As its name suggested, it comprises of 6 factors of XuanKong. Some says, XuanKong LiuFa or also known as XuanKong 6 Methodologies was once a mysterious FengShui system that was strongly advocated by the late Grandmaster Tan YangWu (淡養吾). In 1929, Tan met a Daoist by the name of Li QianXu (李虔虛道長), who later imparted XuanKong LiuFa to him. Another theory state that XuanKong LiuFa is the genuine transmission by the founder Wu JingLuan and It has a shroud of mysticism around it because those who know it do not share the method openly and claim that it is the only true XuanKong teaching and knowledge. Moreover they tend to use strange words and terminology which nobody seem to understand unless you have some foundation knowledge on the subject. XKLF consists of 6 key components - that is why it is called 6 Methods. Actually the translation is a bit misleading because they are not individual methods by its own but key concepts or principles that need to be applied in a holistic way in order to realize its full FengShui potential. The 6 methods of XKLF are:
1) MYSTERIOUS SUBTLETIES 玄空XKLF’s fundamentals are from the YiJing and it places the importance to the concept of Taiji. Unlike XuanKong FeiXing XKFX school that emphasized one room as one TaiJi, meaning there must be within an enclosure, XKLF TaiJi stems from the very human as a reference point against the Qi mouth, be it incoming Qi or outgoing Qi. XKLF believes that human is always concerned about the effects of FengShui. Therefore it places human as the centre point of focus. For building, TaiJi is established at the centre of the building. XKLF considers the bed, workplace as the central datum to establish its TaiJi to take measurements, in addition to placing the TaiJi on the building or the rooms. It gives great flexibility in tapping into the Qi map at any given place by just tilting the desk, bed and so forth. On a larger scale, with the same set of TaiJi and the Early Heaven BaGua one is able to determine the luck of the building based on its facing direction in relation to the nearest Qi mouths such as junctions and road intersections. It is an absolute versatile tool to employ from all types of building to push cart hawker stalls. XKLF uses the 2 Yuan 8 Yun or 2 Cycles and 8 Period instead of the 3 Cycles 9 Period of XKFX. The period 1, 2, 3 and 4 belongs to Upper Yuan while Period 6, 7, 8, 9 belongs to the Lower Yuan. There is no Period 5. The length of each is not fixed like XKFX but it varies according to the Yao of the Gua it represents. A Yin Yao represents 6 years while a Yang Yao represents 9 years. For our current period, it is period 8 starting from 1996 lasting for 21 years. Period 9 begins in 2017. The fundamental theories on this method is derived from QingNan Xu 青囊序. 2) MALE AND FEMALE 雌雄It is about the interaction and union of the male Qian and female Kun, as represented by Yin and Yang, producing offspring of different gender. Without male, female cannot produce. Without female, male cannot grow. Therefore there is always inter-dependency between the male and female and the need for each other to coexist. One cannot survive without the other. Unlike the notion of XuanKong 玄空 which is non-physical, CiXiong 雌雄 is physical manifestation of Male and Female. This concept is extended to Water vs Mountain, Moving vs Stillness, Building vs Road Junctions, Heavy Furniture vs Doorways, etc. The origin of this principle stems from the Early Heaven BaGua where any two opposite Trigrams are always opposite and complementary to each other. Such became its basis to analyse land form. Unlike XKFX, it requires the water mouth as a central reference point for its analysis. 3) LEANING STAR 挨星These stars are the 9 stars of the Great Dipper. They are: -
These 9 stars are mapped to the 9 LuoShu numbers based on the trigram it is associated with. Unlike XKFX that uses the concept of Flying Star within the LoShu, XKLF uses the concept of Leaning Star that means the star lean one against another based on the principle of flipping Yao to change the Gua Imagery 抽爻換象. Unlike XKFX that uses the 45 degree influence of an entire Gua, XKLF uses the 15 degree influence of an entire mountain itself. A trigram is assigned to each of the 24 mountains with a Leaning Star associated to each mountain. When the flipping Yao to change the Gua Imagery 抽爻換象 sets in, an addition of 8 trigrams are produced and these are positioned to the 24 mountains with an additional 2 trigrams attached to these 8 mountains. Altogether it becomes 32 mountains instead. For each period, the configuration of the 32 mountains differ. The core theories of this method vested in Parent SanBan Gua as in TianYu Jing 天玉经. 4) GOLDEN DRAGON 金龍JinLong or Golden Dragon is actually the #5 Yellow LianZhen Aixing star. There are a total of 9 numbers and these numbers are mapped a 9-palace grid. Based on the period number and the way the stars fly forward for Odd number or backward for Even number in the LuoShu 9-palace grid, the location where