Now that we have entered a brand new year 2017 - I have good news & I have bad news… Let me start first with a harsh reality. No matter what anyone is saying - things are getting bad out there & they’re only going to get worse. See, the entire World has changed, however, we’re still believing in the old ways of doing things. It’s crazy! Here’s what we’re taught through the “OLD school of thoughts” #1 - Go To School #2 - Get a Job #3 - Work Hard #4 - Pay Your Taxes #5 - Save Your Money #6 - Get Out of Debt #7 - Invest For The Long Term #8 - Retire Let me ask you something - does that REALLY sound like something you can do today and succeed? NO! This system can’t be further from the “truth”. These are exactly the Battle Cries from Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, trying to brainwash everyone seeking to be the next millionaire. Even one of the Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) in town echoed the same to hard sell their BaZi programme morph into some other forms beyond recognition… Wonder why don’t the master trainer make all his staffs to be millionaires and not having to work for him, before they are let go to promote his courses such as the Million-Hair Mind, Get Filthy-Rich with FengShui or How To Survive in Turbulent Times? THE STRATIFIED SOCIETIES The Hindu has the caste system to put every person by birth into the order of the Ruling Class, the Warrior Class, the Traders, the Artisans and the Untouchables. The Feudal system has the following stratified societies, the Monarchy, the Officers, the Warriors, the Merchants, the Artisans, the Farmers and the Commoners. The Feudal system with their wealth and embezzlement form the 13 families that controls 90% of the world resources till today. When the Feudal system broke down in the era of Industrial Revolution, the Laissez-faire (free market) economy comes in as replacement. Capitalism takes its root by introducing the stratified society of one with Capital, the Bourgeois (the Landlord) and the one without Capital, the Proletariat (the Worker). The Feudal system did not just die there… it merely transform into something else – the Capitalist. Everyone works for the Capitalist. The Capitalist controls 90% of the world resources and the majority has less than 10%. This is where the term “modern slavery” comes into existence. Kiyosaki merely resonate the fact that the majority were educated to think like the Proletariat (the Worker) and the Bourgeois (the Landlord) has a totally different mindset and game plan. This is very true. The entire mechanism and machinery from the cradle to the grave were designed to produce the Proletariat (the Worker) and not the Bourgeois (the Landlord). You only need one Queen Bee in the Hive, not more. Even one of the Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) in town echoed the same to hard sell their BaZi programme morph into some other forms liked the Million-Hair Mind, Get Filthy-Rich with FengShui or How To Survive in Disturbing Times? To resolve the injustice of the Capitalist controlling 90% of the world resources and the majority has less than 10%, a reverse system was introduced – called Communism. There should only be the State and the Proletariat (the Worker). By the same token, the State is but a reflection of the Bourgeois (the Landlord) and the Proletariat (the Worker) only controls less than 1% of the resources. Everything goes back to square one… just different terms and nothing new. That is where Communism failed. Fast forward into the future, Information Revolution took over the Industrial Revolution. The world is getting smaller, things are moving faster, everything digital and games are changing by the second. The Information age will see the Plug-In (those with Info) and the Plug-Out (those without Info). The Plug-In or Plug-Out depends greatly on the level of relevancy in this stratified society. Facebook and Google has physical commodity to sell. Uber and Grab do not own any car but yet control the largest fleet of taxis in the world. Camera goes digital and Kodak has to go burst. Apple is trying to compress the entire digital world into paper thin apparatus. Banks go digitals with only a webpage on the screen. What these events trying to show are nothing new. Change is the only Constant. Obsolesces are the new world order. Bourgeois (the Landlord) and the Proletariat (the Worker) still exist but now take a different form. The One who truly qualified to be the Bourgeois (the Landlord), if not by birth, shall be the one who offer their services nobody can deny. This is a parcel of the Blue Ocean strategy – creating relevance and to avoid obsolesces. Kiyosaki is trying to reinvent himself by selling this - creating relevance and to avoid obsolesces. Even one of the Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) in town is doing just that! Morphing age-old Chinese Metaphysics into Hyper Modern Catch-Phrase Jargon – liked Art of the Sages? THE ANCIENT CHINESE FORMULA 古老方法 Change is the only Constant. The wisest saying in the YiJing. Retrospection against the ancient feudal stratified societies, there are basically:
