Master Hung HinCheong did an excellent rendition on this topic Lesser XuanKong 5 Elements 小玄空五行 that he termed, grow-in/counter-in 生入剋入 technique in his book entitled, Water water everywhere. However, this is only one interpretation and may not represents the true method. Herewith are the interpretation of the above method in accordance to Master Hung. Grow-in Counter-in 生入剋入 In the "4MWM" (四大水局) method there is a secondary technique called the "grow-in/counter-in (生入剋入)" technique. While the Growth, Prosper and Grave formed the core of the "4MWM" method, the "grow-in/counter-in" technique played a supporting role. Many school chose to ignore "grow-in/counter-in" altogether, yet, "grow-in/ counter-in" was very much an integral part of YangGong's teachings, and should not be discarded. The "grow-in/counter-in" technique operates on a system of 5-elements called the "Lesser XuanKong 5 Elements (小玄空五行)" ("Lesser XK") that has nothing to do with XuanKong DaGua ("XKDG") pioneered by Master Jiang DaHong (蔣大獅). The "Lesser XK" elements were defined by 6 lines in the "Dragon & Water Classic (龍水經)"' such as:- 丙丁乙酉原屬火,乾坤卯午金同坐, 亥癸艮甲是木神,戌庚丑未土為金, 子寅辰巽辛兼巳,申與壬方是水神, LongShuiJing was later renamed "Green Satchel Preface (青囊序)", but the part about the lesser XK elements somehow was omitted. The rationale for these elements has never been fully explained. Some master tried to explain in terms of Yao transformation (爻變) based on the Earth Plate. The "Dragon Water Classic" state: 生入剋入百口成, 生出剋出退人丁Grow-in Counter-in, people by the hundreds; Grow-out Counter-out, people numbers decline! YangGong classic, "Green Satchel Oracles (青囊奧)" state: 生入剋入名為旺, 子孫富貴出高官Grow-in & Counter-in called prosperous; descendants rich, noble & attain high office THE METHOD...Whereas Growth, Prosperous and Grave dictate the flow of water, whether Left turning or Right turning, to determine that, the practitioner is to walk out to the point of intersection between the facing axis and the river, and measure the direction of the incoming flow. The "Lesser XK" element of the incoming water is then based on the verse above, based on the Earth Plate. This "Lesser XK" element is then matched with the SanHe frame, based on the Heaven Plate. These are:
If the "Lesser XK" element of the incoming water grows or counters the SanHe frame, then the selected facing is supported by the incoming water. Conversely, if the SanHe frame grows or counters the incoming water element, then the SanHe frame is weakened. LongShuiJing said nothing about the same elements, but it may be implied that SanHe frame and incoming water having the same element is deemed negative. Example: Property facing BingWu (丙午), Heaven Plate SanHe Frame is Fire; and the incoming water enters from Xun (巽) on the Earth Plate, hence "Lesser XK" element Water. Water counters Fire, hence the SanHe frame is enhanced by the incoming water. REFLECTIONIn a number of years back, one school has been advocating this method in the purportedly famous Water Dragon Method. The famous "Big Sister" took it and propagated it and the consequences were disastrous. The problem does not stem from the theory but the applications are entirely wrong! You cannot create