the #5 lands is the location of JinLong. The JinLong location is also known as the LingShen (Indirect Spirit) location. As the trigrams are group into two groups of male and female (CiXiong principle) gender, the locations where these trigrams lands are termed as LingShen or ZhenShen (Direct Spirit) locations. Therefore are multiple ZhenShen and LingShen directions in each period. ZhenShen locations like to see mountain while LingShen locations like to see water. Think of LingShen as the golden dragon that needs water to survive. Therefore, XKFX notion of ZhenShen represents the current timely star must therefore see mountain and the notion of LingShen represents the current untimely star must therefore see water are quite similar to XKLF. However because in XKFX the Period number always fly forward, XKLF ZhenShen and LingShen may takes the reverse path. Therefore in XKFX, LingShen sector in period 8 is 1234 but in XKLF is 6789. Timeliness is therefore being measured differently. 5) GRAND DUKE 太歲XKLF practitioners are very good a seizing up the fortune of a house or a place fast and accurately based on a predictive method called TaiSui that uses extensively the stems and branches combinations just liked its BaZi counterparts – 3 combo, clashes, penalty and destruction. XKFX will use the annual purple white stars with its daily and monthly stars through its 81 combinations to foretell the fate of a building, XKLF uses mainly the TaiSui replacement method of stems and branches. Besides prediction, XKLF also uses this method for date selections and activation. 6) CASTLE GATE 城門Castle Gate is almost the same as Receiving Yin Pushing Sha Script 收山出煞訣 of the Zhong ZhouPai or the Eliminating Embrace Receiving Water 消砂纳水 of the GuFa Pai 古法派, if it is not the form at the entirety but the essence may be of the same. Cheng Men or Castle Gate is classified as the topmost secret among the 6 methods. It is only taught to the most trusted students. The simple reason is that it is the application of the entire XKLF curriculum. You can master the other 5 techniques but without this Castle Gate, you don’t know how to apply XKLF. It can be construed as a simple technique to position the door or house facing/sitting based on the incoming mountain dragon and outgoing water. Unlike XKFX that require one to know the move in date and sitting/facing of the property, XKLF required the location of the water mouth. This technique is quite similar to the XKDG or the 5GCT formulas that is closed to Dragon, Mountain, Facing and Water structure thus the 2 parts to this formula, Mountain Dragon Castle Gate and Water Dragon Castle Gate. Put it bluntly, the incoming and the outgoing Castle Gate. Kindly also aware that this XKLF Castle Gate has nothing to do with XKFX Castle Gate that tap into the 45 degree auspicious star sector based on HeTu connection. The key principle of Incoming Castle Gate is the HeTu. Very similar to QKGB or LMBDJ methodology the sitting trigram and the incoming dragon trigram must form a HeTu combination in order to be considered auspicious. Facing is the opposite of sitting. By applying this technique, you can match door location to the incoming dragon. The key principle of Outgoing water Castle Gate vested in the Incoming Dragon trigram in Early Heaven sequence and the door facing trigram in Later Heaven sequence must be the same. It is simply a matter of matching correctly the Early Heaven and Later Heaven trigrams between the door facing and incoming dragon to put the structure in order. You will require to master this modus operandi to design tombstone and house facing based on the core principle of "A Thousand Buddha" Character Script 万佛字诀 vested in QingNan AoYou 青囊奥语, unlike XKFX that only can be applied to Yang House FengShui prediction. CRITIQUESIf you were to take 2 practitioners for a field trip, one being a XKFX junkies while the other a XKLF junkies you would find that the XKFX fellow will be totally lost in transition trying to figure out the stars running across a piece of paper with 9 grids and thereafter trying to talk his way through house divination based on the 81 stars combination with total disregard of the environment. XKLF practitioners on the other hand would be versatile in screening the entire formation to not only predict the outcome of a given structure but to also suggest the proper locations of the Main Door and the Tombstone to best tap into the most current auspicious Qi, all without the need to even draw the 9 grids and to fly the stars. They are among the closest and the best XuanKong methods available in the market today. GIBBERISH OLD CRAPSYUAN KONG 6 1/2 METHODS - 26102008YUAN KONG Three Affinity Obtaining Void and Emptiness (SanYuan De KongMang) is YuanKong. WuJi born TaiJi, TaiJi obtain 2 slices, 2 slices beget 4 images, 4 images formulate 8 Gua, 8 Gua separate to 64 Gua, 64 Gua flip 384 Yao, the birth of a myriad things come from the great Void, WuJi. This is YuanKong. Think again, we were so afraid of the so