Ming emperor, Yongle. After the construction of the Imperial Palace (Forbidden City) in 1420, Yongle selected his burial site and created his own mausoleum. The subsequent emperors placed their tombs in the same valley. The mountain highway through Changping District to the Ming Tombs can be compared to a winding forest path leading to a hidden alcove. A blue-green carpet of pine covers the peaks clustered in this area; indeed, those used to the traditionally dry climate of the north are often surprised by the uniquely verdant and moist nature of Tianshou Mountain. During early summer 607 years ago, a man traveled alone here, praising as he walked, and earnestly writing and sketching the landscape of the area. The man was a commoner named Liao Junqing 廖均卿 , from Jiangxi. The Minister of Rites of the Ming Dynasty Yongle Court, Zhao Hong, had dug up Liao Junqing 廖均卿 as a descendant of the famous Tang Dynasty feng shui master, Liao Yu, and put him to work. In 1407 AD, the fifth year of Emperor Yongle’s reign a tragedy struck Yingtianfu 应天府, modern-day Nanjing 南京 when the Empress Xu died. The Emperor ordered that Empress Xu’s body be temporarily held at the Nanjing imperial palace, without burial, until a suitable tomb could be found for her. During the twelfth lunar month, the emperor dispatched a group to Beiping 北平, modern-day Beijing to select a burial tomb; among these various court officials was a commoner but master of fengshui, Liao Junqing. Due to the early death of the Empress, the Yongle Emperor moved forward the construction plans for his own imperial tomb, an act which confused many of his subjects. After the success of the “Jingnan Rebellion” and the resulting successful ascension of the emperor to the throne in Nanjing, and following five years of stable rule, why build his tomb now? Moreover, according to filial burial principles, the emperor’s tomb should be located beside the tomb of his father in Nanjing; why locate the tomb in such a far-away region of the north? In choosing a tomb site for himself and the Empress in the North, the Emperor was, in effect, “cut off all means of retreat” and ensuring that the empire had no choice but to successfully move North with the new capital; retreat was not an option. Although the Yongle Emperor was a deeply strategic statesman and a battle-hardened military expert, when it came to the matters of life and death he remained deeply superstitious—believing the success or failure of the empire was directly related to the feng shui of his ancestral tombs. What is so special about it? The con master of Bolehland has written 51 pages about its FengShui by just visiting 3 tombs out of the 13 and cursed the FengShui grandmaster of the past for doing a wrong FengShui that had caused the collapse of the entire Ming Dynasty. In fact nobody ever seen these 51 pages documents that may have just contained crap. One thing for sure – it sits Death and Emptiness was utterly rubbish! Bump into a very informative Facebook page of Mr. YangGong FengShui and this is what he has to say: - CHANGLING - 長陵
The conclusion is NONE of the tombs investigated sit on DEATH AND EMPTINESS line. Whatever that has been claimed by the Con master of Bolehland is BULLSHIT!TO BE CONTINUE...You may have come across some video clips portraying FengShui trip to China especially the Qing eastern tomb. It is a canny explanation of FengShui landform theories that to real FengShui researchers, these are nothing more then fancy over priced sight seeing, some may reckon them as pure bullshit. Did I hear it correctly? Someone just said there are too much bullshit has been said in the Chinese Metaphysics! I cannot disagree more because what is said in the video clip is also bullshit! Well, you know bullshit sells. Just the same way the beautiful FB page of Annie, now smells like a fish market for bullshit FengShui courses. There is also another punch line, you heard different school arguing who is right and who is wrong because they are stuck in their own base trying to fits in one system fits all. There is no one ring to rule them all. Perfect bullshit! I cannot disagree less. Worse of these punches, is someone just arguing that the way they do FengShui is totally laughable and when he looks at them, he would want to slap them. This is another example of I am holier then thou argument that is another form of saying, my ring is the one that rule them all. Is this another bullshit of the highest degree? THE LANDFORM DILEMMAIn the elaboration of landform FengShui, there is this term called Rising Mountain which is a far end mountain of the incoming dragon 来龍. This may sound like a jargon but what it means is actually the facing orientation of the entire land itself. This is how it is explained in the video clip. What sort of bullshit is that? By believing these sorts of skimpy bullshit, one has to go for an expansive trip to China just to see this so called Rising mountain? Can you believe how teaching FengShui these days can be? Fact, there is no way to see incoming dragon. These can only be concurred by the way of the outgoing water 去水. This is where the so called facing orientation is crucial. For the fact of such, what is the point of facing the Rising Mountain which is a far end mountain of the incoming dragon 来龍? Such is a perverted logic, another term called bullshit. All these