Water Dragon within your compound. These are "water lizards" or "Cutting Feet". It was also learnt that this method has been brought from Taiwan, where one actually measure the water spout of the artificial water features as the incoming Gua within the "river" as specified above. Upon deeper researched from Taiwanese counterparts, it was learnt that such form the fundamental measurements for a SanYuan technique called QianKunGuoBao or LongMenBaDaJu. In this case, the applications are confined to the natural, not artificial. Yet the operative method is not really standalone, but a subset within the orthodox method of YangGong 4 Major Water Mouths (4MWM), very accurate in giving predictive outcomes without even the need of a LuoPan, as the technique itself aligned the observer as a "LuoPan" itself. Further exploration also revealed that it forms the basis of XuanKong DaGua (XKDG). Has such modification embodied within the work of JiangDaHung's Water Dragon Classic, ShuiLongJing? That may be another tale for another day... TWO CASES IN MINDWhile we are closing up for the Chinese New Year, we ought to clear up a lot of back logs due to our cases at hand that is multiplying by the days. Of these, 2 cases come to mind about the water dragon formula. In accordance to our findings, it makes more problems then to otherwise bring health and prosperity. What is a water dragon method. According to the principle of Earthly Principle 5 Considerations, DiLi WuJu, a rather offspring of the SanHe methodology, the 5 principles consists of dragons, water, embrace, mountain and spot. Water is only one of the 5 principles and cannot be taken out of context devoid of the other 4 principles. It takes the 5 principles to make it work. So, in other word, water dragon cannot be created. Now, here is the novelty of the commercialized FengShui practitioners. Some authors even proudly present their works as getting wealthy with water dragons, outlining all the water exit in accordance to the Earthly Principle 5 Considerations. What these authors and practitioners are advocating is none other then building parameter drains around the property. That is where all the problems begin. Case 1: A lady suffered from intestinal growth. On a Gua imagery level one is able to notice that the parameter drains actually represents her intestines and plants growing out of these drains are intestinal growth, which means cancer of the intestine. Again I am reserving the details on another channel. Case 2: A gentleman with bad debts. His house is surrounded by these "water dragons" ended up he is living with "water lizards" that siphoned away all his hard earned cash. There is a lot of issues with his investment that does not materialized as promised. Again I am reserving the details on another channel.
Solving these cases are to undo all these "water lizards" and that is all about wasting money and double handling of works. If next time, someone offer you a "water dragon" and you succumbed into their perspectives and enjoyed an about turned of events from bad to worst, you know who to call...