The Monarch arises as someone who fought and win the battle against all odds. Make no mistake that they resemble the most ruthless persona with greed and ambitions without remorse and empathy to build an empire. If they are made to be, they shall be from the Warrior class. The other class of Monarch, is born to be through hereditary. They too learn the art of survival from the very young age to be the most ruthless persona with greed and ambitions without remorse and empathy to inherit an empire. These are the inherent character of the Monarch – that is beyond reach by the commoners. Today, everybody want to be a monarch by their own rights. Modern monarchs are tycoons, someone who is in control of the entire conglomerate of multi-national companies that hire thousands of workers having flagships properties all the world over. But how many tycoons are there compared to the rest of the population? Which country produced the most tycoons? How to be one? The ancient sage came out with the following formulas, Knowledge 讀書, Deed 福德, Wind and Water 風水, Luck 運 and Fate 命. These 5 formulas are arranged with Fate being the first and Knowledge being the least important. In reality, they meant to be read upside down because they knew that not everyone is lucky enough to be born or fated to be an Emperor. So, you ought to work your way up… KNOWLEDGE 讀書 The Chinese has this saying, 書中自有黄金屋 meaning within the pages of the books you will build your golden house, typically a Confucian thinking! How Bourgeois can that be? In the literal sense, it simply means Knowledge 讀書 is your first line of defence. You must reckoned what is true and what is false. With knowledge you make informed decision. In the entire lifespan of a typical China-man, there are 3 stages of growth namely FuLu Shou, 福祿壽, Auspicious, Prosperity and Longevity. It is deemed Auspicious if one has the opportunity to acquire Knowledge and by so doing one is able to have good career and to build a family with good offspring. This is the criteria of being auspicious 福. DEED 福德 With these informed decision that you make, you take proactive action. These actions are called Deeds. When a commoner has the knowledge of farming, his deeds are known by many as Farmer, the producer. When the farmer specialises in a specific sets of skill, he is an expert and are called the Artisans. When he is skilled in monetizing his arts, he is called the Merchants. During peace time, they are all farmers. During critical crisis, they are all Warriors. These are all Deeds. Good deeds bring forth good outcome. Bad deeds bring forth bad outcome. Some called this Karma 因果. In Hyper Modern Catch-Phrase Jargon, it is call Equilibrium Exchange. No action no outcome. By the same token, you ought to create relevance with the set of skills you acquired. Some took the route of 書中自有黄金屋 meaning within the pages of the books you will build your golden house, by scoring high achievement in the Imperial examination to be promoted as Official 官 in the Imperial court, 攀龍有慶. WIND AND WATER 風水 These Deeds will open up opportunity of meeting noble people 貴人. People will be drawn to you and they will bring opportunity to you, simply because they need your services of a specific skillset. Your skill will be known to all just like wind that will blow to all the 8 directions. People will then come to you like water flowing back to its source. Together, these are FengShui, Wind and Water 風水. In Hyper Modern Catch-Phrase Jargon, it is at the right place at the right time or technical know-Who is more important than technical know-How. This will bring you wealth 祿. LUCK 運 When a person is wealthy, wealth buys more 財 opportunity, power and nobility 貴. A wealthy person is always considered to be Lucky 運. They will be viewed as being in their good luck cycle. Some took the route of 書中自有黄金屋 meaning within the pages of the books you will build your golden house, by scoring high achievement in the Imperial examination to be promoted as Official 官 in the Imperial court, 