table mountain, rising mountain and official seals are but fanciful names of the embraces that is supposed to lock the water mouth 水口. Landform FengShui is all about identifying these water mouths. Next in line is the explanation of vein. Holy cow! It is a daunting task to see the incoming dragon, now you have to see the vein? Many students who had attended these overpriced trip will know that, vein is a finer resemblance of the incoming dragon. Unless the weather is perfectly clear and you have 10 years experience of walking the dragon, you will not see the vein. That is why, old master has this phrase, 个字下脉 meaning the character 个 has a 𠆢 apex of a mountain and a 丨resemble the vein coming down from the apex. This is the vein. Now go see how many veins a real mountain has? What good will it make if you could see a vein? Just another sight seeing? Thus you called it superior formation, by having a tomb facing a vein? Wouldn't it be more logical for a tomb to sit with a vein descended from the peak of the parent mountain? Even such it is less then ideal for landform FengShui? Even more daunting is how one measure the tomb the size of a mega mall liked the Qing eastern tombs? IS A BIRD, NO A PLANE, NO... IT IS BULLSHIT, MAN!I overheard that the rising mountain of the eastern Qing tombs was called 火木之星 or fire wood star due to the fact that it has 2 peaks and it was considered to be the strangest, TangLang mountain, which is wood in element, to come by. Because of the smaller peak at the side, which is fire in element, the rising mountain becomes a transformed element. However, what use of this transformed element be without a proper understanding of LiQi? Isn't that bullshit? So, it is said that this rising mountain has its ancestors coming from the fire mountains as its incoming dragon 来龍. How to see one without the help of uncle Google Maps? In order to use these fire elements, you need to see cloud formations that is a series of water element mountains. These out of ordinary formation is called 火龙云水象 or fire dragon cloud water formation. However, what use of getting so hype up with these fire, water, wood elements without a proper understanding of LiQi? Isn't that bullshit again? Seriously, to one it may be wood element but to others it may be water? TangLang star in SanHe is a wood but in SanYuan TangLang GuaQi is water. So, which is which? Which is right and which is wrong? One ring rule them all or uttered bullshit? UNDERSTANDING SANHE LANDFORM Before we even attempt to reach the area for example, eastern Qing tomb, we need to understand the topography of China, mainly higher to the western side and lower at the eastern side. So by default the BaiHu side is higher and thus water flows east. This is where the theory of river east west comes about. All dragons in China originated from KunLun, a mystical name for the Himalayas where the mountain range are rugged, rough, pointy peaks and almost barren. It may look infertile but it is the source of all rivers. As the range gradually moves to the east, the range are lower, gradually rounded in peaks, heavily forested due to the change in elevations and all these are sign of growth and fertility. Thereafter a myriad transformation into flat areas are usable spaces for habitation and so forth. These are all pure geography, in SanHe we called GuoPu's geography. Yet, we are not so concerned. We ought to identify how Qi flows and of what structure to tap in given such natural formation. From Google Maps, there is a strong incoming dragon with plenty of branches where these are dotted with imperial tombs, each tapping into the respective veins. The dragons eventually detour and this phenomena is called tiger crossing bright hall reaching the dragon side. More importantly is to locate the water mouth. The greater external water mouth to establish its structure. Only aster getting all these information, a visit is warranted to measure the compliance of a formation in a micro level and this is also a time the art of measuring becomes very challenging! A CASE IN MIND - QIANLONG'S TOMBThis tomb is famous for Auspicious Land, Inauspicious Burial, a phrase explaining that the FengShui of the land is good supported by good landforms but the alignment of the tomb is inauspicious, as it sits Death and Emptiness DE. QianLong needs little introduction as he is virtually a polymath, Renaissance man of the Qing dynasty and some say, an accomplished FengShui master himself. He dotted his own meridian spot for his own tomb by marking it with a planted jade ring, only to be dug up by the most learned imperial KanYu master, whom he commissioned to search for an auspicious burial ground for himself. Unfortunately, the alignment of the tomb was said to be DE and thus his future generations were not as competent as him and thus it marks the downfall of the Qing Dynasty. This is however, most untrue! In 2004, an academy in town started their maiden tour to measure the DE of QianLong's tomb by virtually asking the student to measure standing parallel to the path stone aligned in a grid iron fashion and alas! These students are very happy to be told that their measurement were indeed DE. This is unfortunately, most nonsense as in no way would one able to LiPan in such a fashion without getting an inaccurate reading as a DE may only be less then 3 degree accuracy.
