先看金龙动不动,次察血脉认来龙。 Translation: - First observe Golden Dragon stirring not stirring, next examine blood vein identify incoming dragon. Commentaries: - The XuanKong Flying Star 玄空飛星, will interpret these 2 liners as the way Flying Star 飛星, supposed to fly. Note that the meaning of Golden Dragon represents Qian sector. In the Later Heaven BaGua, Qian is assigned to the northwest and receive the element of Metal and in Chinese means 金. Qian is also related to Dragon 龙 based on the notion of Yao change. Together one must observe if the Golden Dragon 金 龙 moves or not. If the star take flight it must start from the Qian palace. In the event of a missing sector in Qian, the entire Flying Star 飛星 chart cannot work! It also means if there is a vertical missing sector in Qian, Flying Star 飛星 chart also cannot work. The reason being the LoShu 洛书 flight takes 3 dimensional along the 3 dimensional of the Later Heaven BaGua.
HeTu in 3D: -
The early Chinese does not concern so much as to the sitting and facing of their homes. Their main concerns are the community. So, the EH is use to assist them in locating prosperous spots. It is all location, location and location. EH BaGua is imagery, Xiang of the cosmos. To understand its attributes, EH Numerology is invented. This is another component called Li (method). So HeTu is derived to interpret the EH BaGua. HeTu is derived from the understanding of Qi, the 5 elements. As the saying goes, Heaven bestow, Earth receives, Qi originates from Heaven and settle underground as in the forms of mountain (Gen) and rivers (Dui). Such manifestation is called as above, so below. As above there are asterisms. As below there are mountains and rivers which we called Dragons. So, it is believed that the working mechanism of Qi must follow an order. This order is HeTu. So, Li, Qi and Xiang 里气象 are complete. However, have we ever thought that HeTu is also in 3D?
杨公养老看雌雄,天下诸书对不同, 先看金龙动不动,次察血脉认来龙。 Translation: QingNanXu 青囊序 YangGong old age observes male female, all under heaven various book say differently. First observe Golden Dragon stirring not stirring, next examine blood vein identify incoming dragon. Commentary based on SanHe perspective: - ZhenGong implied that YangGong method of his time is already so corrupted especially in the fundamental understanding of CiXiong (雌雄).The first thing to do in FengShui is the ability to discern YinYang but yet many schools may take such differently. Such follow by the 2 important tenets: -
More importantly, this text qualify that a real water dragon has to be accompanied by the incoming dragon, without such it will not form a meridian. Yet, upon close scrutiny it set the following method: -
Musing: - On the same account of Golden Dragon, do you know that the FengShui of the Forbidden City, after being designed by top notch SanHe masters are the worst FengShui monument in China? If you are going to understand FengShui, one must not lose sight of the Forbidden City. Some believes that Forbidden City has the best of the best FengShui such as “…been constructed to the best level of FengShui with the application of the theory of YiJing, YinYang and BaGua…”, is going to be cursed as the unfolding events related to Forbidden City is otherwise related by lightning strike, bloodshed, tyranny and all that can be accounted for - the worse FengShui in town. Yet, we still believed in the soothsaying new age masters. Forbidden City is “designed” to be total FengShui failure, when the time comes. It is not the dragon and the phoenix (4 heraldic beasts) that is going to save Forbidden City’s FengShui; it is the conscious attempt of the then, FengShui masters to include an operative obsolescence devise that will purge the entire Imperial family into the gutter. The so called, mysterious glitch at the Northwest sector (Qian), where the incoming water dragon is engineered to be carrying the so-called JadeBelt formation with the Golden River is but an “automated switch” of obsolesces. The Qian as imagery of the leader is again, imagery only. The real Qi is still the depressed conduits, in this case, manmade streams or Gutter, incoming from the Officer palace. Ancient master do know how to rectify a missing corner when they have the tendency to even move mountains. The “barbaric” Yuan Dynasty moved the capital of China to Beijing. The Ming Emperor discarded it for Nanjing and they have a solid reason to do so, not until the megalomaniac Emperor returned to expand it, perhaps based on the “misinformation” of FengShui knowledge his forefathers help to screwed up for the use of the then perceived “barbaric” neighboring countries like Korea and Japan, later suffocating defeats from the then Qing Invader and partly due to the ripening of their own bad Karmas. Even Qing Emperor KangXi and QianLong, Empress Dowager Ci Xi opted to live somewhere else. The post-revolutionary Chairman Mao too, has decided not to make such as “wonderful” FengShui Forbidden City into his living abode. Yet, we were again being told that Forbidden City has a very good FengShui! On a separate note: - Perhaps there are truth that the Imperial master of that time were not taught the genuine art of KanYu, we knew Emperor QianLong has had a hard time convincing the masses to contribute books for the compilation of Siku Quanshu. We also know that he hired guns from the Jesuit Priests to "correct" the Chinese measurements of space and time. Would he able to convince the Han to easily dispose of their knowledge in KanYu for the benefits of the Qing? The most inner rings of any SanHe LuoPan called the BaSha HuangGuan and the BaLu HuangGuan is the testimonies of such a watered down method handed over to the Qing for posterity. We salvage these rotting ideas again from the later generations of Ming or Qing imperial master lineages without question! So, beware if someone were to tell you if he or she is from the imperial lineages. You do not know what they are going to offer and better don't trust them to the fullest as you may not know what sort of obsolescence devise they may installed for you... |
January 2022