攀龍有慶. With Officer 官 position, people will come to you with money 財 in exchange for favour. This is the so-called Prosperous Luck Cycle stages of growth 祿. FATE 命 With such luck, your Fate 命 will change. If you do not turn out to be the King himself, you could be the King Maker. Many politicians 官 make their friends and families to be tycoons by dishing out government projects. This is called Nepotism and Cronyism. When they have their hands to the national wealth cookie jar and use them as though it was their personal funds, this is term Kleptocracy. Who say that one’s Fate cannot change? It can change and it also can change for the worse. A good Life 命, also the same word as fate, is to grow old gracefully 壽, which does not just mean longevity. What is longevity to you if it brings suffering liked prolong illness? 3 APPLICATIONS IN THE MODERN WORLD 現代三要 What are the 3 prerequisites 三要? Money, money and money… Just see for instance, one of the Money squeezing Academy of Chinese metaphysics (MsAocm) has to offer liked the Million-Hair Mind, Get Filthy-Rich with FengShui or How to Survive in Disturbing Times. It is all related to money, money and money… Just wonder why don’t the master trainer make all his staffs to be millionaires and not having to work for him, before they are let go to promote his courses? Actions speak louder than words… right? The fact is the same… You need the majority of the Proletariat (the Worker) to serve the minority of the Bourgeois (the Landlord). No matter how you camouflage, the order of nature is the same… 道法自然. The fastest way to accomplish such is to ignore the followings… THE 3 ABSTINENCE 三不做 To be a modern day Monarch, one must be the most ruthless persona with greed and ambitions without remorse and empathy to build an empire. If they are made to be, they shall be from the Warrior class. They must ignore these 3 abstinence 三不做… 1. No Affinity, Don't Do... 2. Against One's Conscience, Don't Do... 3. Destroying Other's FengShui, Don't Do... BE AS GREEDY AS THE WOLF 貪狼 By so doing they shall use the number One star TangLang 貪狼 or TianPeng 天蓬 to the maximum before arriving to become the number 5 star LianZhen 廉貞. TangLang 貪狼 comprises of the word – Greed 貪 and not the word – Poor 貧. Can you see the similarity of both words? Why people say, once you are greedy 貪 you will become poor 貧. However, if you are not greedy enough you have no hunger to strive… Strange enough, in QiMen, TangLang 貪狼 is TianPeng 天蓬, that the classical tales Journey to the West 西游記, portray as a Pig 豬八戒. TianPeng 天蓬 manifest someone who is Greedy and would do anything to fulfil his lust. That is the sort of quality if you want to be the Emperor - LianZhen 廉貞. THE GREEDY WOLF FENGSHUI MASTERS HongKong FeiXing Master Li Kui-Ming (李 居明) needs very little introduction. He hits some sense in most of our FengShui discourse especially so to the layman. One statement that he made was that – do you know why most of the poor remains poor and the rich remains rich? If you ask the poor to shift out from their current home due to bad FengShui, they most likely not able to do it. Therefore they are poor. But, when you ask the rich to move out of the current house for a better FengShui house somewhere, they would do it without giving a second thought! Therefore, they are rich! So, really don’t even think of doing FengShui or even engaging FengShui master for an advice, if you are poor. Don’t even think of spending your hard earned money in courses liked – Million Hair mind through FengShui or Getting Filthy Rich with FengShui if you are poor! It simply cannot make magic for the poor… but for the rich and about to be wealthy, yes indeed – Good FengShui complements you because you will make the changes for the sake of getting richer… well, not necessary greedier. That include the magic techniques of ShengJi and the other bullshit stuffs. All you need is to engage a FengShui master who could make you a Million Hair! TO THE MILLION HAIR MASTERS… 话说七分留三分,留下三分积儿孙。Quote seven points reserve three points, leaving behind three points for your children and grandchildren. This is the cardinal rule of all mortals, unless one is an immortal, or aspire to be one, for example, be a monk/nun and go forth for renunciation. In most Chinese Metaphysics School, this is lesson number ONE. It is greatly missing in English orientated, Money squeezing Academy of chinese metaphysics (MsAocm). In the Chinese sections of the FengShui forum, someone quoted this, 千万不要为了攀附名人高官而随意做法,而给自己和家人带来不利的因果。话说七分留三分,留下三分积儿孙。多为孩子和家人积德,不要借用家人的能量为别人消 灾增福,这是一件很可怕的事情。