Foremost, the Xue wasn’t on the foot of the mountain but rather located on the hill after some distance from the back mountain. This is where the Dragon Qi stops which was wisely picked by experience FS master at that time. Secondly, this Mausoleum was the most expensive to construct in the underground palace by its interior completely made of marble stones & elegantly carved. Because of these the Mausoleum was the most confused in term of its three different sittings & one of it was sitting Major DE. You ought to go into the tomb to measure all the structure in all levels to derive at this conclusion. It is not so simple as just standing there measuring with your LuoPan. On this basis, it is commonly explains as to why after QianLong burial there’s no good Emperor but brought up to the empowering of the 2 Empress Dowagers during the starting of the fall of Qing Dynasty. Unfortunately, the Eastern Qing Tomb complex including QianLong tomb was being robbed by GuoMingDang of using explosive bombs to break the marble stone door on 1928. The underground palace left nothing but an empty brick walls. This is because of “ Auspicious dragon spot but fierce burial, as if abandon the corpse ” as per ancient old text of “ Burial Book “ However, we bag to differ as the Qing dynasty lasted another 300 years before total collapse during the XinHai revolution in 1911. But that will be another tale for another time... GUANGXI SCHOOL VERSIONS DE 江西派空亡 YangGong proponents are very proud of their DE, so much so that they claimed, whoever that is outside their school will very likely to have the tombs or house set in DE, the YangGong way. Therefore, it became a fashion within YangGong fraction to keep their secrets of dealing with DE. There is also a GuangXi version originated by the assumed families of Liu JiangDong, the direct disciple of YangGong. Unlike the con master of Bolehland, a young HK master made it available in the standard LuoPan sanctioned by their lineages as the followings:- 坤壬乙 - 火龍 乾甲丁 - 金龍 艮丙辛 - 水龍 巽庚癸 - 木龍 Through a series of communication with the master, it was learnt that these set of DE dragons are perhaps only 50% usable. Therefore, it is still very dangerous to be used. These are true professionals who are not afraid of people knowing the way they practices YangGong method. They even print their LuoPan template ring by ring for the benefits of the practitioner. Very big different compared to the conman of Bolehland. THE FAKE YUHANJING VERSION DE 大馬老千玉函经空亡 Previously we had brought to light a fake YuHanJing floating in Bolehland that has caused a stir to the Con master as little that he knew he was betrayed by his own students, especially within those who has associated to him, during his wander years.... Strange enough we didn't say where does the source originated. We shall keep the later story for the next instalment... It is a YuHanJing smeared with blood. Yes, indeed another old man's blood. So, this con man is not only being cursed by his own grandmaster but another one also. A true reflection of 食碗面翻碗底, a Cantonese idiom to say betrayal. This essay is also the result of betrayal, now being from his own kind. Let's the witch hunt begins... Among the pages of the fake YuHanJing there are pages explaining the LuoPan. The very reason as to why it is fake is because contain within is the secret of DE that differed from those sanctioned by the con master. If it is really a good stuff, why discard them? Listed herewith are the secret of DE according to the fake YuHanJing. Just listed some here for your info. A complete set shall be provided upon request, as usual for a small token of USD 10. Extremely cheap compared to the one paid by a fellow friend of us USD20,000.00:- 壬癸 - 水龍 坤艮 - 土龍 乾庚 - 金龍 POSTSCRIPT: It is revealed that the Fake YuHanJing is drawing from the principle of Zheng WuXin or Direct 5 elements to follow in the DE slot. By reverse engineering you will see that : 甲乙巽 - 木龍 丙丁 - 火龍 辛 - 金龍 TO BE CONTINUE... |
January 2022