called Death and Emptiness (DE). However, where is mother of all nature if it is not from Emptiness? If it is from here the myriad things are born, it is of here that the myriad things should return. This is the true reflection on Death and Emptiness. It is said that DE should not sit and face. True enough. The Qi is too pure and some extend may be too strong. Why would it said that way? If one mastered the use of the 6 Jia, DE is insignificant. SanYuan is the affinity of Heaven Earth and Man in obtaining another SanYuan of Health, Wealth and Family. This is the purpose of the Great SanYuan, fundamental of all human endeavors beneath Heaven. This is not the art of the gods, but an art of the mundane human being. Wars are fought, based on this reason. Empires are built based on this reason. Longevity is also gain on this reason. Heaven has 9 stars, Earth has 8 Gua and Human has 8 doors. Know how to use this, SanYuan is obtained. Combining the art of SanYuan, with the understanding of void and emptiness, this is YuanKong. CIXIONG Intercourses of the Yin essence with the Yang essence. Failure of comprehending Early Heaven as principle, Later Heaven as application, CiXiong will not materialize. When it is said, pure Yin, pure Yang, would one assume, how would Growing Qi be born when the Yin remains Yin and Yang remains Yang? This is the modern misconception. Whereas, what is use of Qi if it wasn’t pure? The Yin Yang dragons of the 24 mountain plate arraying the SanHe and SanYuan Luopan are varied based on what? When was it said, the mountain is Yang, water is Yin? Finally, who said the mountain is Yin and water is Yang? Not knowing this is not knowing CiXiong and not knowing CiXiong is not knowing how to use the 24 mountains. What is use of the Luopan then, be it SanHe or SanYuan? AIXING If we equate Leaning Star as AiXing, we are taking a tree instead of a forest. The principle of AiXing is the map? The application is the book? How naïve this could be? Master of the old said, arrange the 6 Jia and move the 9 dragons. What does this mean? If one fails to understand the meaning of RuGong PaiLong or entering palace, arranging dragon, save it, be it 24 mountain or 32 mountains, these are all Fei! Worst, if the debate is centralize in defining sitting star versus mountain star and water star versus facing star, absolute rubbish in discourse! JINLONG From where it comes, to where it goes, this is the golden dragon. The root verse comes from the following script of Qing Ran AoYou: - “…Dian dian dao, 24 Mountains have Treasure;Dao dao dian, 24 Mountains have Fire Pit.The Golden Dragon, Longitude and Latitude even though come with different meaning, Does it move or does it not move, all depend on the Master of Fengshui to apply…” First, one has to understand what is this dragon is all about? Why is it golden? Is it because the script is talking about Qian, being metal and being the head of the dragon? When we said a missing sector in Qian palace, does it also means to say the star AIXING would not takes it LoShu flight path and all that is to say about flying star FeiXing, would not work? Absolute rubbish! What does longitude and latitude mean? The book and the map, woven in longitude and latitude? Before it goes beyond paranoia, it simply says the use of the LuoPan to measures the 6 Jia. Knowing the 6 Jia is grossly insufficient, knowing how to use it is the treasure. Does it mean the Ling and Zhen Shen? Think about it! CHENGMEN This is the best kept secret. The magical door that required the keyword – Open Sesame, to activate? Consider, if ShengQi needs to ride, where would it be ride? Heaven has 9 stars, Earth has 8 Gua and Human has 8 gates, where are these gates and what is his castle? Mountain as principle, water as application, how does one use it? Be it 6 Jia, 64 Gua or 384 Yao, not knowing the nature of the gates of Man, Castle Gate is just another mouse trap. Think again! TAISUI The ruling Qi for the year or the guardian deity of the year? One has to understand who the host is and who the guest is. What is to be replaced and how it is to be replaced. The governing of the 20 years cycle, 10 years cycle all determined the locations of the 8 doors, opening and closing of the 8 doors. Most importantly the luck of the mansion. In conclusion, this is just a scribble of fictions and facts called, YuanKong 6 and a half method, anyone interested to learn out there? LIUFA AND FEIXING TURMOIL - SOME CONSIDERATION PLEASE - 20062008A fellow FengShui practitioner from France brought to my attention an article about the saga between flying star FengShui and the LiuFa FengShui. I read with interest unto the so called facts that had been placed forward as argument for argument sake. In the first instance these facts are beyond validation, only disciple of a certain lineage or schools could verify. So, I place my bet with these 10 arguments in mind for hopes that it may throw some new light, if any, to whom ever who read this blog, intellectually or casually.
