THE YANGGONG OLD SCHOOL WATER SHED... No school is perfect. The Bolehland Conmaster loved to use this very case to demonstrate how bad is his former teacher's YinZhai skill. Apparently this very tomb has been much talked about in the Chinese Metaphysics websites in Chinese and often then not, many other masters would take up this case to bash up the Godfather of YangGong GuFa especially so, from the so called SanYuan proponent. What goes around comes around as the Chinese saying goes, as the Godfather of YangGong GuFa did not mince his words when bashing up other schools within the region of GanZhou including those living in the SanLiao village. Append herewith is part of an example of the sheer criticism lambasted towards the Godfather of the YangGong GuFa... GANZHOU PREFECTURE DEPUTY MAYOR LIU'S ANCESTRAL TOMB
The rest of the commentaries were gibberish and we shall not repeat here... We just let our readers to have a feel of the sort of bombardment by others regarding this masterpiece by the late Godfather of YangGong GuFa. WHAT HAS ACTUALLY GONE WRONG... As demonstrated this tomb was FengShui(ed) by the late grandmaster Li DingXing for the Liu's family. After the burial it was said that the Liu's family undergone sheer bad luck with the bread winner demoted and one of his new born suffered from birth defect. All these was accounted to the late grandmaster's sheer incompetence and thereafter it was known as the YangGong GuFa watershed that has invited all sorts of sacasms and insults from the other various schools of FengShui, with one stated as an example, from the XuanKong school. One biggest landform defects as mentioned is what probably known as the Reverse Bow Water 反弓水. Back in 2007, one will notice that the river splits with one crossing the bright hall as Reverse Bow Water 反弓水. We do not think that this is the cause of the problem. The root issue is the water split as its incoming water thus receiving watershed formation. What is a watershed, this we shall contemplate later. In the googlemaps of 2016, it is noticed that this defect has been rectified, most likely by another master. This is also a case that the late grandmaster Li DingXin, wanted to demonstrate his confidence in selecting the earth Xue, among the rest of the elements. He is very confidence that the earth element follows water. Unfortunately, he failed to observe that the formation is receiving Mao water instead of Zi water, thus receiving Death instead of Prosperous water formation... So, the late grandmaster Li DingXing can also be wrong? Well, who is him, after all? SOMETHING ABOUT THE LATE GRANDMASTER LI DINGXIN The late grandmaster Li DingXing, was the head of the GanZhou largest school of YangGong FengShui establishment. He coined the word YangGong GuFa or YangGong Old Method as a branding to distinguish his teaching from the rest of "merry man" FengShui masters earning their livings in SanLiao villages nearby, whom he unapologetically called JiangHu masters (similar to our Bolehland Conmasters). He received his art from his uncle, whom inherited the arts from a long lineage of YangGong practitioners back to the Qing Dynasty as the Imperial FengShui masters. He published a number of books notably the 49 rings of the Chinese LuoPan Explained, where within it, he disclosed, censored and sarcastically bombarded others as JiangHu masters. It is also from his writing that most of us outside the circle of the GanZhou school came to know about YangGong method and one of the Bolehland Conmaster actually begged under his feet to be taught only, later to become the traitor of his own school… If you need the detail please PM us… WHAT IS A WATERSHED KILLING FORMATION? 分叉水 Confronting Y? - 08052012A common account of Land form is the challenge to deal with the “Pulling Nose” and the “Piercing Heart” afflictions (ShaQi). Similarly so when we deal with buildings sitting or facing the “Y” configure road, either with Pulling Nose or Piercing Heart effect. Classics are mutually contradicting on these accounts. Their contradictions, however, is consistent if one understand the overall concepts it ought to explain. Here is where applications differ so much from mere theory. A “Y” configuration is either a road splits into two or both roads connect into one. The former is known to be a water mouth and the latter is known as the water shed. The question is always; will a building facing the water mouth be as auspicious to a building facing a water shed, or vice-versa? Next, a pulling nose effect will happen when the road is flowing outward from the house facing while the piercing Heart effect will happen when the road is flowing inward from the house facing. Compounding both effects to the water shed or water mouth; you end up having a cocktail of “ShaQi” to deal with. Worse, if the setting is within an urban area where the roads are defined by rows of building creating what is probably known as Heavenly Chop afflictions or wind gaps. This is why it is FengShui taboo for a house to face a road or Y junction. Many case studies revealed that houses in such a location are either vacant or dilapidated. If strictly by the books, it calls for avoidance and probably what is the point of doing FengShui in the first place if there is no cure? However, it is not necessary to be true. There are houses and shops prosper. The question is always – Why? In such doing, it is a land form issue; require a land form solution and probably not the over rated XKDG Fighting Afflictions formula based method. Confronting Y again? - 25052014 Reflecting one of the article in the now, defunct blog - 13Voices, about Property located on a WaterShed will sure to meet its doom, many of the observations revealed otherwise. It is a FengShui External Taboo no-1 that state, NEVER locate your