Dragon Water Classic is, now, known as Ancient Scroll Dragon Water Classic 古本龙水经. Being "ancient" we will not be certain as to who wrote the script. Some copy has the first verse, 楊公養老看雌雄, YangGong old age see CiXiong, while others, it simply start with 天下諸書對不同, under Heaven all books are different. On the first assumption, it may have been written by Zheng WenChang 曾文辿, YangGong most senior disciple. Unfortunately, the 7 characters prose, common to the Tang Dynasty literature, are sometimes punctuated by 5, 3, 2 characters prose that pose, such copy may have been "polluted" by others or there are just some missing or illegible characters that has been lost during translation and hand copy from one generation to another. The examples are: -
Item 3-8 seems to have been sub topic to the method prescribed or annotation made by others. Such does not gel well with the obsession of ancient Chinese inclination towards poem over clarity. That is one good reason as to why the Old YangGong method lineage (YangGong GuFa) did not subscribe to this literature. The followings are one of the many copies found in the internet: - 古本龍水經楊公養老看雌雄.天下諸書對不同,先看真龍動不動,次看血脈認來龍,龍分兩片陰陽取, 水對三義細認宗,江南來龍江北去,江西龍去望江東,二十四山分逆順,認去陰陽祖與宗, 陽從左路團團轉,陰從右路轉相通,有人識得陰陽者,何愁大地不相逢,是以聖人卜河洛, 纏澗二水交華獄,相其陰陽流水位,卜州卜邑辯雌雄,晉世景純傳此術,演經立義出玄空, 朱雀發源生旺氣,一一講說開愚蒙,先天經盤十二位,後天再用乾與維,八幹四維鋪支位, 子母公孫同一類,二十四山雙雙起,少有時師通此意。五行分佈二十四,時師此意何時記。 若論玄空分五行,知得榮枯死與生,丙丁乙酉原屬火,乾坤卯午金同坐,亥癸艮甲是木神, 戌庚丑未土為金,子寅辰巽辛兼巳,申與壬方是水神,用此步水與量山,百里江山一向間, 山上龍神不下水,水里龍神不上山,更有收山出煞法,前後步天步相離,坎癸申辰坤乙星, 離壬寅戌兼乾甲,此是陽山起頂來,收山出煞正宜裁,艮丙兌丁兼巳醜,巽辛震庚亥未受, 此是陰山入穴來,立穴何須拘左右,此是收山出煞書,三節四節不須拘,只要龍身得生旺, 陰陽卻與穴中殊,天上星辰是織羅,水城三八要來過,水步城門須要會,恰如湖里雁交鵝, 四木四金並八水,四火四土俱入座,十個退神如鬼靈,十四進神家業興,立向須明生剋化, 進退水路要知宗,生入克入為進神,生出克出是退神,退水宜流千百步,進水須教近戶庭, 進退得位出公卿,大旺人丁家業興,甲庚丙壬水來朝,其家大富出官僚,進神若退家資退, 亥子申宮皆一位,退神若進主官非,巽巳艮寅同一例。癸坎騰騰入亥乾,丙向夾蛇扦虎馬, 虎馬兔山高聳頂,莊田置萬頃,著紫著紅兼著綠,寅甲水來逐,更有諸位高峰起, 尖秀高圓俱得位,長生高聳旺人丁,旺位起峰財路聚,水明消息少知音,盡在玄空里內尋, 乾坤艮巽鬚髮長,寅申巳亥長伶丁,甲庚丙寅中男發,子午卯酉中男殺,乙辛丁癸少年強, 辰戌丑未少男殃,更看明堂水來去,文庫大小俱得位,截定生旺莫教流,直射直流家業退, 流坡生方主少亡,衝破旺方財祿空,文若來時男女亂,庫方來去定非祥,購堅明堂定方偶, 便從曲折審紫紆,四尺五寸為一步,折取須教向所宜,小神須要入中神,中神要入大神位, 三折祿馬上街去,一舉登科名冠世,奇貴貪狼巽祿馬,三合連珠貴無價,小神流短大神長, 富貴聲名滿天下,正奇例,三奇貪狼例,正馬例,祿例,借馬例,催官例。 子午卯酉號衙廳,神壇寺觀亦能與,內有旗槍紅門水,雷公館位使人驚。乾坤艮巽城門水, 其中來去要知音,大神流入小神宮,定主人家災禍至,中神流入小神方,災禍瘟癀不可聞, 小神流入大神位,管取榮華家富貴,乙辛丁癸神名小,辰戌丑未小神表,甲庚丙寅號中神, 子午卯酉中神照,惟有乾坤艮巽方,寅申巳亥大神當,八幹四維流皆吉,若放支神起禍殃, 四維八幹赦文水,六秀並要上街去,生入克入百口成,生出克出退人丁,富貴貧賤在水神, 水是山家血脈精,山靜水動書夜定,水主財聚山主人,乾坤艮巽號御街,四大尊神在內排, 是水流歸東大海,惟有巽宮可去來,生剋須憑五行布,要識天機玄妙處,乾坤艮巽水長流, 吉神克入家富豪,尋龍鬚教認得真,識龍方信術精通。第一識龍要識穴,海裡尋珠為上決, 第二要識面前砂,斷人禍福定無差,第三要識九宮水,斷人禍福靈如鬼。請驗人家舊墳宅, 十墳埋下九墳貧,惟有一墳能發福,去水來山盡合情,略敘此篇傳後代,收拾家中藏匣內, 莫將輕授等間人,非人得此生災害,留與有德吉人看,家家富貴光前代。 COMPARATIVE STUDIESReviewing this copy of Dragon Water Classic 古本龙水经 and comparing it with QingNanXu 青囊序, there are many areas of inconsistencies namely: -
The followings are the comparative studies between both classics with variants highlighted in red:-
DISCOURSE ON LONGSHUIJINGBy changing a single character, it changes the entire meaning, for example: -
By changing the the entire phrase, it presents a new idea for example: -
The remaining script of LongShuiJing provide more ideas and methodology such as Small XuanKong 小玄空 as the followings: -
AS CONCLUSIONThe remaining script introduces to us an entire method of XuanKong. The first 6 stanzas are the key poems defining the XuanKong elements to the 24 mountains such as: - 丙丁乙酉原屬火,乾坤卯午金同坐, |
January 2022