Originally there is only 1 school. It will be quite whimsical to classify a method as time based such as SanYuan or three periods simply because time is of the essence to such a methodology. In fact, SanHe, three harmonies, the so called oldies also has their own time dimension. It will be just a folly to say BaZhai as a SanYuan methodology. It could have been a SanHe school. So, the history of FengShui must first be re-written. There is no SanHe or SanYuan. There are many lineages and sub lineages, all to their very specific purpose and use. In fact, BaZhai could have read as a macro of XuanKong DaGua, so where is the disdain fallacy? Flying Star is a relatively new method at most born out of writings from Tang Yang Wu and Shen Ju Ren. These masters may have quoted from the classics notably DiLiBianZhen to offer their views as in XuanKong BenYi and Shen Si XuanKong Xue, could these masters interpreted the classics correctly given the fact that they may not inherit the transmission from the proper lineage? Same goes with the LiuFa, where the emphasis is on the 6 method of Zhen and Ling Shen, CiXiong, Chen Men, TaiSui, AiXing and others. My question is why 6? Could have been more considerations? Magnetic North versus True North controversy. The evolution of the Chinese compass was from the sundial having the 24 mountain plate created by YangGong. Those from YangGong traditions will immediately know that the Sun is the factor. Similarly in deciding the actual timing in hour’s selection for FengShui. Food for thought. Rotation of earth moves in one direction. Rotation of Earth moves in one orbital direction. Time moves forward and never backward. How possible could a period, Yun, sometimes move forward and sometimes move backward in accordance to the Gua Yao of the particular period in question? The YangGong GuFa lineage does not recognize Yi Long Jing and Han Long Jing as written by YangGong himself. So, how could we rationalized based on these 2 classics? If bright hall should be big, then why is there a saying that to consume by the bright hall? Meaning to be drawn by the bright hall? There is a big different between the Yin dwelling and a Yang dwelling. The Yin has 1 compartment, the Yang has many. Flying star 9 palaces cannot fly in 1 compartment. So how to deal with this? Bright hall must have South Facing, meaning all South facing houses and graves must be prosperous and is that so in the practical sense? 3 elegance and 6 auspicious has many definitions. In terms of regulating water courses, there is no such a thing as many incoming but single outgoing. The notion of the incoming and outgoing water mouth must first be investigated. The constellation or asterism inclusion unto the 24 mountain plate called the seam needle in the SanHe Luopan, sometime called human plate were based on astronomical considerations invented by Lai BuYi. The old school of YangGong does not use this ring, although to some extent Lai BuYi were known to have received YangGong’s transmission from his father whom had learnt the art from YangGong’s senior disciple. Lai BuYi improvises on the system to make it for his own. The XuanKong proponent further improvises on these and called it by different terms such as XuanKong Dawuxing. So, one do not necessary need a heavenly sign to do FengShui. These points are not meant to debunk any fallacy nor a sales gimmick that may arise, but to intellectually provoke readers whom had happened to come across an article about the saga between LiuFa and Feixing. Perhaps one may drop me an email for me to direct them to the source article found in the WWW.
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