property in a watershed. For us in QuanYuan, there is a way to go about it - fortunately. A “Y” configuration is either a road splits into two or both roads connect into one. The former is known to be a water mouth and the latter is known as the watershed. Our article entitled "Confronting Y" is a good reflection of such that it is never Bad FengShui if a property is located in a watershed subject that you know how to position your entrance. The HongKong master always refer to such as "Confronting SanSha". A case in reference, Shop-A is located in a location that fulfilled its YinYang structure. Used to be a good F&B shop and it was audited by a YangGong master. Few years down the road, it ceased to operate due to high rental. Shop-B is located in a location of the so called watershed. Many operators failed that include F&B operators. The last tenant rope in another not very well known master. The rest is history. It prosper liked nobody business. You practically have to queue up to get a seat. The morale of the story, watershed FengShui is salvageable and if you know what to do it brings you windfall. WHAT IS REVERSE BOW WATER? 反弓水 The Principle of Cul De Sac And Sucking Egg - 06042009 The Neo Urbanism movement has in favour of bringing back the community to scale, opposite of the megalomaniac principle of modernism where size does matter. In the discourse of modern urban design principle, we toyed around the 2 principle ideas of urban form one called the fine grain and the other as the coarse grain. Fine grains are found mostly in traditional town such as Kyoto and ShengYang where the fine grains are reflected to the scale of the roof against the height of the built forms which centralised on the human scale as a reference point. Whereas the coarse grains are modern solutions to our modern problem of congestion, over population and scarcity of land, in which these fine grain towns are stacked up vertically in forms of high rise mega structure with complex networks of roads, flyovers and vertical mapping, called plugs in and plugs out. The failure of modern urban design principle in addressing the issue of human scale has paved way to the ideology of Neo Urbanism, where the human scale becomes the vital yard stick in examining urban design components such as landmarks, gateways, plaza, edge, nodes and paths are instituted to the right size of a human scale before it is implemented. One product that has signified such an arrival in Malaysia is reflected in Putrajaya, the new administrative capital to Kuala Lumpur. In the course of my work in Valencia Sungai Buloh, one principle of Neo Urbanism that I find practical is cul-de-sac which give birth to clustered residential with ample parks and pathways clustered liked organic cells, hugging the contours, each manifesting its own identity as a community beacon with huge potentials to grow itself to another community as an entire organism of human inhabitants. In reality only the rich can afford such a dwelling in such a community. It is only the non Architectural trained FengShui master that makes an issue to such wonderful urban solutions by saying it is a sickle formation, therefore very bad Sha Qi – what a disgrace! What is a sickle formation? Roads that wrap around the cul-de-sac are similar to rivers that wrap around an island and at the concave side of the roads or rivers are deemed to be cut by the sickle, where this is called sickle formation. This is crap! Second, if there are fewer vehicles, the sickle formation will be less effective. This is another crap! Qi does not travel in car, as Qi does not have a valid driving license. When wind moves, Qi moves. When Qi stop, water coagulates. Third, in the cul-de-sac formation, there may be a bright hall as the island park. The classics say, bright hall eliminate Sha Qi. So where is the sickle formation? Fourth, if the sickle is nowhere to be found, how about the pulling nose or piercing heart ShaQi for the unit facing the incoming road that either flow out or flowing in? A pulling nose formation is where water is flowing outward from the main door of the unit in question. Whereas, piercing heart is where water is flowing in directed towards the main door of the unit in question. Answer, these are craps again as the bright hall filters out the unnecessary ShaQi, if any. So what is wrong with a cul-de-sac clustered community, FengShui wise? Fifth, units facing the water gates are deemed less auspicious based on the premise that water gates must be locked, so that Qi will not disperse. Another less noble saying is that, it is not pleasant to face a property at the ass of the neighbourhood. However such minor concerns can easily be taken cared of by placing what designer called neighbourhood beacons as gateways. So, there is really no fuss at all. Imagine, getting a FengShui master to teach Architect and Urban Designer to deal with the sickle ShaQi problem is liked teaching them to suck eggs? This is absolutely unwarranted. Worst, if one has to pay a premium for the art of egg sucking, such notion is unimaginable. Good luck to the egg suckers… Egg Sucking Jade Belt - 19042010 Strange, wonder what is the different between a Sickle and a Jade Belt formation? That is why there are some suck-eggs practitioners who claimed that all cul-de-sacs are just bad FengShui and yet some claimed island site with roads wrapping around are liked the jade belt around the officer's waist. Very novel indeed.
These brought to mind 2 distinctive developments, namely the KL Sentral at the upper stream and Mid Valley at the lower stream. What makes Mid Valley stands apart from KL Sentral although in terms of logistic, KL Sentral stood to be superior then Mid Valley? Perhaps the answer is in the Jade Belt Formations or otherwise, egg sucking formation?