For a thousand times, do not do it for the sake of associating with the celebrities and the well-known of high officers and freely dishing out your services to them, and give to yourself the adverse consequences of your action to your families. Quote seven points reserve three points, leaving behind three points for your children and grandchildren. Accomplish more merits for your children and family members, do not borrow the good merits of your family for the sake of others salvation, this is a very terrible thing to do. THE MILLION-HAIRS KING MAKERS TO BE... Show Me The MONEY !!! - 21062010 This Summer Solstice is strange. First, I bump into a “millionaire” production factory, which I am about to enroll. Second, before I can be made a “millionaire”, I must undertake prep-course before the initiation into indoor discipleship. Only then I am a millionaire. In order to do so I must equip myself with the first million. Why? Because the courses that I am embarking costs more than USD10, 000.00 per session. There are 3 introductory modules, 3 practitioner modules, 3 mastery modules plus one practical module, total up to 1 million, Ringgit for that matter. Then, I read somewhere; the factory owner runs a business of high profit margin. As a disciple you pay a fee, prepare to be mold into a millionaire and that is the end of the transaction. They have their very own expertise and business is business and don’t be too shock with the world of capitalism. How the factory may runs on welfare basis? Right? The owner also needs to be fed - “cari makan”. This is gorgeous! I never knew that FengShui master has to “cari makan” among their students? I always thought that they are self sufficient with the endowment of the SanYuan of health, wealth and descendent? Perhaps, their services to their clients are just on the affinity basis and not so much of the “cari makan”? Maybe I am wrong. Just met up with an old friend from Singapore, one from the family of FengShui master turns Chinese Medicated Hall Entrepreneurs. They kept their practice and lineage only to their own family members. They engage commercial FengShui masters for “show”, especially during opening of their branches. You hardly know they knew their stuff because they don’t look Chinese enough to even hold a LouPan in their hands. Yup, I forgot to ask if they have application forms for me to enroll as indoor disciple. Shit! What a chance I missed! Any more genuine masters who can turn me into a millionaire? Please stand up! Ming Yi Of Boleh-Land – The Making Of The Millionaire Monk - 12092010 I am speechless… I gathered news that a Buddhist Monk from Penang has transformed from being a “poor” monk to a wealthy monk, thanks to the millionaire factory soon to be FengShui master. Now, he has luxury cars, bungalows and a huge retinue of followers whose donations are meant for his whimsical disposals. Congratulations to him, as he will soon to be following the footsteps of Singapore’s famous Venerable MingYi. The difference, maybe this time, it is from the Boleh-land instead of the Kiasu-land. Well, thanks to the good FengShui, I believed. Somehow, I happened to bump onto this very wealthy monk prior to 2006. Although he is not wealthy then, he has a personal lay assistant accompanying him to study FengShui from one of the academy in town. I remember vividly blogging about it, as one seldom sees a monk in FengShui class. His demeanor is rather uncommon of a person leading a homeless life, such as eating Mc Donald’s after midday? What is used of FengShui to him? For once I believed he may use it for the benefits of others and from the recent news I gathered, I was proven wrong. I did not hear from him since. I used to think that Buddhist monk leads a homeless life without the burden of material gains. They have the very basic necessities such as the robes, bowl, and some simple needle for stitching and small blade for shavings. They cannot even keep their food overnight and they are only allowed to consume solid food once a day before midday. However, I was told otherwise that in Penang, a wish fulfilling FengShui master is able to grant a student monk of his wish which he is to change his luck and his underprivileged condition. He wanted fame, he wanted devotees, and he wanted money to sustain his temple. I wonder why he did not request for a beautiful wife instead. I believed, environment changes, so is the monk’s necessities. We also heard that there are also some modern monks who traded their robes for a pair of jeans. I am not surprise at all. It is all coming from the heart that is wayward, XingBu Zhen 心 不 正. Rather useless to talk about the ethic of a good master, when it only shows that they are from the same flocks of scrupulous wayward practitioners. Bloody shame indeed. On Second Thought... - 05102010 Ever since my expose of Bastardizing XieZi follows by Bastardizing FeiXing, I am humbled by the brief introduction of the soon to be master. On such occassion, one thing has been proven the truth as admitted by himself, I am NOT lying. Indeed I knew of a monk in saffron robe with his assistant 7 years ago. In regards of this, please anyone out there mind telling me is it all right for a Buddhist Monk in saffron robe craved after fame, money and all things luxury? On the contrary if such practices are as in the words of the soon to be master, dishonesty, disintegrity and most importantly, WITHOUT a sincere heart towards society and friends, why on earth, such a blog post has been removed? Well, correctly put it, why should he allow you to cover his face, similarly why should you delete your own blog post? Shame perhaps? Strangely, one Singaporean FengShui blogger has this to share: - "... This is another type of clown in metaphysics who had instead dragged the name of Buddhism into the pursuits of materialism which I am aghast. I hope that he had written it wrongly as he is apparently not English educated from the way he wrote, not being able to portray his thoughts well enough. I am not different as I am English educated but do have many typo errors which I hope my readers will forgive." Since there are several emails enquiries about the article, part of it: 'the Monk, expressed his wish to change his luck and his underprevilaged condition. He wanted fame, he wanted devotees, he wanted money to substain his temple. Then, he started to sit in my feng shui class since year 2006. Within 9 months, he had started to see drastic change to his temple and increase of devotees quantity.Today, he is still come for regular feng shui study and Daoism.It is sufficient and enough for a religious monk to have a personal bungalow and a luxury car." Yes, I am not kidding, this is what was written...- Leegiat (Sept 16, 2010)" These are not my words, definitely. I also hope that he has written it wrongly. This blog is dedicated towards provocateurs. An upright person is not afraid to be a subject of provocations. Anger, frustration and jealousy of not able to sit on the "dragon spot", how funny could it be? Anger, frustration and jealousy of seeing masters bastardizing FengShui and milking their student, brothers within the same school malice against one another to be closer to the teacher, these are the subjects of provocateur. Anything wrong? Stepping others so to glorify myself? How glorify can I be? Up the pedestal to be awarded grandmaster? Come on... think for yourself! Perhaps it is strange as what has Architecture as a profession got to do with these expose as a context? I am becoming confused? Although there is always a bitter feelings between designers and FengShui practitioners for reasons of not understanding each other, it does not however boils down to an ethic of a master as in so damn low as to conciously assisting a clergy to break his precepts. Perhaps it becomes a little petty when there is nothing better and substantial to provoke and it becomes a "personal attack" instead. That is the charecteristic of petty people. Let us reflects on the following Gospels: -
Thank you
Postscript: I am speechless?An astounding soon to be master now sounded liked an uneducated scrupulous scumbag! Too much of dragon Qi I supposed? The scumbag's lyrical sounded as though I am bagging him to teach me. What a joke? Perhaps he indirectly has the intention to hit on someone else across the causeway which is his hallmarks, behind veils. Well, short of saying he has no balls, lah. Same with his retinue of fans such as Swan, if I not mistaken. Thanks for showing up, Swan. I miss your bastardizing commentary. Saying thus this is not the first time, remember he quoted Master M of Thailand (This is exactly how he puts it, isn't it?) for screwing up the FengShui of one restaurant? For the soon to be master sake, let not be petty over individual differences and moves on. Talk facts with dignity and stop the childish game of personal ruthless attack, which is only meant for scumbags. Mind you, the soon to be master is supposed to be older and wiser than me (40+ maybe?). For such I thank soon to be master for guiding me. Age does not necessary means wisdom.
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