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There is another XKDG 玄空大卦 book in the market for the English readers but this book is not for the uninitiated. It jovially called itself as XKDG: Not Exactly for Idiots. It is a softcover book less than 300 pages written in a lucid style of the author trying to be funny at times to garnish a stale plate with otherwise dry and boring subject. Offered at a price of below USD50.00, with the same amount of “craps” found in live courses for the same subject for most schools of Chinese Metaphysics in the market that would probably burnt a deep hole in your pocket, like nothing less than USD5,000.00. It is truly an instructional book. However, being the initiated reader, we may offer some additional “craps” that is hardly heard of in this subject… HOW THE HECK YOU GROUP YOUR HEXAGRAMS ? - 八宮位
The book ends its note with some “sticky issue” that court controversy such as: -
While we do agree with the author on such notion, but what if the actual FeiXing 飛星 method vested on the same fundamentals of DaGua 大卦, simply called it as SanYuan FeiXing 三元飛星? The FeiXing becomes the integral part of the entire system of SanYuan 三元. One ought to work its ways from the BaGua system of Eight Mansions to the 24 mountains of Feixing, then only the 64 Hexagrams of DaGua. By such you will find that XuangKong that we knew of today, is nothing more but a fake system… By saying such, it apprently make sense that this book cost only USD 50.00 and yet what has been discussed are the core syllabus of many XKDG live courses in the market that can fetched up to USD10,000.00 probably in the West and some also said, in Bolehland and Kiasuland respectively... With added stuff liked QMDJ and called it SanYuan XianTian QMDJ XKDG , it may goes up to USD 15,000.00. Day light robbery? Not really if it really dishes out the real stuffs instead of the common knowledge found in many Chinese FengShui books of the same topic. As for the Book, coincidentally called - XUANKONG DAGUA Not Exactly For Dummies written by our favorite author, Master Hung HinCheong, is strongly recommended to buy for collection... Want to learn more? A CASE IN MIND... XIEZI OF SOON TO BE DRAGON SPOT - 18102010 The fiasco of soon to be master has opened up another opportunity. Exactly the sort of case study we ought to investigate - why would a FengShui practice (subject) ceased to survive in Kuala Lumpur? It was rather puzzling as the claimed expert in locating "dragon Spot" with self proclaimed XieZi would have located a wonderful office to begin with? Why all the sudden packed and go? We ought to understand what has gone so very wrong with the location itself or perhaps what has gone so wrong with the method of application. Located at a commercial area, the tapping of Qian incoming with two rivers namely, Sungai Keroh and Sungai Batu, exiting at Xun could be well benefitted. Qi sequence from Templers, Selayang, Sungai Buloh, Kepong and all the way to Segambut and Sentul manifesting "cowboy town" Tell tale sign of robust business with a lack of nobility. That is why there are a lot of wealthy Chinaman. Subject office is sitting Wu (Li) facing Zi (Kan), very close to DE, how can that be possible? Higher on the front and lower at the back, contradicting ideal land form principle. Conforming to the SanYuan LingZhen principle which is, in this case, only GOOD on paper because it is not supported by landform. XKDG perspective, Dragon matching Mountain, GuaQi metal 9-4, Water matching Facing GuaQi water 1-6. All period 6 Gua conforms to lower period 8 onwards. What has gone so freaking wrong? All matching hexagram is not Out of Gua neither are they from different family of East River Gua. Qi communication, technically smooth. SanHe perspective, Yang Fire structure incoming Extinct exiting Officer. Receiving Stale Qi and Exiting Vibrant Qi. Water mouth unlocked. PostScript: Jo Ching said... any idea which yao is the sitting on? this is a chou yao huan xiang method. Might have changed to the wrong image. XIEZI OF SOON TO BE DRAGON SPOT 2 - 20102010 Prompted by a fellow practitioner in Singapore about 抽爻换象, altering the Yao to transform the imagery. Novel idea to add more layer in the XKDG methodology. To achieve 一卦纯清 or Single Pure Gua Formation, there is a tendency that the selected Hexagram, of 5.625 degree, may have changed to another Hexagram based on a more refined subdivision of Yao, within the region of 0.937 degree (speaking about German accuracy here in the context of ancient Chinese art). That is an absolute accuracy given the fact that the rustic handmade LuoPan is quite a primitive tool. No doubt, it is subject of major criticism yet for completeness let's investigates further. Physical measurement revealed that it is close to the 3rd Yao. Change from the sitting Hex of Eliminating to Marsh. Can this 一卦纯清 or Single Pure Gua Formation? The original Hex Eliminating denotes cutting off. Five Yang Yao cutting off a single Yin Yao, leaving no room for retreat. The general connotation of this Gua is inauspicious reflecting careless move and ill judgment. Such is the nature of soon to be master FengShui practice located in this alignment which are bound to disputes and disharmony. Whereas, the transformed Hex Marsh is an auspicious one. Such will only be beneficial if one is sincere without ulterior motives. However, would it transform in the first place?
No combination taken place within the transformed Hex itself. Speaking of 一卦纯清 or Single Pure Gua Formation, not so easy as it is... |
January 2022